View Full Version : Election Issue Results

Nov 5, 2008, 1:50 AM
I was just wondering if anyone had a measure they were going for that didn’t pass or vice versa. I only had two measures go the other way from how I voted this year and I really only cared about the one:

Opens primary voting to all regardless of self-identified party affiliation. The two candidates who wrangle the most votes would face off in November but not as nominees of their particular party. Critics worry it could hurt the state's minor parties or majority parties.

So are there any measures from you state your bummed about?


Nov 5, 2008, 3:27 AM
I can't find any information on whether this passed or not, even the columbus dispatch page doesn't have the results.

Ohio's issue #6

Commonly referred to as the casino issue.

Primary opposition to it is that there is no set tax amount on it. Any casino that opens up pays the least amount of taxes for a casino of that type. Given that there are no casino's in Ohio this would mean they all pay no taxes or they pay the least taxes of any casino of their type in the nation. All they would have to do is claim that they're a new kind of casino and they don't pay taxes.

If this thing passes I'm going to be pissed.

Oh, also incumbent Jean Schmidt won the house seat and she's a dumbass who abuses power. Think Palin only slightly toned down.

Nov 5, 2008, 3:57 AM
So far not very happy with my state's legislative results. Haven't seen any results for the measures that were up tho.

Hoping #595 was seriously defeated as it did nothing for the eastern side of the state and only helped the "coasties".

Nov 5, 2008, 1:25 PM
I can't find any information on whether this passed or not, even the columbus dispatch page doesn't have the results.

Ohio's issue #6

Commonly referred to as the casino issue.

Primary opposition to it is that there is no set tax amount on it. Any casino that opens up pays the least amount of taxes for a casino of that type. Given that there are no casino's in Ohio this would mean they all pay no taxes or they pay the least taxes of any casino of their type in the nation. All they would have to do is claim that they're a new kind of casino and they don't pay taxes.

If this thing passes I'm going to be pissed.

Oh, also incumbent Jean Schmidt won the house seat and she's a dumbass who abuses power. Think Palin only slightly toned down.

Issue 6 in Ohio went down big time--I am for casinos here in Ohio--we have millions that leave the state thanks to so many Ohioans heading for casinos in the states that border us---might as well make the money and keep it here---the thing with that one--it only allowed that one casino--they need to get a rational, reasonable one that allows for a casino to be located in each part of the state---

As far as Jean Schmidt--she is pretty much worthless--even the Republican party admits she is pretty bad--but that district is so deep red---the only way to get out a Republican Rep in that district--it would have to be a man that gets caught fucking boys in his office or something---and they would elect a Republican to replace him--

At least Steve Chabot lost and the Dem won there----that is some progress---

In another post---I mentioned that Prop 8 in California passed--as did another anti-same sex marriage proposal in Florida----but two very draconian anti-abortion ballot measures failed in South Dakota and Colorado.

The one in Colorado would have made it that "life begins at conception"---with that standard--most contraceptives would have also been outlawed.

Nov 5, 2008, 8:32 PM
Amendment 2 was the biggie here. Unfortunately, it passed, but could be challenged in federal court as a 1st and 14th amendment violations.

It amounts to a "Jim Crow" law, of sorts.

Nov 5, 2008, 9:29 PM
Amendment 2 was the biggie here. Unfortunately, it passed, but could be challenged in federal court as a 1st and 14th amendment violations.

It amounts to a "Jim Crow" law, of sorts.

I would rather have a different Supreme Court that the child of the Bush administration we now have.

Nov 6, 2008, 2:10 AM
I would rather have a different Supreme Court that the child of the Bush administration we now have.

True there. Just have to get ALL of the judges to support the Constitution over their religious prejudices.

But, I have said this before, Amendment 2 and prop 8 both amount to the same as "Jim Crow" laws.

Nov 6, 2008, 4:30 PM
As far as Jean Schmidt--she is pretty much worthless--even the Republican party admits she is pretty bad--but that district is so deep red---the only way to get out a Republican Rep in that district--it would have to be a man that gets caught fucking boys in his office or something---and they would elect a Republican to replace him--

If you were to put blue or red dots on the map to represent every voter in this district you would actually see more blue than red, its just that the red dots would be about 20 deep in the heavy red areas. I hate gerrymandering.

Nov 8, 2008, 5:07 PM
Nope. Not in my area anyway.