View Full Version : Had a gr8 time last nite (short borin post- not rude)

Nov 2, 2008, 12:13 PM
We had our 1s nites clubbin las nite since Kate's lil incident a few weeks ago.. we hav had a cuppla nites in the pub havin a quiet drink an also out 2 dinna wiv m8s..nowt excitin or amazin.. jus parta me lil effort 2 ease me luffly Naggy bak 2 the world a seedy an wild times..

.. but las nite we took the big step .. least wos for 'er.. a meetin up wiv our m8s.. havin few noisy an fun drinks an then off 2 club for sum wild dancin.. fore we went out Kate wos a lil quiet an bit uneasy.. but 1ce we got 2 the pub an familar surroundins, an lotsa luffly familar tarts for company..all wos well..an she had a ball... wotchin 'er on the dance floor reely givin it laldy wos triff an it brot a lil tear 2 the Fran eye that finally afta sum weeks a stress 'er Kate wos finally jus bout bak 2 normal.. an wot made it so brill wos 'er flirtin wiv sum gormless guy at the bar.. me knew that all wos well in 'er lil mind...

..so afta a few weeks wich we cudda dun wivout things r bak 2 wer they shud b.. neitha of us will eva forget the eventsa few weeks bak..an she certainly wont... an ther will always b a lil bitta wariness wich wosn ther before.. but the TLC has paid off an Kate is gain the Naggy me luffs an adores so much...:bigrin:

Nov 2, 2008, 1:35 PM
So happy to hear you and Kate had such a good time, Fran....and also that the needed extra love and attention has helped her to get where she needs to be once again....proof positive that the two of you can get through anything together!

Big hugs to you both,
Mumsy Kate

Nov 2, 2008, 7:49 PM
That's wonderful news, Fran. I'm so happy Kate is receptive on the mend. You both have been thru so much and each time prove to be stronger and stronger both as individuals and a couple. Big hugs to you all.

Nov 3, 2008, 7:52 AM
Awwwww.. from me 2 favouritist.. wot can me say.. cept that as eva yas cum up trumps an me luffsya dearly...

...had almos forgotted wot a hangova wos like..tee hee:bigrin: ... an how silly she can b wiv a lil dwinkie in 'er....:tong: