View Full Version : Can't read posts by TheJoe???

Oct 29, 2008, 12:34 PM
When I see things posted up by TheJoe---I get a message saying its an invalid link--

I had at first thought that it was because he was yet one more expression of our troll---but reading his profile---I certainly don't think that is so.

Does anyone have any idea why his postings get blanked out???

Oct 29, 2008, 12:41 PM
i have the same problem, and i agree doesnt look like the usual troll.

Oct 29, 2008, 1:27 PM
Thats ok Voltie. The Troll made the mistake of posting under his "Normal" persona recently. Hmmm, funny thing about ISP addresses. They make a wonderful signatures, and be Very traceable for the right Computer Guru's..lol
Interesting developements coming soon....

Oct 29, 2008, 4:51 PM
I have met and chatted with TheJoe in chat and he certainly in no way seems to be our troll. Only thing I can figure out is that perhaps it was the way he spells his name, no spaces and a capital letter for the second word (like "JamesMitchell", JudeQuinn", "OrlandoCocksucker" and my personal favorite, "WhipHandleInTheAss", lol) that made someone assume it was and reported him I have never seen a post of his in the past that would make me think he was our troll, and believe me I have been keeping an eye out, so it may have been a mistake.

While I realize that many of us are sometimes over zealous in our efforts to thwart the troll, we do need to be very careful not to jump to conclusions before we make accusations or report a post. Make sure that there is more than one post first, make sure it fits the criteria of previous troll posts and then do what you may. But to make such a mistake can be hard on a newbie who is just trying to find his niche on this site.

But mark my words, the troll WILL be back and it will most likely be soon....I have every reason to believe that he's been angered by some posts here lately and it's just a matter of time.


Oct 29, 2008, 5:30 PM
Well--I was just wondering why when you click on his posts----you get that message--I had thought it was because he might have said something that got him booted-and such--but like I said--when I read his profile--it seems he is just fine----I can't read any of his posts----if his stuff wasn't deleted---then there is some sort of problem with something relating to his account.

Here is the message I get when I click on his thread:

Invalid Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

Oct 29, 2008, 6:53 PM
I get the same thing Volty.

Oct 29, 2008, 7:41 PM
the problem has been reported to Drew.

TheJoe is a nice fellow... def. NOT the troll.


Oct 29, 2008, 9:22 PM
TheJoe is certainly not a troll, based on what we've seen posted by him, so the question begs to be asked, why are his posted threads not coming through?

We noticed it, too. Seems odd.

Oct 29, 2008, 9:54 PM
Yeah..he's certainly not posting like the troll, never was offensive in any of them and he seemed quite nice in chat. I am also puzzled as to why his most recent forum entry no longer even appears on the list. It was there about an hour or so ago. When you try to access his past posts through his profile, you get the same error message that you get for someone who's posts have been deleted by Drew. Seems odd to me and I sure hope his posts weren't deleted by accident. But like Peg has said, he sent a message to Drew as was suggested in the chat room and hopefully he will have this problem corrected.