View Full Version : I'm crushing on my straight (?) friend

Jan 4, 2006, 1:38 PM
Have any of you ever crushed on a straight (?) friend?
This crush clarifies for me that I am definently bi. Unfortunantly, she's straight and even tells me about the guys she's interested in.
she always wants me to cuddle with her (more so when drunk, but still),
is very affectionate, kisses me on the cheek when we say goodbye, told me that she had a sex dream about me, and once we made out at a party. It wasn't really a romantic thing, more like a drunken debauchery thing with all these people watching, but it was her suggestion.

I can't decide if she digs me or if I'm just reading into to much.
What do you think? Should I go for it?
And if so, how do you approach a straight friend? I don't want to make her uncomfortable or lose her friendship is she isn't attracted to me.

Also, I am not really out to my friends. Would it be better if I came out and then see if she approaches me?

Advice, please!

Jan 4, 2006, 1:57 PM
From what you have told us---it does sound that your friend has some interest in you and in being with another girl.

It actually sounds as if you guys are fairly far along the path of getting together--I would say just let it follow its own course. Rushing her before she is truly ready could push her away--so take it cool.

As far as coming out--that is not a question for anyone else to answer--you have to answer that for yourself.. Just as you need to proceed slowly with your friend and potential lover--take coming out slowly as well.

I am sure you will get far better advise on both counts from people on here with far more bisexual experience than I, but I hope what I have said is of some help.

Enjoy this site and take care.... :)

Jan 4, 2006, 7:56 PM
Simply ask your friend if when these things happen, is she showing interest in you? If not, don't jeopardize your friendship by tryng to make something happen. Then again, she may say "no" but still be in the closet. But if you are friends and fairly along in your friendship, let things happen as they will. If the only physical affection is coming in the form of friendly cuddles, goodnight kisses and "drunken debauchery", then enjoy it while it last. I hope things go in the positive with you and your friend... :paw: :paw:

Eddie altamonte
Jan 4, 2006, 8:27 PM
She has an attraction to you for sure!...ask he to dinner and a movie then have a nightcap and dessert. To which just be straight with her...damn is that an oxymoron or what?...Tell her you are curious of what it feels to kiss her and go from there