View Full Version : The EX Files-Part 4 Couldn't leave this one out!

Oct 24, 2008, 7:20 AM
When I saw the threads for the EX files, I had to put my own two cents in. This story is just too cool not to share! Little bit of background....
I used to be a heavy, blackout drunk. From the age of 11 all the way until I was 21, I used every drug imaginable, and drank huge quantities of hard liquor daily. I dropped out of college because the classes cut into my partying time, lost job after job from being drunk, and generally alienated my friends and family. (Trust me, this isn't the sob story you think it is!) So, needless to say, when I met my ex husband at 20, I was ready to settle down. I had narrowly escaped an abusive relationship that I had been in since 15 and was looking for security, stability and someone who would love me. Within three months of meeting him, I was pregnant. Yikes! I was a drunk, what was I going to do with a kid? Immediately I quit cold turkey, and we were married. My wonderful soon to be husband at the time actually forgot to propose, he just handed me a 70 dollar Wal-Mart ring that his grandma picked up earlier in the day and said, "So how about tomorrow" I remember thinking on the way home from the courthouse, seriously a wedding, I was pregnant LOL--"this is the biggest mistake I have ever made" But long story short, I stuck it out for 5 loooooooooooooong years. Stuck it out through all the stereotypical bad marriage plots, so my daughter could have her daddy at home. When I finally decided to leave, it was horrible. He hid video cameras in our house so he could catch me and my mom talking about him, cleaned out our bank accounts, left me without a penny and stole everything we owned, including the truck my dad left me. If you're wondering why I let all this happen, I was in the hospital at the time, where he very kindly cancelled my insurance the second day of a monthlong stay!

So, flash forward a few years. He and I are civil for the sake of our daughter, like so many other couples. I don't bad mouth him EVER and try to give him the respect he deserves in front of our daughter. I have remarried a wonderful man who has shown me what a true marriage really is. The point of this whole ramble is coming, I swear. But MR. EX has dropped out of my daughters life over the last couple of years. He has literally broken my daughters heart time and time again. So the other night when he finally calls after a 6 month silence, I handed the phone to her with trepidation, thinking here we go again, promises to visit and all that jazz. And my wonderful, beautiful amazing 7 year old holds the phone and says "Sorry can't talk, I'm really busy!" Don't know what he said but she responded " NO DAD I have a lot of stuff to do" after which she handed me the phone and went back to watching her movie! When I hang up, I walk into the living room and she says very seriously," He doesn't care about me, why should I care about him?" The lessons I have spent her whole life teaching her, all of those lessons I wish someone had taken the time to teach me, all of them came crashing into that one shining moment.....It's been most important to me to teach her that NO ONE should ever treat her with disrespect, not family, friends or anyone....and she actually listened!!! I've never been so proud in my entire life. Just had to share that!

Oct 24, 2008, 3:56 PM
Know what you are talking about. But I'd say you learned your lesson well and, most importantly, taught your girl well. You went from mother to mommy. keep it up and good luck;)

Oct 24, 2008, 6:15 PM
Dang Girlfriend. Half of your story sounds Just like me! I too went thru a bad bout of drinking when I was a kid, and quit the second I found out I was expecting my oldest daughter. (And this was after I had been told it would be ImPossible for me to have children. Boy, was Somebody wrong!!) lol
I was 16 when I had my daughter and my fiance was thrilled! He was in the Military and stationed in Germany when she was born. We were to be married when he got home and I was soooo extatic! He got to see pictures of her before he was killed in a motorcycle accident when she was three months old...

Long story short..I got pg again, and got married when she was a little over a year old. I was 17 when I had my oldest Son, and 18 when I had my last biological son. I stayed married to my husband for 30 years until 6 years ago when I got smart and left him. I got tired of being a verbal and physical punching bag. The physical abuse had only started the last year I was with him..but the mental and verbal had always been there.....

I had been single for 2 years till I met my Significant Other, and was with him for 4 years. I'm single again and love it. ;}
The old saying still applies Girlfriend, "What doesnt kill us makes us strong"
I'd like to add on to that: What doesnt kill us makes us strong..wiser and more capable. (It also means we've learned to never take anymore shit from Anyone! lmao!!!)
Cheers Darlin'

Oct 24, 2008, 6:40 PM
I so totally know what you guys mean, granted I don't have any childern, but my mom had four, and was my dads punching bag, both mentally and physically. I was also part of the abuse. He hated me because I acted just like my mother. Anyways when my mom actually left him for good (when I was 16) I decided that I would not be in a relationship, for the sake of the kids, and aslo that I would never be with anyone that ever acted like my dad.
Well that ended up not to be true. I am with someone that is almost excatlly like my father, but instead of physical abuse he abuses me in other ways. He uses my sexuallity against me (like pushing so hard for a threesome that I don't thing he really wants to sleep with me) Sometimes I feel like I am just here for sex. Like he doesnt even love me. He also asks like every other day to be able to sleep with another girl, but won't let me sleep with anyone else with out him. He is a control freak, needs to know who I am talking with and for how long. Freaks out when i talk to another guy or a girl that doesnt want him to be involved. Its a total mess. But I am not ready to leave. I have broken up with him many many times, but I always come back. I am just so afraid of being alone and unloved that it paralyzes me.