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Oct 20, 2008, 1:29 AM
Ok Guys and Gals, in another group that I am in the topic was "Do you believe ghosts are real?"
I'd like to take it a step further. Do you belive in Paranormal happenings, or Supernatural events? Have you ever had an encounter with a Spirit?
(Outside of havin some of Chu's Margaritas, that is. WHEW!!!" lol:tong:
Just cuz its close to Halloween....:}

Oct 20, 2008, 1:54 AM
Once my hubby and I were at a swing party and after I had my "hundreth O" I swear I saw god!! OMG sorry is that like "Chu's Margaritas"? One time we stayed at the Queen Mary, and I thought I saw what looked like a white cloud the hall. And yes I think there are souls everywhere:eek:

Oct 20, 2008, 2:04 AM
We have pictures of "ghost balls" from one of our trips to Gettysburg. Also, I have lived in 2 haunted houses in my life. One in McHenry, IL (when I was a kid) and the other in Ipswich, England (when I was stationed in East Anglia).

How's that for some paranormal experiences?

Oct 20, 2008, 3:24 AM
I have seen so many ghosts in my lifetime it would take all day just to explain where and how many i have seen...i was told by my late mother i had a gift for seeing things others could not...funny thing is the last house i lived in my daughter would tell both my ex wife and i that she could see a tall man all the time even though it was only her and i and my ex in the house....at first she thought it was me just messing around but then i was sometimes not home or in another part of the house and my daughter would talk to this 'man'.

the strangest thing i have seen was in ireland just after my mother passed away, she died in her sleep while sleeping on her couch, i went to ireland for her funeral...when i was in the family home i saw what appeared to be her seat where she died push down as if someone sat there, other people have seen this also heard footsteps from her bedroom when nobody was up there.

Oct 20, 2008, 3:33 AM
I had some "ghostly" sorts of experiences when my parents bought what we always call "the big house" at the lake we spend time----the couple who had owned it before we did were both elderly--and both in turn, beginning with the lady, had died in the house---we had some very unusual experiences in the house--at least in the first year or so--it was like the folks where checking us out--and were making sure we knew they were still there watching the place---and that finally--they approved that we were taking good care of their place and were OK by them-----over time---the unusual things finally stopped and the feeling they were there could finally move on.

On a related area as the paranormal----the British government has released an entire archive of reports in the UK over the years that hold some very credible evidence regarding "UFO" sightings reports. I heard an at length report on the BBC Radio World News on the subject and the BBC reporter was talking with someone who investigates the subject and was actually treating both the subject of UFOs and the interviewee with repect and courtesy----a change since in so many cases---journalists tend to approach the UFO subject with a "tee-he-he" sort of attitude--and not treating it with the supposed "objective standard" they are supposed to always use in most other stories.

Oct 20, 2008, 10:37 AM
Hellooooo people....there is no such thing as a ghost!

Oct 20, 2008, 1:07 PM
Ther r things we don yet undastand.. ghosts, spooks, bogie men, spirits a the dead me has doubts bout..projections a livin breathin beins by mind mayb.. windows tween worlds or universes even timelines.. natural phenomena that r of this world that we simply havnt a clue bout.. wetha they paranormal or not who knos... we may neva kno... mayb the proverbial lil green man from "out ther".. they mayb.. but we dunno an may neva kno... so quite simply me don lose sleep ova ne of wot is termed the paranormal... me jus accepts that in creation ther is "the unkown" an sumtimes.. human beins get a glimpse of it but cant make out wot it is..

Oct 20, 2008, 5:47 PM
Yes Voltie, my daughter there in England told me last night of spotting some UFO activity out in the country wher her new In-Laws live. She's always loved UFO's and we had seen them many times when we lived on the Mojave desert there in Calif. UFO's arent the same as Spiritual phenom. tho....:}
Cat :bigrin:

Oct 20, 2008, 6:06 PM
Hellooooo people....there is no such thing as a ghost!

Try to take a picture in "the triangle" at Gettysburg, PA (the most haunted town in the US) and then say that.

Oct 20, 2008, 6:15 PM
Yes Voltie, my daughter there in England told me last night of spotting some UFO activity out in the country wher her new In-Laws live. She's always loved UFO's and we had seen them many times when we lived on the Mojave desert there in Calif. UFO's arent the same as Spiritual phenom. tho....:}
Cat :bigrin:

Where in England? I was stationed in East Anglia, near Ipswich, at RAF Bentwaters (now closed and converted to housing) where they had the big UFO incident in 81. We used to see odd things in Rendelsham Forest all the time.

Oct 20, 2008, 6:37 PM
I so totally believe...I have lived in 2 haunted house in my life. But i am not gonna tell you a ghost story...i wanna tell a good happy story...
When I was about 5 years old there was a tornadoes all around where I lived and I was so scared. My parents were fighting (yet again) and I heard what i thought was a train whistle, but did not see the lights of the train (there was a train that passed right by our house every night) I started crying and saw what I believe was my gardian angel. She told me everything was gonna be all right. I called for my mom and she desappeared.

Oct 20, 2008, 10:32 PM
I've never experienced any apparitions or anything of that nature. But I've been in places that made me nervous and felt as though I wasn't by myself. Could be my own paranoia, could have been alot of things. However I do believe in it. Of course I do enjoy watching Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, Ghost Adventures, and Scariest Places on Earth lololol. I have scared myself poopless by watching a few of those shows. Its made me wonder a time or to because of my interest in watching it if it could ever open a door, because Im open to the idea that its all real. Seems to occur alot. I know for one thing I can't see myself buying some old house with lots of history. Ya just never know who you might be sharing a house with lol

Oct 20, 2008, 10:34 PM
Try to take a picture in "the triangle" at Gettysburg, PA (the most haunted town in the US) and then say that.

I saw a program on tv about Gettysburg, and yes it supposed to be really haunted. What a massacre ! Those souls never left the battlefied.

Oct 21, 2008, 12:04 AM
(forgive the length) There was a certain series "Japanese ghosts" on youtube I enjoyed. Some better than others. I think they had numbers by the titles, and some guy's voice in the videos. :) One reason I like them is because it's like "Ok find the ghost before replay!"

Ehm. I am a believer in ghosts and demons, despite my enjoyment in fake or "real" ghost vids. I havn't had any thing solid with demons. I mentioned my experiances on another forum somewhere. One night I was trying to sleep on the couch. The dog was next to me. Mind you, this dog has some phsycological issues. She just suddenly barked at the window.

I saw nothing, so took her outside. Still, nothing. I cussed a little then layed back down. Dog is now find and dandy. which annoyed me, but like I said 'coo coo' pup sometimes. I was trying to sleep again, when I felt two hands feel my waist. Kind of like you would feel the texture of something.

I was surprised, and looked to see no human body standing there. I rolled over, waited for my mind to stop being excited, then slept through the night. Wierd..

I once heard a woman's powerful voice in the kitchen in the middle of the night. Nobody else heard it though. Odd. I dont' hear voices, you know. Not really.

3 this might be odd for one reason.. As a child, and when the nehgborhood I lived in was in low development, and very few people lived there. Each friend we invited over claimed "I feel like a man is watching me." mhm.... Once ok, but more than 6 times? Interestingly, there used to be this one old machine that sat around near our house. I think it was for farming or something. It's now in Aztec NM. or wherever, being displayed to the public. They have an area there with objects, like stoves and such, used in the old west.

4 A shirt I had is missing it's beads. I washed it, and found it with all the beads off. I lost half of them, but the others weren't broken. The string that made the necklace on the shirt is still tightly secure. It was made with the fabric stiched around the ends, leaveing the ends unexposed. Obviously, the beads went through the string magicaly.

Oct 21, 2008, 2:21 AM
I saw a program on tv about Gettysburg, and yes it supposed to be really haunted. What a massacre ! Those souls never left the battlefied.

Very true. The Wheat field changed hands 3 times in an hour. They say that there were so many bodies on that particular battlefield that you could cross the field without ever touching the ground. That's a lot of dead men.

Oct 21, 2008, 11:44 AM
Well, although I never saw her myself, my family's place is haunted by the ghost of a lady who used to live there before my father bought the place way back whence. Several guests, and my brother when he was little, have claimed to have seen her about the place.

My father, although a professed atheist, has had more than his fair share of ghosts, prophecies, premonitions, etc.

The lunar eclipse before last that happened over my part of the world was a bit heebee-jeebee like. I was down a part of Eastney Beach with a couple of good friends, watching the eclipse there because the light pollution was next to nil, so lots of clear sky. The sea got distinctly got itself into a funny mood, and on our way back to the more readily populated end of the Beach, I swear I sensed a couple wandering back the other way, chatting away to one another, like a young married couple walking the promenade on a nice summers day. Was most unusual.

Oct 21, 2008, 12:19 PM
Jaime----I don't think that anyone paid any attention to what ya said in your post!!!

Why did ya have to bo cranky and try to rain on everybodys parade?????


Oct 21, 2008, 4:03 PM
My Ex husband Had to go to every battle ground in the South and back east whenever we went on a vacation. I couldnt step foot onto the ground that leads out to the Gettysberg field. I tried numerous times, but just couldnt do it. I got a horrible pain in my chest and had difficulties breathing. It didnt happen Once, it happened Every time I tried to walk out there. Same way with Vicksberg. Just couldnt do it. My oldest son walked around with his Dad, but had a raging headache by the time they got back. I just sat in the information buildings and read. :} We got some interesting pictures from there and from Appamatix,(sp) too.

Oct 21, 2008, 4:40 PM
well i have to say i believe.. for more then one reason.. lol lived in a house where stuff started getting thrown through the air... when only my and the ex where home.i moved soon after..... that got me really interested ,so now for fun i go and take pics of places that are suppost to be haunted.. just to see if i can catch anything.

Oct 21, 2008, 7:30 PM
well i have to say i believe.. for more then one reason.. lol lived in a house where stuff started getting thrown through the air... when only my and the ex where home.i moved soon after..... that got me really interested ,so now for fun i go and take pics of places that are suppost to be haunted.. just to see if i can catch anything.

According to professional ghost hunters, the most common thing that you are likely to get on film/video are wisps and balls of light that were not there when you looked at what you shot. We have one of the ghost pics from our first Gettysburg trip in our photo album here. Take a look at it on the left of the picture on the second floor wall outside and in the 1st floor window, far left. None of those lights were there when I took the picture; at least not that I saw.

Oct 21, 2008, 9:08 PM
Yes, absolutely - I know the human mind looks for ways to explain, rationalize and categorize even the irrational but I have had so many "strange coincidences" that I would be a fool not to acknowledge at the very least that there is definitely something there that we just can't measure with current instruments.

For lack of a better way to explain, most of what I experience might be termed the "yes, we exist - now go back about your mundane business" phenomenon. Definitely a very peculiar sense of being simultaneously connected and yet isolated.

I'm NOT a big fan of the people who go hunting after tortured spirits, I mean it's not quite nice to be "playing" with something that is obviously in great pain..even if it's "just energy". People joke a lot at Halloween and make that "woooOOooOOO" ghost sound, believe me that noise is a lot less fun when you've actually heard the wailing of a long low-pitched agonized cry from someone ELSE reverberating in YOUR head.

As a big fan of the philosophy of Aikido I generally operate under the delusion that things are interconnected and I like to think everything moving in a sort of go-with-the-flow harmonious way is the best. Proper respect and care must be used - even when dealing with spirits.

Thankfully for me I've only ever had to deal with a handful of malevolent things..by and large most of it has been positive experience.

Oct 21, 2008, 10:27 PM
I have had way too any experiences as have every member of my family but the most prominant one so far has been seeing my grandmother sitting in a chair in my house about an hour after I had a dream of her telling me that she missed me and wanted to visit. She died about 6 years ago.

Oct 21, 2008, 10:54 PM
Oh yes, absolutely ghosts exist.

I have heard them. They sound very distant and almost not there, but they ARE there. Very quick too. Just a word maybe two. I think their energy levels are very low so they need quiet places to express themselves.

They have scents, too. Sometimes perfume, or tobacco, or even their normal scent.

But I definitely don't want to see one...