View Full Version : Oh My God--Barack Obama has his own flag!!

Oct 18, 2008, 11:52 PM
I tried to find the story elsewhere--and even the place where I first saw the story---Rachel Maddow's show on MSNBC didn't have it--but she had a short segment on Friday night about comments some rightwing radio preacher made in recent days about some flags set up on a stage behind Barack Obama at a recent appearance Obama had in Toledo, Ohio.

This preacher freaked out over the "O" flags on the stage behind Obama--

The man said something along the lines that "this is something a potentate or dictator has done."

Well--that guy needed to just do a short Google search to find out about that flag---those flags--alternating with the Stars and Stripes----lo and behold---was the Ohio State Flag!!!!!

This just goes to show some of the downright stupidity and fearmongering that is going on out there in some quarters regarding Barack Obama---

For those who don't know what our state flag looks like--here it is:


and the information about our state flag:

Ohio's state flag was adopted in 1902. The Ohio burgee, as the swallowtail design is properly called, was designed by John Eisemann. The large blue triangle represents Ohio's hills and valleys, and the stripes represent roads and waterways. The 13 stars grouped about the circle represent the original states of the union; the 4 stars added to the peak of the triangle symbolize that Ohio was the 17th state admitted to the union. The white circle with its red center not only represents the "O" in Ohio, but also suggests Ohio's famous nickname, "The Buckeye State."

God knows--it is getting to be whacky time out there!!!

As far as the picture of the flag and the info--I did a Google search and this was the first entry that came up!!

One more thing I found funny---today I was riding around in a rural part of Ohio----I got behind a car that had a bumper sticker that read:

"Rednecks for Obama!"

I found it humorous!!

Oct 19, 2008, 1:38 PM
They don't seem to offer video segments of all parts of The Rachel Maddow show--but they do provide transcripts of each night's program--thanks to that show having aired on Friday--the transcript is not available until later on Monday-when it is available---I will either copy and paste the actual quotes of that person if I can---or at least post a link to it----

I just could not believe what that man said-----it is something that these folks can believe so many crazy things about the "sinister agenda" of Barack Obama and try to scare people by spreading such things----this guy really got caught being totally STUPID!!

Oct 19, 2008, 1:42 PM
They don't seem to offer video segments of all parts of The Rachel Maddow show--but they do provide transcripts of each night's program--thanks to that show having aired on Friday--the transcript is not available until later on Monday-when it is available---I will either copy and paste the actual quotes of that person if I can---or at least post a link to it----

I just could not believe what that man said-----it is something that these folks can believe so many crazy things about the "sinister agenda" of Barack Obama and try to scare people by spreading such things----this guy really got caught being totally STUPID!!

I saw this on Countdown with Keith Olberman....This person was one of his Worst Person in the World Recipients....Got the clip right here...: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/#27245503

Oct 19, 2008, 3:17 PM
..worse than ya think Voltie...don take 2 much imagination 2 make a B outa the shape a the flag... ooo me dus luff stirrin the lil pot...:bigrin:

Oct 20, 2008, 12:20 AM
LMFAO! Wow, the Order Of Holy Ignorance & Sacred Fear strikes again.

Oct 20, 2008, 4:44 PM
Hey Volty -- I don't know if ur old enough to remember, but back in the 60's, there were people insisting that the Peace Symbol was really "a broken cross - the symbol of the anti-Christ!"

No one was ever able to explain to my why Satan would want to advertise the fact that he was trying to trick us... always thought a more effective deceit would be to wear an American Flag pin and get us all scared that we were being threatened by (Commies, Jews, Blacks, Gays, Muslims... take your pick!)

Oct 20, 2008, 5:12 PM
Hey Volty -- I don't know if ur old enough to remember, but back in the 60's, there were people insisting that the Peace Symbol was really "a broken cross - the symbol of the anti-Christ!"

They're still telling people this lie--I heard it again only a few months ago at a truck stop.

For anyone who hasn't heard of him, Jack Chick is still around saying the Pope is the Antichrist, Reagan was the first U.S. President to salute Satan, witches are conspiring to turn our children away from Jesus and toward evil through the depravity of pop music and culture, etc. It's my understanding that he was one of the early proponents of the Peace-Sign-as-broken-cross idea.

I only recently learned myself that it's actually made up of the flag signals for "N.D.," or, "Nuclear Disarmament."

Oct 20, 2008, 5:50 PM
I very much recall what the lunatic fringe on the right were saying about the peace symbol---

It is one thing to make up something about some recently created thing like the peace symbol was during its time---but to not get it right about a state flag that has been in use for over 100 years is totally crazy!!!!

I don't know what happened to it---but someone I knew at the time--his mom made a version of the American flag that had the peace symbol on it---I would like to still have that flag for its historical nature now that I collect flags.

Oct 21, 2008, 11:27 AM
I remember those... and look what I found!


...available at http://www.patriotic-flags.com/americana/peace/peace_sign_flag.htm

(Ya gotta love Google!)

Oct 21, 2008, 12:24 PM
Cool Hudson-----the one I had did not have the stars making up the symbol--

I tried to think of when I lost track of my flag---I think it might have gotten thrown away when we had a hurricane come through when I lived along the coast--we had some roof damage that allowed water to come in the house-we pretty much lost all of our clothes since we didn't have electricty to wash things out--all our clothes got mildewed and thrown out----

I thought those flags were cool and expressed a good idea--but man--did it piss off many people---"that damn flag is Un-American---if ya don't love America---why don't cha just leave it???" Was the attitude of some.

Guess we are sorta back to that stage at the moment.

Oct 21, 2008, 1:35 PM
Hey Volty -- I don't know if ur old enough to remember, but back in the 60's, there were people insisting that the Peace Symbol was really "a broken cross - the symbol of the anti-Christ!"

I've heard the same thing about the symbol for the corporate conglomerate Proctor Gamble