View Full Version : New to this

Oct 16, 2008, 5:57 PM
Hey peps, I'm new to this site.. i just stumbled onto it, and i love the idea of having a site like this to go to all the time. ;) I love the idea of having friends from all over. So, does anyone have any pointers for me??
( i know i left that one open..LOL )

Oct 16, 2008, 7:09 PM
Welcum to the site, Angel! Hope you enjoy it and make lots of new friends.:tong:

Oct 16, 2008, 11:40 PM
Welcome home. Sit back, break out a cool drink and have fun. :cool:

Oct 17, 2008, 2:10 AM
So, does anyone have any pointers for me??


Sorry, computer programming joke, couldn't resist...

Oct 17, 2008, 2:41 AM
Welcome to the group Angel. Pop into chat and see us sometime. :}

Oct 17, 2008, 5:25 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's new! I just found the site today and am glad I did. I look forward to meeting you all!


Oct 17, 2008, 5:28 PM
Welcome Claudia. Come on into chat and say hi. :}

Oct 21, 2008, 5:01 PM
Kind of new as well lol figuring out alot about this site as i go along.

Oct 28, 2008, 4:45 PM
I never post. I just lurk. And laugh...A LOT! Couldn't resist... you ppl are ALL hysterically funny and I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE lurkin' around in here! LOL!

Sometimes, it just needs to be said. Out loud. Or..uhmm...in print. Cuz, well, if I keep cracking up over here all by myself -- how are you going to know so you'll keep up the good work?! :o)

"the grl" in the JaPoleCpl!

P.S. Mountain's signature quote... about cracked & letting the light in...soooo right on! hahahaha! I'm making a *note to self* with that one!


Sorry, computer programming joke, couldn't resist...

Oct 28, 2008, 8:25 PM
See, Angel...

Told ya there would be some kewl people on here ! :)



Oct 29, 2008, 12:33 PM
Hi, i'm new too.i'm feeling a little daunted by everything at the moment.i've been married for a long time.to cut a long story short i've ended a affair with someone i thought at first was my best friend,she's just "come out",looking back i don't think she ever wanted friendship.things have been very messy.i've had problems with her following me,ringing and hanging up,telling lies,hiding her id and sending things in the post etc.she's still trying to get me to leave my husband but i don't want too,she's very manipulative&controlling.
all that aside,i feel so mixed up.she's married-getting divorced,but she had some experience with girls when she was younger,she says shes a lesbian&i am.
i've thought about it so much but i don't think am.i've felt so worried about it with the things she says.
i wonder if i'm bi or if i'm just straight and had a one off thing??i don't think i'm a lesbian.i'm not looking to get into anything with anyone else,untill this i'd been faithful for over 20 years to my hubby.
as well as coping with all this confusion i'm so upset that in coming "out" she's telling everyone details about my relationship with her and about my marriage.it's been very hard.a lot of people i know locally aren't talking to me.
i should add i've told my husband everything,he has been wonderful,he's coping with his own feelings and trying to support me.he's been so loving and kind-i am so lucky. i had no idea he loved me so much.

Oct 29, 2008, 1:26 PM
I offer a welcome to our new arrivals---I hate to rain on your parade-but its more of being an "FYI" and "being forewarned is being forearmed!"--but we do have this nasty little troll that is totally fixated on the site---so you might get hit with some funky things by this person---he has lots of ways he likes to play and one of those is to send nasty emails of some sort to people---so don't let him bother you---you will know it's him by the dumb ass names he has used lately such as "OrlandoCockSucker" and "WhipHandleIntheAss" "CuntLapper" and other names along these lines-----

If you get a nasty email from someone with a funky name like that---you have been slimed by our bottomdweller----don't let it get to ya!!! LOL

You will be in good company----he doesn't like anyone who has a life----

Come and enjoy the site otherwise----post here on the board---come chat from time to time---you will make "friends" on here that way.

Once again--welcome--and enjoy the site!!

Oct 31, 2008, 7:37 AM
I am new too. just found this a few hours ago. left, thought about it, then came back and joined. I have a question. does anyone ever find what they are looking for? or do they find something else, sometimes better than they had hoped...or worse?

Oct 31, 2008, 9:44 AM
I am new too. just found this a few hours ago. left, thought about it, then came back and joined. I have a question. does anyone ever find what they are looking for? or do they find something else, sometimes better than they had hoped...or worse?

I am unsure of exactly what you mean by finding what we are looking for. If you mean from this site, I suppose yes, there are those who have. Whether that is love and romance, or simply sexual encounters is for others to say.

If however you mean from their sexuality, the answer must be yes. Our sexuality shapes us to a great degree and we deny it at our peril. Denial of what we are leads to mental stresses which we can all do without and dangers for our sanity which can and have led to people paying the ultimate price. Some of us can deny it and live quite contented lives because while our sexuality is important, we live full and rich lives which allow us the breathing space to minimise those stresses and get on with the job of living.

I denied my sexuality for a long time. At 15 I began a relationship with an older woman which ended very badly and heartbreak brought me to wrack and ruin. Thanks to loving parents I was rescued from the mess I had gotten myself into. As I recovered I swore to myself that never again would I trust or love another woman as long as I lived. I rebuilt my life, studied and worked hard and made a decent life for myself.

A few years ago I was looking for a new place to live where I could properly relax, have fun and continue my life. I had a boy friend who was a lovely man and while I did not love him in the deepest sense of the word we were good together and we were very close. I applied for a flat share with a girl who seemed very nice. A bit potty, but someone who was fun and I thought I could share a flat quite happily. As we talked she told me she was bisexual as a friendly warning, and hoped it didn't put me off. It didn't because I wasn't bisexual, had a boy friend and so felt quite safe.

Boy can a girl be more wrong. My new flat mate after a while began to flirt with me, and as weeks became months, the flirting became a chase and I ran as fast as I could to avoid being caught. It was all good fun but I was determined I was not going down that road again. I was stright. Once bitten twice shy, and remembering what I endured when so young I fought her off with a vengeance. Yet deep down something must have stirred, because while I threatened to find somewhere else to live if she didn't stop, I liked her so much that I knew those threats were empty. Still denying my sexuality there was no way I was attracted to her and so we continued this game of cat and mouse for quite a while.

One night we were in the flat listening to music and just talking. And drinking.As the evening went on I became more tipsy and my inhibitions were dropping. I felt it and I know she did too, because she tells me often enough.So in the end I gave up my denial and we began a relationship which, not without hiccup I can assure you continues to this day.

The question of whether I found what I am looking for is no. I have looked all my life for the fairytale romance, and the passionate yet contented love which I believed everyone should have. What I found was an insane, hyper, smart mouthed, vain, spoilt brat. The type of person you love or you hate, and many love and hate her. She is impudent, argumentative, defiant, awkward, volatile, dogmatic, flirtacious, expensive, exasperating, and infuriating. She is a youngest child, and a youngest child of the worst kind. A daddies girl. One whose father can refuse her nothing. And she is the person I will spend my life with and is a second mother to my children. She is a conundrum, because for all of her faults, she is so much more, and so much that is good. Forgive me if I do not lay out her good points. She is vain enough.

So no, I haven't found what I was looking for. I found something much worse, and yet what I found was something much more exciting and challenging than I ever dreamed. I will never be content with my partner, but if she were not there, life would be devoid of so much of its meaning. So what I found, was something also so much better than I ever wanted.

Oct 31, 2008, 12:22 PM
What I found was an insane, hyper, smart mouthed, vain, spoilt brat. The type of person you love or you hate, and many love and hate her. She is impudent, argumentative, defiant, awkward, volatile, dogmatic, flirtacious, expensive, exasperating, and infuriating. She is a youngest child, and a youngest child of the worst kind. A daddies girl. One whose father can refuse her nothing......... Forgive me if I do not lay out her good points. She is vain enough.

...but baby..these r me gud points... ya missed out opinionated an self centred but me forgives ya...:bigrin::tong:

.. an wudn trade u for world eitha me luffly Naggy...:)

Oct 31, 2008, 12:49 PM
...but baby..these r me gud points... ya missed out opinionated an self centred but me forgives ya...:bigrin::tong:

.. an wudn trade u for world eitha me luffly Naggy...:)

And don't forget headstrong, tenacious, sassy, and POUTY (if she doesn't get to buy a pair of boots or a sybian!!!) But I think she's also luffly!

Mumsy Kate

Oct 31, 2008, 1:53 PM
And don't forget headstrong, tenacious, sassy, and POUTY (if she doesn't get to buy a pair of boots or a sybian!!!) But I think she's also luffly!

Mumsy Kate
Me dus not pout... poutin is summat alien 2 me nature... me gets in huuuuuuuge HUFF.. sits in corner for few hours wiv long face an sad eyes... lil damp round the corners... lil sniffin an sighin..ooo such mizziness no 1 eva felt.. so sad...:( works every time wiv me dad...:bigrin::tong:

.. not quite so successful wiv 'er.....:(

Oct 31, 2008, 2:54 PM
Hi!!!! I'm new here, too. A good friend suggested I check it out and I signed up right away! I wsa "bi-curious" for years and finally had my first experience last June. And what an experience it was!!!!!! :female::female:

I hope to meet some really great people here. I've read enough posts to know y'all have a good time here!!! :grouphug:

Nov 1, 2008, 2:23 AM
Hi all, I am new here too. I love this site. I finally accepted myself as bi recently, even though I had sex with males on and off for 40 years. I look forward to finding a male to have more than just sex with, having a friendship or love too. I hope to be part of a MMF triad someday. After accepting my bi-ness I am so much more comfortable with women.
I really like reading the thoughtful comments people make, especially the regulars. We have a really nice community here.

Nov 1, 2008, 9:23 AM
Me dus not pout... poutin is summat alien 2 me nature... me gets in huuuuuuuge HUFF.. sits in corner for few hours wiv long face an sad eyes... lil damp round the corners... lil sniffin an sighin..ooo such mizziness no 1 eva felt.. so sad...:( works every time wiv me dad...:bigrin::tong:

.. not quite so successful wiv 'er.....:(She pouts Kate. Take my word for it. And it is not a pretty sight. The pout goes with the huff.:rolleyes:

Now Frances. Can we proceed on topic?

Nov 1, 2008, 12:57 PM
Wanna say "HI" to all the new folks that recently joined. Lots of very good people here and some hysterical funnies that pop up every now and then...

Also wanna take the time to say "Yat'ee hey" to all the old friends that I have met over time here. I have been on and off this site due to "too much work, not enuff time"... Hope to begin a steady routine so that I can catch up and "lurk" in the chat room once again... Howah... :paw::paw:

Nov 1, 2008, 1:00 PM
Glad to see you back among us, Cody!!!!

Nov 1, 2008, 1:14 PM
Glad to see you back among us, Cody!!!!

Thank you, M'Lady... Glad to be on here for a bit... :) :paw::paw:

Nov 2, 2008, 10:44 AM
I am new too. just found this a few hours ago. left, thought about it, then came back and joined. I have a question. does anyone ever find what they are looking for? or do they find something else, sometimes better than they had hoped...or worse?

There are plenty of folks here to meet. That is a certainty, but as far as meeting up in person, I guess it all really depends on exactly what you are looking for and how many compatible folks are in your area.
We came to the site to try to find a guy for us (mostly him, really), but we also found a community of like-minded individuals who welcomed us with open arms. Not one single regret in coming here to this site.

We have met any number of folks, online, here who are very nice and if they were closer, we would be able to meet up with and see what develops from there. A lot of the "finding what you are looking for" here depends on what you are looking for and how many of us live in your area.

Either way, again WELCOME to the site, to all of the newbies. Feel free to drop line to folks or post a question. You've already been warned about the (shrinking) troll problem, so sit back, relax, drop a line and enjoy your time here.