View Full Version : Wots In A Word?

Oct 13, 2008, 2:54 PM
Ya can blame Gel for this an 'er butterfly panties.. but if ther is a word in the English language wich me h8s wiv a pash 2 do wiv style an even sex ..its the word "panties".. every time me reads it it makes me wonna cringe... it contrives in me mind summat bout as sexy as blowin ya nose wiv an old tissue. Hav neva worn panties in me life an no self respectin brit girl wud eitha... an me c's a package wiv the word written on it wile me lookin for new knickers me passes by dubble kwik..

Now me knos that the word ya use for ya undies is the word yas used 2.. ova ere its knickers for gals an thats how it shud b... used 2 it an it dus hav the ring a summat delitefully naughtie. The word "panties" is bout as naughtie as tellin ya mum an dad ya will do as yas told for the rest ofya life an neva hav sex an b a virgin foreva.. an mean it... knickers on otha hand is raunchy an fun.. also means more jus summat 2 warm ya bootie of course.. or make it look cute.. also triff way 2 tell sum 1 they talkin cobblers (notha gud ole brit word).. wen Allbi, as 'e dus sumtimes bless 'im or the luffly Curio talk bollox me hardly gonna tell em "panties".. jus don sound rite.. yell at 'em "knickers!!!!!" much more effective.. every 1 ova ere, an antipodean's an all...they kno wot me means... well down unda...they wud..mukky lot.. tee hee..

Don expect yas all 2 agree.. wud b rite disappointed if ya did.. then me wudn b able 2 say 2 yas all "KNICKERS 2 U!!" "Panties".. huh...rite daft word.. person who thot it up shudda been put down at birth....

So ifyas all don like the word knickers fine...jus shout DOWN WIV KNICKERS.. ya mite jus get the desired result..tee hee:bigrin:

Oct 13, 2008, 3:23 PM
"Knickers" evokes images of silly looking golf pants on silly looking men with silly looking hats on their heads....Sorry, my luffly tart....but can hardly think of "knickers" as sexy.

Oct 13, 2008, 3:36 PM
Here ya go Fran :tongue:

4 dictionary results for: knickers

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
knick·ers /ˈnɪkərz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nik-erz] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun (used with a plural verb) 1. Also, knick·er·bock·ers /ˈnɪkərˌbɒkərz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nik-er-bok-erz] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation. loose-fitting short trousers gathered in at the knees.
2. Chiefly British. a. a bloomerslike undergarment worn by women.
b. panties. <--- Notice lol

3. British Informal. a woman's or girl's short-legged underpants.
—Idiom4. to get one's knickers in a twist, British Slang. to get flustered or agitated: Don't get your knickers in a twist every time the telephone rings.


[Origin: 1880–85; shortened form of knickerbockers, pl. of knickerbocker, special use of Knickerbocker]

For now on darling I want you to call them Knickerbockers lol Since your from Yurrup and all. I shall continue to shout out to the world that I wear panties.

4 dictionary results for: panties
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
pant·ies /ˈpæntiz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pan-teez] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun (used with a plural verb) underpants or undershorts for women and children.

Also, pantie, panty.


[Origin: 1835–45, Americanism; pl. of panty]

Oct 13, 2008, 4:39 PM
Here ya go Fran :tongue:

4 dictionary results for: knickers

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
knick·ers /ˈnɪkərz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nik-erz] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun (used with a plural verb) 1. Also, knick·er·bock·ers /ˈnɪkərˌbɒkərz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nik-er-bok-erz] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation. loose-fitting short trousers gathered in at the knees.
2. Chiefly British. a. a bloomerslike undergarment worn by women.
b. panties. <--- Notice lol

3. British Informal. a woman's or girl's short-legged underpants.
—Idiom4. to get one's knickers in a twist, British Slang. to get flustered or agitated: Don't get your knickers in a twist every time the telephone rings.


[Origin: 1880–85; shortened form of knickerbockers, pl. of knickerbocker, special use of Knickerbocker]

For now on darling I want you to call them Knickerbockers lol Since your from Yurrup and all. I shall continue to shout out to the world that I wear panties.

4 dictionary results for: panties
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
pant·ies /ˈpæntiz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pan-teez] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun (used with a plural verb) underpants or undershorts for women and children.

Also, pantie, panty.


[Origin: 1835–45, Americanism; pl. of panty]
also notice it says what Kate said as far as bloomers like undergarment, which is what I always think of when I hear the word. Just like other slangs around the world. At least it's not bad difference...unlike some words that mean something innocent in one country and totally opposite somewhere else.

Oct 13, 2008, 5:22 PM
I don't care what ya call them.......Just get them off :tongue:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Oct 13, 2008, 6:06 PM
Does the word panties originate from the the word pantaloons but is now somewhat altered in concept.

pantaloons n.pl. (esp. women's) baggy trousers gathered at the ankles. [French from Italian]

That said, c.f. knickerbocker n. (in pl.) loose-fitting breeches gathered at the knee or calf. [the pseudonym of W. Irving, author of History of New York]

knickers n.pl. woman's or girl's (I beg to challenge the restriction) undergarment for the lower torso. [abbreviation of *knickerbocker].

Sometimes spoken in frustration, as in "Ah knickers!"

Makes one wonder how or why a Knickerbocker Glory (n. ice-cream served with fruit etc. in a tall glass) came to be so named. Now I have had erotic fruit served up before in the appropriate place, but there is something about adding ice-cream to the mix that results in screams which can shatter glass at 30 paces.

Oct 13, 2008, 6:44 PM
Oxford English Dictionary


• plural noun Brit. 1 a woman’s or girl’s undergarment covering the body from the waist or hips to the top of the thighs and having two holes for the legs. 2 N. Amer. knickerbockers.

— PHRASES get one’s knickers in a twist Brit. informal become upset or angry.

— ORIGIN abbreviation of knickerbockers.

Don deny the words origins..not wot me talkin bout... its wetha or not its sounds rite for wot it is..an wetha it grates... an how many otha uses ya can put it 2..an wots mos fun... an no matta how much yas say othawords.. panties is a daft word an only gud for pokin fun at...

So 3 a me favest gangin u on me huh... big bullies... but me can look afta mesel tho..

..an Chookie.. bak me or up or u in doo dah..big strong oz guy like u shud kno betta...sittin on fence like that..get a barb in ya bum an hope it hurts..so ther... spose it mus b more diff gettin knickers off wenyas go bout all upside down all the time... havta pull em up 2 get em down..tee hee

Only 1 talked ne sense is Heph .. but then..wer dus 'e liv?? Kissie Heph. Muah.

So don getya knickers in a twist..:tong: chill.. :bigrin:

Stand by me knickers..an in em... well till me gets inta bed ne way...then wiv luk....:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

Oct 13, 2008, 6:53 PM
Haven't you already done this subject, in another thread, about a year ago DE?

Oct 13, 2008, 7:01 PM
Haven't you already done this subject, in another thread, about a year ago DE?

O very prob S.. thot things needed litenin up a lil hun...wos in a rite gud frivolously flippant an daft mood wen me started it... still am.... an ne ways.. aint panties the most stupit soundin word??? tee hee:tong:

Warnin ya...the mood gettin even more frivolously flippant an daft.... still it mite pass afta gud nites kip...;).. but then..mayb not....:bigrin:

Oct 13, 2008, 7:09 PM
We can always use a bit of frivolity, Frannie....Goodness knows we could all use a smile!!!

Oct 13, 2008, 7:13 PM
We can always use a bit of frivolity, Frannie....Goodness knows we could all use a smile!!!

Nowt more frivolous than wen me sittin on ya knee an u bouncin me up an down like wen me wos a babba..God.. not 1st time ya almost bounced the pa.. oops... knickers rite offa me.. tee hee:bigrin:

Oct 13, 2008, 7:16 PM
The word chocolate gets me going.

I hate Choc-O-L8. I hate Choc-lit too. There are other unpleasant pronunciations. It should be Choclut.

The puritanical side of me comes out when I hear that word pronounced any other way. It becomes the equivalent of walking past a used condom on the pavement.

Also I hate Children being pronounced chidren, dropping the L.

And the American pronuniation of Warriors is yukky too - Waryers. No, no, no.

It is Wa- rears.

Oct 13, 2008, 7:20 PM
Choccie S..me eats it 2 much an me needs bigga knickers..dangerous practice

..an children is pronounced..bairns

..an since this is a fun thread or meant 2 b..will refrain from ne comment bout the Fran pronounciation a the word warriors....:tong::bigrin:

Oct 13, 2008, 7:27 PM
Choccie S..me eats it 2 much an me needs bigga knickers..dangerous practice

..an children is pronounced..bairns

..an since this is a fun thread or meant 2 b..will refrain from ne comment bout the Fran pronounciation a the word warriors....:tong::bigrin:

Don't get your panties in a twist

Oct 13, 2008, 7:35 PM
The combination of panties and chocolate reminds me to ask others if they've ever enjoyed eating a chocolate bar from a vagina.

I've found the twister very enjoyable. But the best is champagne or champagne and chocolate.

Whiskey from a cock is fab too. Can get hot though.

And for DE. If Padma (whose pic I have on my posts) shoved loads of chocolate down her knickers and invited you to come and eat her panties out - would you forget your misgivings about that word?

Oct 13, 2008, 8:50 PM
Fran sweet luffy , say warriors for me ;)

Oct 14, 2008, 7:20 AM
Fran sweet luffy , say warriors for me ;)

Gel me luffly..This meant 2 b nice friendly gentle lil thread wer peeps can hav a giggle..or not as is ther wont...if me sez how me sez that word.. mite jus open the gates 2 lotsa aggro..an bein a nice friendly sorta gal.. me neva eva wonts ne a that dus me?? tee hee.. so all me will say.. KNICKERS 2 U... muah:bigrin:

Oct 14, 2008, 7:35 AM
This thread brought to mind some terrible pronunications I hear living in Indiana. a few for ya!

Washington--- Worshington
Toilet--- Torlet
Ignorant---Ignert (fitting isn't it LOL)

Drives me insane! There are about a hundred more but I won't bore you with the details!

Oct 14, 2008, 8:04 AM
Okay, panties/knickers...

How about an American kid on his first day of grade school (oh, say 5th grade) in Britain. About the time a mistake is made on paper with the student's pencil.
British teacher: Use your rubber.
American kid: MMMPpppppptttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!
(kind of early for expectation of condom usage, not to mention public!)

And how about using two common American phrases in Britain? After a large meal the Yank sits back and quite satisfactorily announces:
"I'm stuffed! Let's go for a ride."

I don't know for certain, but I've been told that in Britain "smoke a fag" means something other than a lethal firearms assault on a homosexual man.

And of course the WWII classic perception of each other as being 'fast'.
In America kissing was often an early accepted part of dating, as opposed to England, where kissing was a very intimate thing, just shy of sex.
So the British girls thought the Americans were 'fast' because they wanted to kiss so soon. GIs thought the British girls were 'fast' because they were willing to make love so soon after kissing!
...or is/was that just an 'urban legend'?

Oct 14, 2008, 8:49 AM
This thread brought to mind some terrible pronunications I hear living in Indiana. a few for ya!

Washington--- Worshington
Toilet--- Torlet
Ignorant---Ignert (fitting isn't it LOL)

Drives me insane! There are about a hundred more but I won't bore you with the details!
One of my favorite 'Americanisms' is the southern expression "fixin' to".
"Ahm fixin' ta go down ta da store."
Think about it...
"fixin to" means
"preparing to"
but is easily literally translated to
"repairing to"
One can almost imagine the original misperception:
Man #1 of social stature: "I'm preparing to go fishing"
Man #2 impressed or amused by man #1: "Oh, you're repairing to go... well, heck, I'm fixin' to go fishin' too!"

Oct 14, 2008, 9:00 AM
Tryin 2 work out how a lil bitta fun bout knickers stretches out 2 summat else..o well.. ya cant beat em...

In English English wer ya livin is wer ya live..werya stayin is werya ya hotel is

..in Scottish English.. werya stayin can b werya live or werya hotel is

Word me h8s bein pronounced is the English medsin (medicine)... the word is medicine an it don haff gr8 wen they don get it rite.. me mum sez medsin an hav told er all me life how it shud b sed.. but dus she take ne notice?? Dus she hell as like... wonda wer me gets this streak awkwardness an indepedence from??

Ne ways bak 2 subject at hand.. KNICKERS!:tong:

Oct 14, 2008, 2:46 PM
Ok this is my pet peeve(s):

Concrete / Cement - Concrete is the grey hard stuff you walk on. Cement is just glue. In fact you can cement a relationship, you can have rubber cement, and asphaltic cement, none of which have a thing to do with concrete.

Concrete(n)- 1.A hard, strong construction material consisting of sand, conglomerate gravel, pebbles, broken stone, or slag in a mortar or cement matrix.
2.A mass formed by the coalescence of particles.

Portland cement -Binding agent of present-day concrete. It is a finely ground powder made by burning and grinding a limestone mixed with clay or shale. Its inventor, Joseph Aspdin (1799 – 1855), patented the process in 1824, naming the material for its resemblance to the limestone of the Isle of Portland, England. The cement combines chemically with the water it is mixed with, then hardens and strengthens.

Just saying :P


Oct 14, 2008, 3:26 PM
*thinks*...wot has me started ere..???:rolleyes:

*thinks further*.. reckon Trollop glad she don wear concrete knickers cemented 2 er bootie... bloody uncomfy an b devils own job walkin an goin 2 the loo...;)

Oct 14, 2008, 4:09 PM
Ok this is my pet peeve(s):

Concrete / Cement - Concrete is the grey hard stuff you walk on. Cement is just glue. In fact you can cement a relationship, you can have rubber cement, and asphaltic cement, none of which have a thing to do with concrete.

Concrete(n)- 1.A hard, strong construction material consisting of sand, conglomerate gravel, pebbles, broken stone, or slag in a mortar or cement matrix.
2.A mass formed by the coalescence of particles.

Portland cement -Binding agent of present-day concrete. It is a finely ground powder made by burning and grinding a limestone mixed with clay or shale. Its inventor, Joseph Aspdin (1799 – 1855), patented the process in 1824, naming the material for its resemblance to the limestone of the Isle of Portland, England. The cement combines chemically with the water it is mixed with, then hardens and strengthens.

Just saying :P

So does this mean no more swimmin' in the "Cement pond" Uncle Jed?

Oct 15, 2008, 7:29 AM
I'm fixin' ta put on some knickers an go swimin' in the seement pond! Lest sum ignert chiden went torlet or did sum worsh in it.
Aw, whut the hell. If I ketch somin I'll just put sum medcin on it.

Oct 15, 2008, 7:30 AM
That Bluebiyou guy strikes me as an antagonist...

Oct 15, 2008, 8:58 AM
That Bluebiyou guy strikes me as an antagonist...
I think that makes two of you then.;)

Oct 15, 2008, 9:02 AM
She only started this thread because knickers is her favourite word and the one she most often uses. Any excuse.:rolleyes:

Oct 15, 2008, 11:04 AM
She only started this thread because knickers is her favourite word and the one she most often uses. Any excuse.:rolleyes:

.. an it wos called on moren 1ce this afty me can tellya plummie yummie..

Oct 15, 2008, 11:59 AM
So does this mean no more swimmin' in the "Cement pond" Uncle Jed?

you guys can go swimming there all you want, just dont call me when you get stuck! :bigrin: