View Full Version : New Year Resolution?

Jan 2, 2006, 5:04 PM
Hi all,

After the unintentional controversy I started with that thread about HIV testing (:() I thought I'd ask something more cheerful:

Anyone have any New Year's resolutions?


Jan 2, 2006, 5:18 PM
Hey there johnny
some of my new years resolutions are
1) loose some weight (30 to 50 lbs)
2) do more fishing this year
3) get more work done on my truck (play toy)
4) come out of the closet some more
5) add to my high heel collection
6) come back to chat more often

to some of you this may seem overly ambitious, but it should not be all that bad

the hardest one will be the weight lose (as anyone who has ever had this problem will tell you its not easy)

so thats what i have to do this year
m.in.heels&hose :cool:

Jan 2, 2006, 5:50 PM
I resolve not to make any new years resolutions.

OOPS! too late....

Jan 2, 2006, 6:41 PM
Hey there johnny
some of my new years resolutions are
1) loose some weight (30 to 50 lbs)
2) do more fishing this year
3) get more work done on my truck (play toy)
4) come out of the closet some more
5) add to my high heel collection
6) come back to chat more often

to some of you this may seem overly ambitious, but it should not be all that bad

the hardest one will be the weight lose (as anyone who has ever had this problem will tell you its not easy)

so thats what i have to do this year
m.in.heels&hose :cool:

Word of caution MIHH.....about #4.....when only coming out partway make sure the door doesn't get slammed on something important...heheheh

Happy New Year.....my only resolution can be summed up in the song by Tim McGraw.....Live Like You Were Dying!!!!!!

Jan 2, 2006, 8:40 PM
i never have my hand leave the door handle when i sneak out, i am very (maybe overly) cautious like that


Jan 2, 2006, 9:03 PM
This year I want to:
1. continue on with last year and do as many nudist activities as possible (last year was a great start)
2. meet more bisexual friends, male and female (I've already started)
3. entertain bi friends at our place (that wasn't possible last year)
Looks like a good list and will be easy to accomplish!
Happy New Year everyone!


Jan 2, 2006, 9:13 PM
get laid more often.

Jan 2, 2006, 9:31 PM
Mine are:

1. Remain smoke free (quit 18 Dec 05)
2. Continue my understanding regarding bisexuality
3. Get laid more
4. Have by anal cherry popped!

Jan 2, 2006, 9:40 PM
1. Work out more to help lose weight and gain muscle mass.
2. Continue to work with therapist to help me find peace and happiness with myself and my sexuality.
3. Save money and plan for a future that may include divorce.
4. Get over being in love with my best friend and move on. He's hetero.

Jan 3, 2006, 1:29 AM
:compuser: :compuser: I like all of the resolutions that have been posted thus far.

What I want for the new year and beyond, I don't want to call "resolutions," I usally tend to break those pretty damn quickly.

What I am going to post here are more long term than simple resolutions, I care to call them "goal markers" in my plan to get back to living the kind of life that I have always wanted to live.

1. (Like many) One of my main goals in 2006, is to lose a fairly significant amount of weight (around 40 pounds) so I can get back to a weight that improves both my health and physical appearance.

2. I will begin to take the necessary steps to change my geographic location. The place I live is a "nice" place for the most part.
My area does offer a number of amenities such as great arts and other cultural organizations, many bike trails and similar outdoor and sports activities, great schools and many other things.
Even though the area does offer such things--it is just not quite vibrant enough. This a great area to get married and raise a family--but since I am already pushing past the halfway mark in my 5th decade (that is the 40s) and have yet to marry--I guess that is just not "my thang.." (The marrying part is fine--its just that whole, nice house in the burbs things with 2.2 kids just never excited me much and I'm not slamming anyone who has done it--more power to ya). This area is tough for singles of any age and of any designation imaginable and for far too much of the year, too cold and gray.

3. My move has got to be to someplace that more reflects the manner that I want to live my life. Some of the key considerations in such a move are as follows: a. the place has to warm 75 percent of the year--I hate winter mostly--but a bit of it is Ok--say the period from just before turkey day to the middle of the week between Xmas and New Years is about right--after that--its time for spring.
b. The place has got to be near a significant body of water such as a lake big enough to run boats on and has some interesting and less developed areas to explore; a river, or a coastal area.
c. The place must have a vibrant and thriving arts, cultural and entertainment element--one place that hits my buttons on many of these points is Austin, TX (even though it is the heart of Geo. W. Bush/Tom DeLay country--Austin also is home port for folks like Bill Moyers, Molly Ivins and Jim Hightower and still retains remnants of its former glory days as being a counter-cultural hot spot.?
Then there is the music found in Austin: Austin's tag line is "The World's Live Music Capital."

4. I will take forward moving steps to improve my art and writing and to finally bring my work out for broader pubic awareness. I have had ideas for moving into 3-D forms such as metal work that would incorporate the use of neon, LED and fiber optic lighting and be painted in bold, vibrant colors. I will make the investment of time and money in 2006 to acquire both the equipment necessary for such production and to get my skills sets up to snuff in order to produce 3-d art from metal at all stages of production.

5. I will continue along this path of discovering, accepting and integrating the bisexual nature that exists in me---for so long, like many here, I have either refused to or failed to fully recognize it.
I will find a significant other(s) to share this wild bronco ride that we call life irrespective of that person's (or those persons'?) plumbing. "Love is not finding the right person...it is being the right person."

6. Once I have landed ashore in my new port of call, I will establish my base of operations--my little corner of heaven where I create my art and writings. I picture my little place as being out where the land is bit more open so I can have privacy in order to spend significant portions my non-working life in the nude--writing in the nude is fine but running a welder, plasma cutter or working with some of the paints and other things that are used to produce artwork--bein' neeekid aint' highly advisable--there are many day-to-day activities that are most pleasant done while dressed only in "God's birthday suit."
I will set up both the interior and exterior areas of my humble little abode in a wild and crazy, eclectic/funky style.
I will have space for a great garden growing heirloom varieties of fruits, vegtables and herbs.
I will have areas and equipment on the property interior and exterior, that provide ample opportunities for exercise in order to keep in optimum physical conditioning.
I will have the necessary workspaces for the production of art as well as a number favorite spots where I sit to read for work or pleasure and to sit with my lap top (that has a wireless connection so I can chat with my friends on here anywhere on the property) to do writing.

So there ya' go--a pretty tall order, but one that is doable as long as I get moving. "A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step."
Realistically--it ain't all happening in the span of only one year...just as long as I am moving steadily towards my goals at this same point next year...

Just coming to this place has helped to serve as both a motivator to get going and as a clarifier of how I wish to live out the rest of my life. By being here these past few weeks--it has helped me to set some goals as well as sketch out the basic elements of my life's new nautical chart.
This has been my biggest stumbling block to making such changes--I have not been able to sort out exactly what I wanted to do. (Playing a mental tape of a line from another Jimmy Buffett song: "He went to Paris.....seeking the answers to the questions that bothered him so.....")

Now--thanks in large part to Bisexual.com and those I have met and yacked with at this fine web site---I now have a clearer picture of thangs...

If I do wind up in Austin or some other place closer to "points southeast of disorder"--I will have to brush off my "southernese" and say: "thanks Y"ALL!!! and when I write my great American blockbusting novel about Bisexual people in the 21st century--don't go and sue me or try to seek royalties for "this is a work of fiction and neither the people or events depicted therin represent actual persons or events..." (Just had to put the legal thing in).

Keep those "resolutions" coming---

"Bring 'em on..."

Finally to end my rant, I offer this wish that for everyone who has posted or will post here--may these things that you seek and more come your way and that you accomplish those things that you have control over--


Jan 3, 2006, 1:53 AM
Have always made New Year Resolutions but tell nobody.I write them down on a business card,put the card in my wallet and it becomes my own private goal.
Some of my resolutions in the past that have become reality are:quit smoking,lose weight,buy a house,change job,move interstate.

Jan 3, 2006, 6:15 AM
1. Eat a more healthy diet, and therefore lose some more weight.
2. Spend more time with family.
3. Find even more friends on Bisexual.com and at home.

Driver 8
Jan 3, 2006, 7:08 AM
I'm impressed to see so many well-thought-out resolutions here - I'm not a resolution person myself, but I always notice how at this time of the year my gym fills up with people I've never seen before ... for about two weeks. Then they all vanish for another year. It's like the annual return of the swallows to San Juan Capistrano.

Jan 3, 2006, 7:42 AM
Hi Folks

I'm not normally into New Year resolutions but I decided to make a few for this year.

1) To gain a better understanding of what it means to be Bi and to find out how being Bi applies to me.

2) To try and move on and leave all the baggage behind that causes me doubts and feeling guilty about being Bi.

3) To come out to more people. I have come out to some friends already and would like to come out to my parents and more friends. I know many say its no one else’s business that I'm Bi how ever I hate keeping secrets and find doing so is stressful. I don’t intend telling all and sundry but if some one asks I will tell them.

4) To get in shape a bit more and loose some weight.

5) To continue with Long Bow archery and practise regularly.

6) To get out more and enjoy life and maybe try and find that elusive guy of my dreams :tong:

Love & hugs

Jan 3, 2006, 9:53 AM
Well, as most of you know, 2005 had a bit a shocker in it for me. Learning my husband is bisexual and that he felt he could never tell me was hard news to take. Things are improving and will continue to improve!

My resolutions are:

1) lose alot of weight and learn to eat and be healthier! :rolleyes:
2) spend as much time as I can with my son, who is growing up so fast! :(
3) make sure that everyone I know, (family and friends) knows that I love them and appreciate them! :)
4) and finally......I want to become closer to my husband and really understand his feelings and his desires and make sure he knows that because he's bisexual, does not in anyway make me look down on him. I am his wife and I will stand behind him 110%. :bigrin:

Mrs. F
Thank you all for helping me from the beginning....your all wonderful people!

Jan 7, 2006, 8:59 AM
I make resolutions at all times of the year but the one's i made closest to January 1st were:

Gain 30lbs of muscle, 15lbs of fat

Increase Cardio ability

Monitor and increase my promotion of positive energy to others.

Quit pot for good.

Celebrate my Quarter-Century birthday. (I never celebrate B/days)

begin taking over the world ;) (Return to education/college for massive personal project)

Teach myself piano

These Were all made in late October / Early November.. but resolutions none-the-less..

Good luck everyone with your resolutions.. remember.. focus on the "Why", not the "How" and you will all do just fine :)


Jan 7, 2006, 10:34 PM
So many people are all thinking about the same things. To voltman, I wanted to say, I am also a writer and hope to get some major projects in 2006. Feel free to send me a message if you ever need a literary buddy. Writing can be so lonely.

My main resolution is to pursue excellence in my professional and family life.