View Full Version : Women Who Will Date Bi Men -- where can you find them?

Oct 2, 2008, 7:20 PM
And if you have a sexual history that leans more towards men, how do you explain it to them?

Oct 2, 2008, 7:43 PM
This makes me curious.

I wonder more about a woman's reaction to when I guy says he is bisexual.

Can anyone offer points of view here?

Oct 2, 2008, 10:43 PM
Well gosh knows that I may so NOT the woman to answer this question. Up until last week I have only been with Bi men..I can honestly say the they are, each and everyone one of them fine, honest, and intensely devoted friends. Where did I meet them? Here on Bisexual.com. That is sexually speaking...what is greater, by leaps and bounds I may say it the fact that I have met many, many men who want nothing more than an daliance...then then they may seek another. Guess in the end, I want a man who is honest and trustworthy


Oct 3, 2008, 4:40 PM
Please don't feed the troll on this one...this post has been reported and should be dealt with soon enough....

Oct 3, 2008, 10:32 PM
I am no expert. So, just my thought.

Seems to me many women are more monogamist than men. They might feel threatened by a bi, thinking he will not be happy unless he has at least one partner of each sex. Deep down she might not want to share him with another, male or female.

Oct 4, 2008, 2:18 PM
And if you have a sexual history that leans more towards men, how do you explain it to them?

I have no real experience with this as I was married to my husband for 10 yrs. when I found out he was bisexual. All I can add is if you find a woman please tell her up front and be honest with her and yourself about your past because it seems that everyone's past seems to show up in the future at some point. It's so much easier for all involved if everyone knows the truth going in and then there are no secrets that could destroy a marriage, a partnership and a friendship. It took me a long time to finally adjust to what I found out about my husband and yes, at the time I didn't understand alot of things.......but mainly "why" he chose not to tell me. I think this goes back to "Do onto others as you would want them to do onto you". I don't quote the Bible often but that is the best example I can come up with.

I'm sure there are many, many people out there that are open minded to all this but you will never know if your not honest up front.

Oct 4, 2008, 5:12 PM
I so strongly agree ....be up front and honest with her.
When Shameless and I met, that is what happened with us. He was up front with me about being bi...he gave it to me straight and I love him for it. Then gave me the opportunity to choose whether I wanted to be with him or not...
Having a bi partner does not mean that I think he wants a man more than me...if fact, he has shown me in many ways that I am number 1 in his heart and mind.
But, sometimes because of my background, I wonder if I am keeping him from exploring his bi side. In fact last night was one of those times....but after talking it out with him finally...I have come to the understanding that I am who he is in love with...and when he wants to explore his bi side, it will be with me too...for we will do nothing without it being ok with the both of us.
I never really ynderstood this completely..until last night. So while he is looking for the other man for US...he will do nothing if it isn't ok with me too.
I think this is where a lot of women with bi partners get hung up. Wondering if they are "cramping" their partner, or if the partner will go off and be with another without them.
Quite frankly...shameless being with another man...just the thought of it turns me on greatly....but I would never want to see him with another woman.So for now, we are exclusive to each other....but I know now that if the time comes and he finds another man he wants to be with...it is not for love or my lack of giving him what he wants or needs....and as long as I know where his heart lays...I have no problem with him exploring his bi side.
So to all you bi men and women....be honest with your partner...and if there is a problem with you exploring your bi side, then you have to stop and think just which is more important to you at the moment. But for God's sake be homest....to your partner...and you.

Oct 4, 2008, 6:40 PM
just be open and honest with them we live in a culture today where sexuality is so tabboo and is mostly embraced and its best to tell them from the outset, i once went out with a guy who told me he was bi on our 1st date, we were together for over a year. most of my girl friends say they wont mind if hes bi as long as he only has eyes for them when together and i'm the same.....so when you meet a girl tell her and if shes genuine she wont find it a problem although if shes straight and only digs men then she might take some serious thought....if however they are completely disgusted then she is not worth the hassle and move on....while it is illegal to discriminate for our sexuality in the workplace and such even the most liberal people might find it hard to accept that he likes a bit of cock just as much as she does

Oct 13, 2008, 11:12 AM
I have no idea where to find them. I looked online but got distracted by porn, so I can't say if any are on the internet. Maybe at some point I will try looking again and being more focussed.

As for what women say when they find out I'm bi, they don't say anything. They go silent and run deep. (I watched a submarine movie last night.)

Oct 13, 2008, 8:55 PM
I don't think i'm like a lot of other women when it comes to this because i've actually encouraged my man to try out the whole bisexual thing before he realized that he was truly bi. I wanted him to explore as much as he could in order to truly find out who he was. I was actually very excited when he said "well, I guess I like it so I must be bi" because it meant that he just learned something knew about himself and I was a part of it :-)

Oct 14, 2008, 8:32 AM
And if you have a sexual history that leans more towards men, how do you explain it to them?

I cant speak for all the world ;) but I'd rather like it if he would say it straight on -(naturally if you are speaking of something more than a sex friend.. but even then.. oO") - because I suppose that it may be a shock if you are straight and find your bf in bed with another guy --
(on some days I#ll say perhaps "may I join ?" xD But its not what others think .. )It is really strange that the wwm is more popular than mmw - perhaps we girls are more uptight ;)
I suppose this is the horror scenario that goes through their heads is that you may change your mind about her..so .. i could imagine something like that a woman would be worried if there is something unsufficient about her or strange - she would ask herself many unnessessary questions, so its best to make the difference clear and to emphasize the 'bi' side and your feelings are important either ... yeah women worry about the feelings much more than men ^^
(however men do this either)

Oct 14, 2008, 11:27 AM
What attracts me about about women who are accepting about me having bi tendencies is not just sexual but a comfort zone. If we choose to be exclusive with each other fine, If our sex lives lead us down another path also fine. I'm not attached so this is all rhetorical.
It's that if I let it slip out that I've had same sex flings in the past or more than just one man one woman sex turns me on it's known about. It's not a big deal like it would be if I wasn't up front about it. I can be me not a mask worn in uptight people situations.
I DON"T want to mislead anyone. I DON"T want someone repressed or uptight. Thats also important beyond the sexual part of it. My bi part should be less of an issue than my human part that is prone like any human to make irrational stupid decisions that hurt other people.

Oct 14, 2008, 6:35 PM
What attracts me about about women who are accepting about me having bi tendencies is not just sexual but a comfort zone. If we choose to be exclusive with each other fine, If our sex lives lead us down another path also fine. I'm not attached so this is all rhetorical.
It's that if I let it slip out that I've had same sex flings in the past or more than just one man one woman sex turns me on it's known about. It's not a big deal like it would be if I wasn't up front about it. I can be me not a mask worn in uptight people situations.
I DON"T want to mislead anyone. I DON"T want someone repressed or uptight. Thats also important beyond the sexual part of it. My bi part should be less of an issue than my human part that is prone like any human to make irrational stupid decisions that hurt other people.Well said. Thanks for stating what I think so well.

Oct 14, 2008, 10:04 PM
I'm a bi woman and I would love to date a bi man. My ideal relationship would be a quad (I suppose it would be called)-I am happy with men but I want a woman as well and I can be happy with a woman but I would still want a man. I think sometimes it's hard for strait people to understand what I mean. It isn't that I cannot be faithful ( I can and have been) but having to choose one or the other means you're always missing something and not just in bed. For me I have a totally different love for one gender as opposed to the other but they're both love. If I'm with a woman it's no threat to my man because she will never be what he is, and he will never be what she is.The same should hold true for the reverse. The concept of monogamy is what complicates things IMO. If I could find a man who understood exactly what I meant when I said that, I would be soooo happy.
Have you had bisexual girls react badly to your "history with men"? I think that being honest is your best policy, you should of course tell somoeone who you really are, it isn't fair for you to deny yourself your true identity and if you do you'll be bitter in the end. Be honest, keep looking is my advice, we are out there.

Oct 15, 2008, 12:31 PM
Have you had bisexual girls react badly to your "history with men"? I think that being honest is your best policy, you should of course tell somoeone who you really are, it isn't fair for you to deny yourself your true identity and if you do you'll be bitter in the end. Be honest, keep looking is my advice, we are out there.

I've not went that far in a relationship for quite some time to be comfortable enough with someone to discuss past lovers with. Beyond discussing the safe sex,drug/disease free and birth control aspects with a sexual partner.
If I got far enough with someone it probably would. I've only discussed in forums like these or with bi girls at an LBGT type bookstore.With this whole thing being about 10-1 guys to girls I've mostly just discussed it with other guys with similiar dilemmas.
I don't necessarily even want to have any kind of realtionship with another man. Just don't want it to be an issue if I admit to being turned on by a hard cock or want to talk about those special type of wet dream that I have about those hard cocks.But yeah if I could script my sexual future it would be with some sort of mutual understanding partner where we helped each other fulfill our same sex desires.That would be the ultimate!

Oct 15, 2008, 2:25 PM
Speaking from experiance, I Love bi men. I love that they are open and secure enough in their sexuality to be free to enjoy Who they are. :} (Not to mention that is fantastic to watch them or participate...lol)
Finding them is easy. Do a web search for the Lifestyle groups in your area or close by and join a Lifestyle group. There you can find men who are Bi, or find a couple where both are Bi.
Just a suggestion Darlin. :}

Oct 15, 2008, 2:37 PM
I've said this before but it appears my experiences are different than others have posted. Since "coming out to myself" I've NEVER slept with someone without telling them I was bisexual. I've only ever had two negative experiences (one was a woman, one was a gay guy) as a result, and neither was terrible. In fact the majority of the women were turned on by it. Perhaps that was simply due to the trust I displayed in telling them rather than finding a bisexual man a turn on in and of itself, but whatever the reason, it's never been something I've regretted.

Perhaps my experiences are different because I take more time or have a better intuition about people. Since I haven't broken this "rule" in 20+ years, I can tell you that I'm not so quick to jump into bed with someone and that's probably a good thing. If I don't feel secure enough with that person to tell them I'm bi, maybe I shouldn't be fucking them.

Oct 15, 2008, 3:37 PM
I've said this before but it appears my experiences are different than others have posted. Since "coming out to myself" I've NEVER slept with someone without telling them I was bisexual. I've only ever had two negative experiences (one was a woman, one was a gay guy) as a result, and neither was terrible. In fact the majority of the women were turned on by it. Perhaps that was simply due to the trust I displayed in telling them rather than finding a bisexual man a turn on in and of itself, but whatever the reason, it's never been something I've regretted.

Perhaps my experiences are different because I take more time or have a better intuition about people. Since I haven't broken this "rule" in 20+ years, I can tell you that I'm not so quick to jump into bed with someone and that's probably a good thing. If I don't feel secure enough with that person to tell them I'm bi, maybe I shouldn't be fucking them.
..an thats very rite an propa Allbi hun... on otha hand neva needed 2 worry 2 much bout tellin guys..if we say we r bi then guys flock 2 ya like flies round s***e... not 2 many turn downs wen they find we r bi... (an no me luffly...havnt changed hun so don getya hopes up.. but wos 1ce.. an did use the ticket.. well me not stupid woteva me is.. woteva wiles me had me used....):tong:

It'll change sum day an soona the betta.. an best way a changin it is 2 keep doin as yas doin ...:)

Oct 15, 2008, 3:45 PM
It'll change sum day an soona the betta.. an best way a changin it is 2 keep doin as yas doin ...:)

Oooh...just WHAT will change, Frances?? You?? You telling us that he's doing such a fine job of turning your head that you're thinking it over? hehe....Sorry, babes...just had to mess with ya a tad.....you know we luffs you just the way you are!!

Kate, aka Mumsy

Oct 15, 2008, 3:49 PM
Oooh...just WHAT will change, Frances?? You?? You telling us that he's doing such a fine job of turning your head that you're thinking it over? hehe....Sorry, babes...just had to mess with ya a tad.....you know we luffs you just the way you are!!

Kate, aka Mumsy
Luffs, yes, but if her Kinsey score was just a tad lower...

Oct 15, 2008, 3:52 PM
Luffs, yes, but if her Kinsey score was just a tad lower...

Ahhh yes...if she only knew what she's missing, huh......well..judging by her post, it happened once...could happen again! LOL!! (hides from a kicking and screaming luffly tart...who I may very well have pushed too far this time! LOL!)

Oct 15, 2008, 3:55 PM
I've said this before but it appears my experiences are different than others have posted. Since "coming out to myself" I've NEVER slept with someone without telling them I was bisexual. I've only ever had two negative experiences (one was a woman, one was a gay guy) as a result, and neither was terrible. In fact the majority of the women were turned on by it. Perhaps that was simply due to the trust I displayed in telling them rather than finding a bisexual man a turn on in and of itself, but whatever the reason, it's never been something I've regretted.

Perhaps my experiences are different because I take more time or have a better intuition about people. Since I haven't broken this "rule" in 20+ years, I can tell you that I'm not so quick to jump into bed with someone and that's probably a good thing. If I don't feel secure enough with that person to tell them I'm bi, maybe I shouldn't be fucking them.

In all seriousness, I think you're on to something, Allbi...and like Fran, I also urge you to keep doing what you're doing....There is nothing wrong with being totally honest but also nothing wrong with choosing wisely and using that intuition.

Oct 15, 2008, 7:35 PM
Oooh...just WHAT will change, Frances?? You?? You telling us that he's doing such a fine job of turning your head that you're thinking it over? hehe....Sorry, babes...just had to mess with ya a tad.....you know we luffs you just the way you are!!

Kate, aka Mumsy

Don need 2 think it ova as me think me made clear... Allbi knos the score dontcha me luffly?? Don deny me has warmed 2 him lots compared 2 1ce not so long bak.. but e still has as much chance as 'e has wiv Mata Hari..an she long dead...

Now mumsy..is it propa 2 "jus havta mess" wiv sum1 who ya bounces on ya knee like wen she wos a babba?? tee hee.. betta wotch or ya mite hav loud knock on ya door in middle a nite by the forces a law n order... an me wudn like that... cos u ratha luffly an all...:bigrin:

Oct 15, 2008, 7:39 PM
Luffs, yes, but if her Kinsey score was just a tad lower...
Wots that got 2 do wiv out?? Scared me wud killya even wivout employin Cleave??:bigrin:

2 b honest don even memba doin the Kinsey thing..mita..but dun lotsa othas.. an usually mark up as "quite excitin" or ther abouts......... tee hee

Dec 10, 2008, 12:27 PM
im only attracted towards bi males, travestites, or gays..so yes there r women that find bi men interesting.

Dec 13, 2008, 1:23 PM
I htink i would liek to have sex with 2 men who can freak eachother cause then while i ride one the other can rid ehis mouth. lol. or while i suck one then the other can do me. I think its smtg i'd enjoy. As long as they dont forget i'm there and pay attention to eachother. lol. But i wouldnt DATE eaither guy. I like my husband str8 as an iron arrow. :)

Dec 13, 2008, 5:52 PM
I love bi guys...and yea if a bi guy gets with a girl and it is serious then the girl should know... you shouldn't have to hide who you are because you're scared...if she can't accept it then maybe she isn't for you.

Dec 13, 2008, 6:07 PM
i have always preferred men in my life to be bi. I've always said that if you are gay or straight that your chances of finding a true soul mate are cut down by fifty percent, and all women and men are entitled to find who they truly belong to.

Dec 15, 2008, 6:12 PM
I'm more than happy to date bisexual, or bicurious men. Sadly, I've not... But open to offers.:)

Jun 20, 2014, 9:59 AM
When I lived in Dallas I knew several ladies that were very much OK with it and most of them encouraged it. Since moving to Florida have not found one. I am still in hopes of finding her!!!

Jun 20, 2014, 10:00 AM
I'm more than happy to date bisexual, or bicurious men. Sadly, I've not... But open to offers.:)