View Full Version : Is it just me...

Sep 29, 2008, 4:19 PM
Or will anyone else be glad when all of the election BS is over with?? I am Sooo tired of politics that I could scream, and just wish they'd friggin duke it out and see who Top Dog is, and get it Over with already! All of the back biting and mud slinging to prove who is better is getting monotous and just shows that No politician can be trusted if all they can do is barb each other and muck rake just to get the american people to vote for them. Nuff said.:soapbox:

Sep 29, 2008, 6:58 PM
it is NOT just you, and I'm Canadian and I'm sick of hearing about it too... we have our own election going on right now.....bunch of idiots.

when will they ever learn that attack ads do not work?

Sep 29, 2008, 7:50 PM
it is NOT just you, and I'm Canadian and I'm sick of hearing about it too... we have our own election going on right now.....bunch of idiots.

when will they ever learn that attack ads do not work?

My especial favorites are the random sound clips taken out of context to make it look like Stephan Dion is anti-constitutional.

Instead of seeing how bad they can make the other guy look, why don;t they spend all those millions on getting across THEIR own good points? Or, even better, don't spend millions on advertising. I don't know anyone who votes who made up their mind based on a 30 second tv commercial.

Anyways, i encourage everyone to vote Green. :bigrin:

Sep 29, 2008, 11:09 PM
Oh my God I could not agree more. I am so sick of all the commercials the he said she said bull shit...Its getting nasty and annoying...I just wish it would all end...neither candidate is capable of running out country...McCain and Obama just need to agree to disagree and get on with the things that really matter to the normal people of America...Economy, gas prices, the war in Iraq, personal rights like gay marriage and abortion rights. The mudsling and all that doesn't help me decide who to vote for, it just makes me hate them both.

Sep 30, 2008, 2:11 AM
Trouble is, it never gets over. As soon a one election is finished, they all start campaigning for the next one. :disgust::mad::banghead:

Sep 30, 2008, 3:08 AM
The election is none of my business. I just care if I CAN have fun, especially bisexual fun, 3some:three:

Sep 30, 2008, 9:17 AM
Or will anyone else be glad when all of the election BS is over with?? I am Sooo tired of politics that I could scream, and just wish they'd friggin duke it out and see who Top Dog is, and get it Over with already! All of the back biting and mud slinging to prove who is better is getting monotous and just shows that No politician can be trusted if all they can do is barb each other and muck rake just to get the american people to vote for them. Nuff said.:soapbox:
Wow the economy is bad! thats a secret, gee there's a crisis, thats politics! If you make the republicans look even worse then you'll vote dem, just like the fear tactics of the gays/ gay marrige are coming during the last election. What I am sick of is these same tactics over and over again to meet someones agenda. Umtil anyone in washington says no to lobbyist and big money its the same ole thing. Yeh I'm tired of this crap and spin and he said, he said advertisements. Oh thats right I can turn those idiots off, slip in porn or something and really have something to get excited about.

Sep 30, 2008, 9:20 AM
Oh my God I could not agree more. I am so sick of all the commercials the he said she said bull shit...Its getting nasty and annoying...I just wish it would all end...neither candidate is capable of running out country...McCain and Obama just need to agree to disagree and get on with the things that really matter to the normal people of America...Economy, gas prices, the war in Iraq, personal rights like gay marriage and abortion rights. The mudsling and all that doesn't help me decide who to vote for, it just makes me hate them both.

couldn't agree more

Sep 30, 2008, 1:02 PM
The election is none of my business. I just care if I CAN have fun, especially bisexual fun, 3some:three:

Well, if Palin has her way, you won't have birth control options, and queer folk will go back decades in rights and respect. She's supposed to make up for McSame's ethical lapses, including leaving his disabled wife to marry the rich poster girl 1 month later.

Sep 30, 2008, 9:33 PM
Troll wants a reaction. OK, here's a reaction.
So what?

Oct 1, 2008, 7:46 PM
Whoo Hoo! Thanks Drew and Co. for grabbing up yet another Troll. I didnt see the retort, so I dont know what idiocy was said..lol

Oct 1, 2008, 8:30 PM
As an outsider, even here in Oz, we have been inundated with the election.
And also, as someone who has been on these (and other) boards for sometime, i don't think America has ever been split so badly - possibly since the years before the Civil War.
The first job the new President must do (beside the economic clusterfuck) is to heal the split .... and i don't think either can do it.
A sad reflection on the paucity of US politics.

Oct 1, 2008, 8:32 PM
And yes, won't it be lovely when its over. :tongue:
We can talk about sex again. :female::female:

Oct 3, 2008, 12:18 AM
Yes, I know many people are tired of the election and LONG process but until the system is fixed and big money is taken out and the primary season shortened, we will have a never ending stream of political ads.
The problem isn't that we replace a bad system by no system by not voting and hiding from or bitching about the issues. The solution is to realize that democracy is messy and difficult and the more knowledge you have of the issues the more informed you are as a voter. Then you make the bad system a better system every time you vote!! You will not always get the person you want but you have a say in the process of our great democracy. I have no time for those people who bitch and stay home on election day. It's the first question I ask after election day when I hear someone bitching about the government or economy or the war or whatever.
"Did you vote?"
"Uh, no.."
"Then you can't bitch." End of discussion.

Oct 4, 2008, 10:29 PM
I just sat through an hour-long TV program on the financial crisis, with Democrats blaming Republicans and Republicans blaming Democrats. Anyone surprised about that?

Oct 5, 2008, 1:09 AM
"The problem isn't that we replace a bad system by no system by not voting and hiding from or bitching about the issues.

This is not bitching. It is expressing a strongly held opinion and belief. We are free to do that, even without positing a vote. Others and I myself however briefly, paid for that right.

The solution is to realize that democracy is messy and difficult and the more knowledge you have of the issues the more informed you are as a voter.

Thomas Paine, a friend of Thomas Jefferson wrote a book titled Common Sense. In this book he suggests democracy will only work in the shade of a tree. Beyond that, he says democracy is a tragically doomed farce. He and Jefferson wrote back and forth at great length on founding America. In my estimation, anyone capable of countering and discourse with Jefferson is probably quite informed and wise. Of course being of the working class stock, I've only been behooved a sorely inadequate but hey it teaches them to not pick their nose in public, public education.

I would not know enough to feel outrage at Socrates for his surrender of principle. He went against the state, which wanted him to resign from a senate for speaking freely. He said that in his time all forms of governing had been tried and failed. The reason for their failure lied in each one's advantages, which could and were corruptible. They tried democracy, too by the way.

Then you make the bad system a better system every time you vote!!

Much as I dislike and do not condone one who commits genocide, Stalin did indeed have genius. During WWII he ordered his soldiers to pull back, leading the Germans further 'in country'. Stalin's soldiers were further ordered to not directly engage the enemy, but expend, raze, destroy any resources in their path.

The Germans kept expending resources while attempting capture or destroy the Russians. Meanwhile, the Russians had a pincer flank established. This wound up into a circle surrounding the Germans, who were left without means to fight back.

That's simply a matter of historical record of excellent military strategy. Stalin also said it was not he that votes who decides issues, but those counting the votes.

Wake up, in America we've an Electoral College. Not quite sure of all the ins and outs of it, but the doubletalk I've seen in regards to it reeks of affluent folks not afraid to throw elections for a bribe, or just because. They count our votes, they decide the issues. We make a difference? Really?

You will not always get the person you want but you have a say in the process of our great democracy. I have no time for those people who bitch and stay home on election day."

Well, some of us are informed via history. And we see that the whole system is beyond repair, doubt there exists any system which could be the ideal. We've no time for thinking our voice matters when we're pressed to do and not think. And yes, we do. Even if all we do is meagerly survive.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. And to answer the original question, yes, I'm quite tired of the fiasco.

Oct 5, 2008, 4:38 AM

Anyways, i encourage everyone to vote Green. :bigrin:

That's my plan. I've been an NDP supporter since I was old enough to vote but this election I vehemently disagree with their policy about Afghanistan.

Oct 5, 2008, 8:13 AM
"The problem isn't that we replace a bad system by no system by not voting and hiding from or bitching about the issues.

This is not bitching. It is expressing a strongly held opinion and belief. We are free to do that, even without positing a vote. Others and I myself however briefly, paid for that right.

The solution is to realize that democracy is messy and difficult and the more knowledge you have of the issues the more informed you are as a voter.

Thomas Paine, a friend of Thomas Jefferson wrote a book titled Common Sense. In this book he suggests democracy will only work in the shade of a tree. Beyond that, he says democracy is a tragically doomed farce. He and Jefferson wrote back and forth at great length on founding America. In my estimation, anyone capable of countering and discourse with Jefferson is probably quite informed and wise. Of course being of the working class stock, I've only been behooved a sorely inadequate but hey it teaches them to not pick their nose in public, public education.

I would not know enough to feel outrage at Socrates for his surrender of principle. He went against the state, which wanted him to resign from a senate for speaking freely. He said that in his time all forms of governing had been tried and failed. The reason for their failure lied in each one's advantages, which could and were corruptible. They tried democracy, too by the way.

Then you make the bad system a better system every time you vote!!

Much as I dislike and do not condone one who commits genocide, Stalin did indeed have genius. During WWII he ordered his soldiers to pull back, leading the Germans further 'in country'. Stalin's soldiers were further ordered to not directly engage the enemy, but expend, raze, destroy any resources in their path.

The Germans kept expending resources while attempting capture or destroy the Russians. Meanwhile, the Russians had a pincer flank established. This wound up into a circle surrounding the Germans, who were left without means to fight back.

That's simply a matter of historical record of excellent military strategy. Stalin also said it was not he that votes who decides issues, but those counting the votes.

Wake up, in America we've an Electoral College. Not quite sure of all the ins and outs of it, but the doubletalk I've seen in regards to it reeks of affluent folks not afraid to throw elections for a bribe, or just because. They count our votes, they decide the issues. We make a difference? Really?

You will not always get the person you want but you have a say in the process of our great democracy. I have no time for those people who bitch and stay home on election day."

Well, some of us are informed via history. And we see that the whole system is beyond repair, doubt there exists any system which could be the ideal. We've no time for thinking our voice matters when we're pressed to do and not think. And yes, we do. Even if all we do is meagerly survive.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. And to answer the original question, yes, I'm quite tired of the fiasco.

I respect you anger and frustration with the system. The system is not perfect . History shows that. Of course, you know that the electoral college only decides ONE election out of MANY that will be on the ballot this year. Perhaps the electoral college should be replaced. It is not a sufficient reason not to be engaged in the process.
Yes, you have a right to bitch if you don't participate in the process by voting. I think it's kind of like bitching that you're hungry because you don't like any of the food that there is to eat. I don't feel sorry for you. And you can bitch all you want and site all kinds of great historical examples but unless you vote with your well-informed mind for every race and issue on the ballot, then you are really just blowing hot air.
The country needs more people that have the passion to stay on top of the issues and read the historical perspective to vote. Staying on the side-lines deprives the country of a valuable resource and that makes me sad.

Oct 5, 2008, 8:24 AM
The country needs more people that have the passion to stay on top of the issues and read the historical perspective to vote. Staying on the side-lines deprives the country of a valuable resource and that makes me sad.

..an don haff make the rulin classes smile from ear 2 ear...

..thats me 2p's worth .. well ifya cant beat 'em join 'em but make it mean summat...:tong: worth moren :2cents: ne way... tho still buys sod all....:tong:

Oct 5, 2008, 10:35 AM
"still buys sod all." - Fran

Here, here! At least someone read what I said. The belief and strongly held opinion are exactly what Fran expresses, it buys sod all. Why bother taking part when the investment returns nothing? And it has been demonstrated time and again it doesn't return anything. The more it changes, the more it remains the same. Frustration? Hardly. Think I'm well beyond frustration and obviously that isn't merely from a lone nut but many folks. Sorry, I refuse your Free Speech Zones. Cages aren't meant for me.

Oct 5, 2008, 11:04 AM
"still buys sod all." - Fran

Here, here! At least someone read what I said. The belief and strongly held opinion are exactly what Fran expresses, it buys sod all. Why bother taking part when the investment returns nothing? And it has been demonstrated time and again it doesn't return anything. The more it changes, the more it remains the same. Frustration? Hardly. Think I'm well beyond frustration and obviously that isn't merely from a lone nut but many folks. Sorry, I refuse your Free Speech Zones. Cages aren't meant for me.

I don't think you're a nut at all. I respect your opinions. I just want you to use them to get things done; not just shake your fist at the wind.