View Full Version : Even the Hated Can Hate

Sep 28, 2008, 7:24 PM
What I have learned since i was born so far...
Even the hated can hate.
i have an aquaintance who i now know i have little in common with and would never be friends with if i knew more about the person beforehand.
he hates. now hate can be positive. i hate abuse, murder, child molesters, rapists, so on so forth. so hate can be good.
but this person who's ancestors and even current relatives who were tortured, murdered, humiliated, starved- his hate is to me not right. he hates people he doesn't know. hates them for thier ancestors faults. hates others selectively too. doesn't hate the women but hates the men.
i grew up in hate. i fought it and fought it because i have been hated and more. and i know how it feels. and like i said. i don't want to judge anyone by "color". i want to know them by thier thoughts and humor and more.
i met this man patrick. and he is funny, and loving, and smart..
but because of my situation and his we cannot spend long with each other.
but a moment of knowing someone who likes me for me mind and body and even if my mind is scrambled eggs a lot understands a little of why that is.
and part of that reason is the hate issue. i suffered through hate myself.

Sep 29, 2008, 12:58 AM
[B]Babygirl...I understand this wholeheartedly. I grew up on a Cherokee-Chocktaw reservation, and altho I am half white, I was always looked down on by the Townies in the tiny town below the reservation. I endured being considered not quite white, not quite full blooded Cherokee, and faced alot of discrimination because of this factor. I wasnt quite good enough in their eyes because I was of "Mixed races" and people can be very cruel to a young child. Even though I didnt look all Cherokee, I caught the brunt of bigot's wrath. I was treated differently because of my heritage, and went thru alot of bullshit until the persons who thought they were better than me found out that this little cat (at the time I was little..lol) had teeth and claws..lol

When I was a kid I thought it was because we were dirt poor, I didnt know it was just stupid predijudicial insecurity that caused the ridicule, the hateful words, and the cruel treatment. I didnt understand why people thought that Indians (of any Nation) were still the "Bad Guys". Hadnt these idiots evoloved enough to know that this wasn't the Old West anymore?? Apparently not for some of them.

Hate and ignorance go hand in hand Baby, and it continues on today.
You would think in this enlightened age that people would have grown up and evoloved on to a higher plain of mind, but Nope, some people will never be able to progress and change.

I am sorry that Patrick will never Be one of those people that sees the world for the wondrous place that it is, filled with people of all kinds. Some people have a certain mindset, and can never see past their own pre-conseptions.
All you can do for these people is feel bad for them, and thank the Spirits and Creator that You are one of the enlightened ones. ;}
Big hugz to you Darlin.:paw::paw:
Yer Cat

Sep 29, 2008, 8:40 AM
I understand your post... and I think its a shame that people can be so cruel, and not learn from the errors of the past.

I tried to apply your words to a different post, seeing that many bisexuals ( who are hated for various reasons) have decided it would be best to hate people because of racial reasons ( if someone disputes them, they hold on tightly to their hate), and this is the reply I received... :(


Now, granted, this person who typed that post has found MYRIAD reasons to fkk with me, and EVERY solitary post that I write/comment on, but in this case I was merely quoting your words, which unfortunately has a ring of truth in it, and see the response...

So YEAH... you are right and it has been proven in more ways than one...
This world will not change unless the people in it are willing to... and some people are so stuck in their sh*t like pigs in a pen that they dont even take the time to think about the "what if this crap happened to me" scenario.

People for some reason NEED hate... they thrive on it... it seems like it gives them some form of "power" over another... because the more one tries to use reason and (un)common sense, the more their hate grows--and they begin to hate the reason and (un)common sense along with the individual!

For shame.


Sep 29, 2008, 1:10 PM
No worries... Live as best you can , giving those around you an example to look to.
Some folks (and all of us on occassion) can't turn thier heads far enough to see anything past the chip on thier shoulders, and hate seems to flow from teh inability to understand why the chip was pciked up in teh first place.
You can't flick thier chip off, you just have to wait for folsk to get tired of lugging it around . In teh meanwhile, you can surround yourself with folks who are trying to live with understanding themselves.

:) Nin

Sep 29, 2008, 1:40 PM
I tried to apply your words to a different post...and this is the reply I received... :(


Now, granted, this person who typed that post has found MYRIAD reasons to fkk with me, and EVERY solitary post that I write/comment on, but in this case I was merely quoting your words, which unfortunately has a ring of truth in it, and see the response...[/QUOTE]

Hey, Nin, I got a similar reply from that same person, to which I responded just before I discovered your post. What a coincidence! I can't post the links (I'm on my phone's browser), but you can find it all either through my profile, or if you check the list of threads recently posted to, for one by shysally about threesomes.

Sep 29, 2008, 4:00 PM
No worries... Live as best you can , giving those around you an example to look to.
Some folks (and all of us on occassion) can't turn thier heads far enough to see anything past the chip on thier shoulders, and hate seems to flow from teh inability to understand why the chip was pciked up in teh first place.
You can't flick thier chip off, you just have to wait for folsk to get tired of lugging it around . In teh meanwhile, you can surround yourself with folks who are trying to live with understanding themselves.

:) Nin

Yeah. You got it. I agree with you.