View Full Version : Conservative Voices now begining call for Sarah Palin to withdraw from campaign

Sep 27, 2008, 9:05 PM
Recently, one of the lions of the conservative media---George Will called for the withdrawal of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate---now here is one more voice---a columnist from the online version of the late William F. Buckley's The National Review is calling on Palin to withdraw for the good of the Republican party and McCain's chances to win the presidency:


Sep 27, 2008, 11:02 PM
I saw one of the CBS interviews because I had seen a link about the first one. All I can say is God help us if she were a heartbeat away. I've never seen a public figure look and sound so stupid in an interview in my life. No wonder they don't let her talk. Biden will chew her up like a rottweiler on a pig's ear without even trying.

Which just goes to show you McCain's abilities. I can't fathom a soul voting for someone who would pick her as VP. Imagine how bad he'd screw up anything if this is the best he can do with something as simple as picking a VP.