View Full Version : Silence.. but still luffyas

Sep 26, 2008, 5:48 PM
Its been a strange, fraught and initially at least, very unpleasant week which began with people I love and care about getting hurt quite badly, including the one I care about most in the world. And while close by I just couldn't get there in time to do anything about it which leaves me with guilt feelings I just can't throw off. The week began with anger and a rage and a wont and need to do real harm to others which I was surprised and horrified to find existed... that rage scared the shit out of me and the memory of it still does...

So I have been a little down this week...no...bloody miserable to tell the truth, certainly at least in the early part of the week, but a lot thoughtful thinking about the violence within yourself and realising just how much is there does that to you.. and worst of all the sheer madness and insanity of what happened to those I love. At least one on site, the luffly Ran, has always warned me when going out to be safe and take care.. my answer has always been "I do cos I can look after mesel... will b ok" Complacency an stupidity huh? Well we all suffer from both sometimes...

But friends and family rally round don't they? They do their bit to cheer us up, and do what they can to take the load off us and get us back to the land of the living and slowly we begin to smile a bit and eventually someone says something which gets through and really tickles us pink..and we let go of a great belly laugh.. its a sign that for all the pains of the world we are pulling through and will be all right. For us, our friends and family certainly came good, as I knew they would... my hurt was mental, seeing those I love in such distress, but their's is much more serious being both psychological and physical scars they will have to bear. Seeing my partner give that belly laugh so unexpectedly (interspersed with a few winces,ouches and ooyas) after what she went through, really brought light into my heart and I knew that she will be fine given a little time. Our much loved friend will be also even though she was the more badly injured of the two. As part of the therapy, we are having dinner together tomorrow evening, and a few glasses of plonk, but its an in weekend more or less, and none of us will be going anywhere until we are quite ready..

We will all be ok then..which is good. Given a little time, the memory of an unpleasant downright nasty happening will fade and we will get back to normal. Well..normal for us anyway...

The week carried on and I was visited by my ex husband. A fun happening.. and if anything cheered me up no end more than anything. Not the news he brought, or what he had to say..but the fact that his mother is furious with me and after a 3 year silence has once again begun to accuse me of being a money grabbing selfish whore and generally right nasty bitch who should be put down, and who is determined that I shall be.. normal service has been resumed there then!!! I am glad to say she will have much more opportunity to say that and worse in the coming weeks and months.. and with luck for the rest of her days she will have something to "enjoy" moaning about.. and give me ample stories about her palpitations and discomfiture that I will never be short of after dinner speeches... a lifetime eating out at her expense is well worth that!!!. Kate will never be short of her always wise "be careful, Frances" and that lovely touch on the arm which only she can do to calm me down and get me to switch my brain on..

So from evil being done to becoming "evil" personified my week has indeed been one of the strangest of my life, but from it I have learned and am learning so much about myself, my partner, my friends and yes, even those with whom I am hardly belle of the ball...

I will be honest and say that I am still a little down, Kate even more so, but we are picking up. I am not full of the joys of spring exactly (well is autumn innit?), but the Fran humour is returning, and that cutting edge so many of you know and "love" (no not Cleave.. just the wickedness of tongue).is beginning to find voice.

I havent gotten into chat because I havent really felt like it and the one thing I hate is mizziness...tho have spoken to a few of you in yahoo and they have played their part in making me smile and even giggle..ta to them..... but soon enough will show me face in chat properly. Popped in for a bit today but didnt really feel on top form..hope it didn't show.. somehow even Franspeak just doesnt seem right and it is a "language" of mood.. whether u like it or not it is certainly that...

When will I be back in chat?? When the mood takes off..an am feeling my usual self.. till then forum posts will have to do.. u want your Franfix u will have to wait or catch me on yahoo..

Kissies to all and big huggles

Sep 26, 2008, 5:56 PM
Aw Babygirl..I dont know what happened to make life so miserable right now, but please know that I hope everything will be alright soon, and all will be right with the world again. Keep safe in the knowledge that you are liked and loved in Here, and that This Family is here for you always!:grouphug::grouphug:
Big Big Hugz
Your Cat.

Sep 26, 2008, 7:10 PM
Frances Love....We are here for you. We Love you. PM me if you want to chat.


Sep 26, 2008, 7:14 PM
Fran,Like Cat,I don't know what happend to you and your dear Kate. But you have our undying support here. You know i love ya hon,and besides i got selfish reasons for wanting you back to your old self again. :bigrin: Well hon,get your ass back too chat as soon as possible hon,:bigrin: All 4 of y'all have my love and best wishes,tell Kate too get well. :)

Sep 26, 2008, 8:43 PM
Darkeyes - I have a hell of a time understanding what you're writing about half the time, but I can tell you're having a bad week...I hope things get better for you very soon. Take a break to care for yourself as well as those you love and know you're in our thoughts (even those of us who are rarely on this site!)...

Sep 26, 2008, 11:16 PM
Fran--I am so sorry for your pain and suffering; and that of your friends and family. In due time, things will get better as they always do (no matter how trite the words sound, they always prove themselves right) Know that we love and care about you and Kate, and will do anything to make life a little better for you :)


Oct 5, 2008, 9:43 AM
We had a party here last night. Just part of the regular pattern of our lives as the nights draw in and the weather makes our lives a little less bright.. not that this summer has been any great shakes.. like last year it was pretty grim..

All our m8s were there and a gaggle of assorted reprobates and tarts.. not a good party without that is it? As you would hope, it was wild... it was fun and it was very, very noisy. That I had fun goes without saying.... but the most fabulous thing about it wasn't that there was plenty to drink, lots of luffly food and that everyone enjoyed it..it was watching Kate come alive really for the first time since her trouble. She breezed through it as if nothing had ever happened and it was a joy to watch her mix, laugh and dance, chat away with all and sundry and basically be ..well..Kate...

The other girl who got hurt was there also and she too seemed to enjoy herself.. keeping an eye on her partner who like me has always enjoyed these occasions with great fervour.. well not for nothing is she my best friend..:tong:

We had seriously thought of calling it off because of what had happened because of Kate's mindset.... but am ever so glad now that we didn't.. part of the healing and as far as we can, why should we change our way of life because of some drunken doped up idiots?

The bigger test is yet to come, and that is getting out at weekends doing what we have always done.. getting into town and club till the wee small hours... but there is no rush..one thing at a time... but things are looking up, :)and if me luffly Naggy is happy.. then u can't half see the change in me...

..in the meantime..hangover or no..its time to start on the rubble of a good night... :(

Oct 5, 2008, 1:20 PM
We had a party here last night. Just part of the regular pattern of our lives as the nights draw in and the weather makes our lives a little less bright.. not that this summer has been any great shakes.. like last year it was pretty grim..

All our m8s were there and a gaggle of assorted reprobates and tarts.. not a good party without that is it? As you would hope, it was wild... it was fun and it was very, very noisy. That I had fun goes without saying.... but the most fabulous thing about it wasn't that there was plenty to drink, lots of luffly food and that everyone enjoyed it..it was watching Kate come alive really for the first time since her trouble. She breezed through it as if nothing had ever happened and it was a joy to watch her mix, laugh and dance, chat away with all and sundry and basically be ..well..Kate...

The other girl who got hurt was there also and she too seemed to enjoy herself.. keeping an eye on her partner who like me has always enjoyed these occasions with great fervour.. well not for nothing is she my best friend..:tong:

We had seriously thought of calling it off because of what had happened because of Kate's mindset.... but am ever so glad now that we didn't.. part of the healing and as far as we can, why should we change our way of life because of some drunken doped up idiots?

The bigger test is yet to come, and that is getting out at weekends doing what we have always done.. getting into town and club till the wee small hours... but there is no rush..one thing at a time... but things are looking up, :)and if me luffly Naggy is happy.. then u can't half see the change in me...

..in the meantime..hangover or no..its time to start on the rubble of a good night... :(

That is the nice thing about good friends, good food and good drink all in the same place at the same time; the positive energy is absorbed and shared by everyone and is one of the best tonics for feeling bad......even if just for a while.

It helps us to get through the rough times to know that people care enough about us to share their love with us when we need it the most.

Going through a bit of depression here, last week was the perfect time for my initiation (most Wiccans know what that is). The positive energies that came about from that ritual, and the party afterwards, are still resonating in my heart and soul, over a week later.

These things help us all.

Things will get better for you and yours. You are a good person and that resonates in and around you, which affects those around you. As in all things, this bad time, too, will pass for your friends and loved ones.

shameless agitator
Oct 5, 2008, 7:00 PM
Damn, Fran. Sorry to hear about your troubles. Sounds like you and Kate are getting back to "normal" though. Love you both & if ya need somebody to talk to feel free to drop me a line.
