View Full Version : GOP closet monsters... will hypocrisy never cease??

Sep 23, 2008, 11:30 AM
so John McCain has a gay chief of staff..Here's your "PRIDE" (http://signorile2003.blogspot.com/2008/09/hypocrisy-bombshell-antigay-john-mccain.html)

to quote a bit from the piece:

John McCain is opposed to every single gay rights measure of recent years –- from a hate crimes bill, to an anti-discrimination bill to an attempt to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on gays in the military –- and is publicly on record supporting a ballot measure in California this November to strip gays and lesbians there of their legally-won right to marry in that state. If that isn’t enough to make it relevant to report on his 20-year-relationship with a close aide and chief of staff who is gay, the fact that Sarah Palin is now on the ticket -- garnering support for McCain from previously reticent antigay leaders like James Dobson of Focus on the Family –- surely does.

Sarah Palin has been a prominent and visible member of two controversial churches in Wasilla, though much of the media has shied away from telling us much about them (even though cable networks had no problem giving us every minute detail about Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s former pastor, and his church). Palin adheres to Pentecostalism, a religious fundamentalist movement that is vehemently antigay and believes in the literal interpretation of the Bible. Little has been asked of Palin –- or of the McCain campaign –- about the relationship between Palin's faith and her political positions, even as many of us have seen her worshipping in her church on YouTube, explaining “God’s plan” for Iraq, praying to God for a pipeline, and thanking a Kenyan evangelical pastor known as a "witchhunter" for laying hands on her and helping her become governor.

As a member of the Wasilla city council Palin reportedly inquired about banning a children's book about gay parents – Daddy’s Roommate -- and she is a darling of the evangelical right, which is hell-bent on keep gays from attaining further rights and stripping them of every right they've already won. She is opposed not only to marriage for gays but to domestic partnership benefits: Though the media has often gotten it wrong when they cared to look into it, Palin only vetoed a bill that would strip partnership benefits for government employees because the Alaska Supreme Court ruled the bill unconstitutional. Palin’s current church, the Wasilla Bible Church, just this month promoted a “conversion” therapy conference for gays, organized by Focus on the Family in Anchorage.Palin has not come out against the church’s sponsorship, though the American Psychological Association has condemned these programs as psychologically harmful.

Sep 23, 2008, 6:42 PM
As a patriot, who happens to be a Republican, I have this to say;

The Republican party gene pool has spent the last 20 years in need of some serious chlorination.

The party has moved away from it's original intent and become the bane of the common working man that they had originally claimed to be behind.

They have fallen into the idiotic Dominion Christian plan to Christianize the nation.

Shame they never encouraged anyone in the party to ACTUALLY READ the Constitution.

I think that I am going to have to change parties, but the Democrats are not much better.

Sep 23, 2008, 9:51 PM
but the Democrats are not much better.
They are the same to be honest...they are all out of touch and are all running based on lies...