View Full Version : Been here often.............?

Sep 19, 2008, 1:20 PM
After watching 'The Pick-up Artist' on Tv, I checked out the advice on the internet in regard to dating women. The advice given was wide and varied and some included some elements of 'The battle of the sex's,' which was quite amusing. I have in the past not found such advice at all helpful, however, there was one bit of advice that made sense and that was "Before chatting up a woman work out what you want in a woman." Like a lot of males I still don't know what exactly what i'm looking for.

Any thoughts folks?

PS; Chat-up lines seem to me to be too much like sales pitches. Inviting someone for a drink/coffee I find a better way to get to know someone. :)


Sep 20, 2008, 10:16 AM
well, Ian. To be honest there is no way to pick up women. in my experience if you see someone that you think you might like you have to just act on that and find out if you thought right. People either hit it off or they don't and it is usually the people who aren't looking to find each other who do.

so yeah, asking her out for a drink or coffee really is the best bet.

Sep 20, 2008, 2:14 PM
Sometimes you never know what you're looking for until you find it. You'll meet lots of women and then there will be this very one...the one who clicks....the one who feels as if you've known her forever. You just have to take those chances....make those dates!!