View Full Version : Intersexual?

Sep 17, 2008, 10:53 AM
A few days ago I was introduced to an attractive enough lady a little older than myself. She seemed a perfectly normal and pleasant woman with a wicked sense of humour but who was a little nervous of her surroundings.

After she left my friend explained to me that she was intersexual which is apparently the modern term for a hermaphrodite, and had all the sexual organs of both sexes. My eyes opened wide for a moment at this and was somewhat doubtful but after talking a while I could see my friend was quite serious. Apparently she had been registered as a boy but as she grew to maturity took on more of the features and appearance of a girl and when she left home eventually took on a female identity.

I had all the obvious questions to ask but was somewhat coy of doing so but had to know about her love life. Her unusual situation has made her very reluctant to physically involve herself with another person, but I was told she considers herself a heterosexual woman and has had one unhappy relationship with a man which ended in a quite an abusive and violent manner.

I knew there were people like her but she is the only one I have ever been introduced to and has set my curiosity into overdrive. We are having a girls night out next weekend and she will be there and have no idea whether to ask her anything or whether to keep my face well and truly shut. I think discretion is the better part of valour and while I have decided to say nothing I hope the alcohol doesn't loosen my inhibitions and make me somewhat less discreet.

Sep 17, 2008, 1:01 PM
Just accept her for who she is, Babygirl. I know of a couple of people that are Intersexual or Hir, and they are great people. But just people like any other.
Have fun and make her a friend...ya never know of the possibilities that may arise. My second lover ever was a Hir-girl and I can tell you from personal experiance that it was one that I shall never forget!

Sep 17, 2008, 2:23 PM
I recently saw a movie about this subject.


Sep 17, 2008, 9:06 PM
WOW, and here we thought this was always fake...would have been interesting to have met and fall in love with an intersexual..:three:

Sep 17, 2008, 11:17 PM
I recently saw a movie about this subject.


Wikipedia had removed the info on this film--but I did catch a bit of a program somewhere on the tube in the recent past on this subject as well--

I am glad that science is advancing on this front----the doctors used to simply make an arbitrary decision regarding the gender such people were to be raised as---and they often got it wrong---sort of the same for the whole gender identity issue---

At least we are a bit more open minded today--and to vikki----I hope at the very least-you make a good friend out of this person.

Have fun!

Sep 18, 2008, 7:42 AM
A friend is all I ask for 12Voltman. It would be both presumptious and disrespectful to ask for any other. Those who think I am looking for anything else are very much in error. She is a person and I shall treat her as such. I liked her company and whatever her sex happens to be has nothing to do with what if anything I want from her.

Sep 18, 2008, 1:13 PM
A friend is all I ask for 12Voltman. It would be both presumptious and disrespectful to ask for any other. Those who think I am looking for anything else are very much in error. She is a person and I shall treat her as such. I liked her company and whatever her sex happens to be has nothing to do with what if anything I want from her.

Well--why not hope for something additonal to the friendship??

Nothing at all wrong with that--and like I said--good luck in making a new friend--who just might turn out to be something more as well!