View Full Version : Narrowing The Search

Sep 15, 2008, 9:21 PM
I can only speak for myself here in California, but I am having the hardest time meeting bi men, particularly in my area. I think part of it is the inability to search any deeper than- 'Other in California'. Part of it seems to be that people don't read profiles or post much in their profile. In addition the other sites I have tried organize information differently and charge to see the important information.
I am particular about who I have relationships with, but I never imagined it could be so hard to meet someone. Is it too much to expect a face picture? A response to an inquiry? To expect details about expectations, thoughts on what is safe sex, what you like and don't like, partner involvement etc? We are calling ourselves Bi for a reason; being Bi is not easy but I never imagined it being so difficult in a community that understands.
It is a bit of a rant, but I'ld appreciate suggestions on other sites to check, bio set up, etc, because maybe I am not clear. Maybe my approach is wrong.

Sep 15, 2008, 9:34 PM
there is nothing wrong with your approach. also you have a great profile. so many people don't bother to fill them out. distance is a problem, all i can say is just keep on trying. this site has lots of great people from ca, just too far for us to drive.


Sep 16, 2008, 12:14 AM
Do not be so particular you can always your go separate ways if you do not find a basis for mutual attraction. If a face picture is important to you, ask for it to be sent to you, but do not expect it to be for all to see. Some people will be very open to you about themselves when they are face-to-face, but will not reveal much of anything accept the desire for sex over the Internet via email.
Eventually, you will have to meet people that you do not know, all or most of what you want to know, before you can really know if you really like them and for them to know if they really like you. Further, this may be why they are reluctant to reveal much about themselves, unless it is face-to-face.

Sep 16, 2008, 4:55 PM
I can only speak for myself here in California, but I am having the hardest time meeting bi men, particularly in my area. I think part of it is the inability to search any deeper than- 'Other in California'. Part of it seems to be that people don't read profiles or post much in their profile. In addition the other sites I have tried organize information differently and charge to see the important information.
I am particular about who I have relationships with, but I never imagined it could be so hard to meet someone. Is it too much to expect a face picture? A response to an inquiry? To expect details about expectations, thoughts on what is safe sex, what you like and don't like, partner involvement etc? We are calling ourselves Bi for a reason; being Bi is not easy but I never imagined it being so difficult in a community that understands.
It is a bit of a rant, but I'ld appreciate suggestions on other sites to check, bio set up, etc, because maybe I am not clear. Maybe my approach is wrong.

In answer to the question of face pics, I won't give out face pics until i've got to know someone reasonably well. In this, I'm just being careful you never know who you are chatting with. Profiles are best developed over time. Good luck in your hunting.

Ian :)

Sep 17, 2008, 1:31 AM
Well I either did a good job presenting myself in my bio or 125 views later and only 3 people have anything to say regarding my main two questions:
1. suggestions on other sites to check
2. bio set up

Thanks to those of you who did respond. Still seems odd that with so many people looking for each other, there aren't a few hits.

Sep 18, 2008, 2:24 PM
I hear you.

My experiences have been similar.
Very few have contacted me. Of those that have, many do not answer back when I reply. Of those I have contacted, many have not bothered to reply.
It IS frustrating. I am always friendly and respectful in my replies.

I have had somewhat better luck on Silverdaddies.com. But, out of 7120 views, I have had maybe 5 contacts received, if you don't count the spammers from Russia and Nigeria!

I know the best thing is to go out and meet people in person, but that is difficult in an outlying area without gay bars or much activity.

I'm sorry I don't have a better suggestion.

Sep 18, 2008, 6:57 PM
Well being a bi cpl on the look out for "playmates”, we have found there are mainly two types of folks here, The Bi who are and able to have a full relationship and are real. Then the curious folks that are nothing more then a one nite stand without their partner knowing, or they are flakes and fakes. Now I know Im going to be flamed for those comments, but being the lady of the couple I have found this site as a great tool to chat with other like minded folks, both male and female. But a site to find “friends” I think you are looking at the wrong one.

Sep 18, 2008, 7:20 PM
Well being a bi cpl on the look out for "playmates”, we have found there are mainly two types of folks here, The Bi who are and able to have a full relationship and are real. Then the curious folks that are nothing more then a one nite stand without their partner knowing, or they are flakes and fakes. Now I know Im going to be flamed for those comments, but being the lady of the couple I have found this site as a great tool to chat with other like minded folks, both male and female. But a site to find “friends” I think you are looking at the wrong one.

I have made friends on here that I chat with and some I have met for something more----but it does not tend to be a pure hook up site----for that--sites like Men4SexNow.com and Squirt.org are much better if you are looking for pure sex mostly hook ups---not that you can't make friends on those sites too--it is just the nature of this site to be more "community oriented" and those others to be "meet/meat market" sites.

And to be honest--on those sites--you better have lots of pictures--not so much of your face---but almost exclusively of your torso(if you are not fat--if you are forget it), your tush and your cock (hard and dripping something is best and the bigger the better too!!!)--otherwise forget it!!