View Full Version : Hedon out of here...

Sep 14, 2008, 6:58 PM
What is your motive for coming to this site?

When I first visited my main motive was to meet other like minded people solely in the interest of pursuing hedonistic pleasures in a no strings way. I gave up on that aim rapidly surprised to find myself in a very small minority.

It seems people are attracted here for a variety of reasons and many would like a "relationship" involving someone else on this site - but the pure, unadulterated desire to seek others for sexual fantasy and hedonistic pleasure seems surprisingly unpopular here.

Are there any other hedons here who have the same motive as I did at the beginning? Or am I better off in a farmyard.

Sep 14, 2008, 9:14 PM
Learn, explore, love, play - as much as possible as "online" is a poor substitute for the real thing. I don't like clubs, bars - most of them open past my bedtime and I've never been able to pull all-nighters and been a happy person in the morning anyway.

Try to come to terms with what it means to be me, what it means to be bi - who am I? How different am I REALLY? Just how much of sex/gender defines a person anyway?

Try to find like minded people, or people I can learn from - maybe some day I'll be lucky enough to find one I really can call a true companion - most of those on this site are not really physically in my "neck of the woods" but hearing the opinions of others - learning, growing, changing, interacting, engaging - are all things to be appreciated even if the distance is a frustration.

Bolstering spirits, when someone I love is down and I've been there - trying to hold out a hand - lift that person up, give them a hug and a kiss - honestly - without grabbing their crotch. A community of folks who are willing to listen - even if the topics seem a little crazy at times.

Never been really comfortable as a Hedonist, I think I was a shaker in a former life or something - like anything else done to extremes denial of pleasure can be detrimental as well - maybe one day I'll learn to just let go and experience pleasure - to just appreciate the moment for what it is instead of constantly trying to anticipate the next thing to fall out of the sky.

Sep 15, 2008, 2:44 AM
When I first came here, it was in hopes to be able to meet someone and to be able to enjoy a community of like minded people.. I have known since i was about 11 that I was bi...and now at the age of 22 the most I've ever done with another female is kiss...and that is driving me crazy. I guess I'm still kind of here for the same reasons but the emphasis on the community is much stronger than it was before.

Sep 15, 2008, 5:38 PM
Is that it?

Looks like I'm better off down the farmyard.
Wonder if I'll find any rabbits...