View Full Version : Large Hard-on Collider

Sep 9, 2008, 11:18 PM
My roommate was just talking about the Large Hadron Collider and pronounced it as the Large Hard-on Collider. My immediate thought, after I stopped laughing, was that that would make a great title for a gay porn. I was wondering what you guys thought of the concept. Good title or bad?

Sep 9, 2008, 11:33 PM
It would be up there with the classic sci-fi porn films such as "Flesh Gordon" (we have a copy) and "Star Whores".:tong:

Being a film school grad, if someone wants to produce it, I will be glad to work the project.....I can act, direct, fluff, whatever needs doing on, or off, the set.;):bigrin:

Sep 10, 2008, 12:24 AM
Hmm... never thought of doing it myself. Granted I probably couldn't be one of the stars of the film, Average Hard-On Collider just doesn't have the same ring to it.:bigrin:

Sep 10, 2008, 7:31 AM
let's take it and run...
Setting.... spaceship. Lot's of people, especially voluptuous women (Dolly Parton in 0G).
This guy who's a real stud, lotta meat. Every time he makes it with a girl and cums, wham! Instant orgasm for the girl.
Warp drive goes out... and wouldn't you know, there's a little circular port straight out the back of the ship.
The restroom functions were knocked out in the rear of the ship by loss of the warp drive. Our hero sticks it out the little port to relieve himself, gets a smirk on his face, and suddenly the ship lurches forward. After some investigating, it turns out our hero was wacking off. It's suggested he try it again...

Sep 10, 2008, 8:39 AM
...suddenly the ship lurches forward...

ROFL !!!

Sep 11, 2008, 7:50 AM
Or, gratuitous sex porno... featuring a beautiful woman who flirts with new (well endowed) men, only to mention that she likes to be a "Large Hard-on Collider" and have her boyfriend have anal while the new prospect has vaginal sex with her. MMF!

C'mon. It will work... at least my first idea had a lame plot, this one only has a theme!
Cum to think of it, even a lame plot is oscar worthy in porn films!

Sep 11, 2008, 2:48 PM
.. and in testing teh Hadron has had a beam (shaft?) shot thru clockwise, then it shall be tested Counterclockwise--
Soon it shall send 2 beams around to collide together , in hope sthat there shall be created many new partcles , one of which will hopefully be "teh God particle"

The possibilities astound- all ending with an earth shattering "OMIGOD!!" as someone gets to see sparkly lights in front of them...

heheheheh Science porn! Im SUCH a nerd!

Sep 20, 2008, 8:11 AM


Mar 31, 2010, 8:41 AM
it's baaaaack


Mar 31, 2010, 11:56 AM
Sounds like a good title and porno flick concept--better run and register that name--you may not be the one to make the film--but at least some production company will have to cut ya a few checks since ya own the rights to the title!!!:bigrin:

Mar 31, 2010, 2:01 PM
If we have any artists in the group, there's our new cartoon series! lol
The Adventures of Large Hard on Collider, the Space Stud! lol

Mar 31, 2010, 5:23 PM
Should we mention the black hole it's lible to create?

Mar 31, 2010, 9:45 PM
"The Large Hard-On Collider Vs The Black Hole..." Tee hee hee. I got it.

Mar 31, 2010, 10:01 PM
Ok..not to sound behind the times, but what the hell is a LHC???

Mar 31, 2010, 10:18 PM
Ok..not to sound behind the times, but what the hell is a LHC???

Cat--LHC stands for the Large Hadron Collider--it is a man made device that is 17 miles in circumference that sits along the border of France and Switzerland. The purpose of the machine is to slam beams of protons and other sub-atomic particles together at light speed with the hope that at some point--it will basically recreate in miniature--the supposed "BIG BANG" when the universe came into existence---they are starting to get some really interesting results and data so it has been just reported this week.


I know that many people think that doing things like this is either a waste of money, so why do it? or as some people said in comments made in regards to a story posted on Yahoo the other day---thie machine is another example of what someone called the "ABG Syndrome" or Anything But God--meaning that we should not be doing this since this is God's work or some such thing.

I think its pretty damn cool myself and who knows what sorts of breakthroughs this reasearch might lead too--hell--it might lead to unlimited and infiinte sources of energy to power everything and who knows---maybe it will make the launch of a real Starship Enterprise or Battlestar Gallactica possible!!!

Apr 1, 2010, 12:20 AM
Uhmm..ok. Too technical for this poor old dumb Country Girl.(Shup, Show) .lol

Jun 8, 2010, 3:45 PM
I know that many people think that doing things like this is either a waste of money, so why do it? or as some people said in comments made in regards to a story posted on Yahoo the other day---thie machine is another example of what someone called the "ABG Syndrome" or Anything But God--meaning that we should not be doing this since this is God's work or some such thing.

I've heard people relate this and other things to playing god and that god wouldn't want us to do something that's meant for him to do. Whenever I hear that I just reply, "If god didn't want us to do this then why did he give us the capacity to do it?" As of yet no one has come up with a good response to that. As for it being a waste of money, nothing that furthers our knowledge of how the universe works is a waste of money. If they figure something out with the LHC that produces a new cleaner, more renewable energy source or a way to break the lightspeed barrier and travel to other planets or even something that just makes life that tiny little bit easier the money won't have been wasted.

Jun 8, 2010, 8:01 PM
I've heard people relate this and other things to playing god and that god wouldn't want us to do something that's meant for him to do.

I guess that depends on one's religious bent. Some groups are against it because their religion says that this is man trying to play God. Some of those same people think that MD's do the same thing, that man was never meant to fly or travel to the moon and back.

Others say that if it were not meant to be done, then we would not be able to do it.

Whenever I hear that I just reply, "If god didn't want us to do this then why did he give us the capacity to do it?"

That is the real question, isn't it? If we were not meant to do it, then we would not be able to do it.

As of yet no one has come up with a good response to that.

It is also possible that we are meant to do it when we are ready for it, as a species. How's that for an answer.:bigrin:

As for it being a waste of money, nothing that furthers our knowledge of how the universe works is a waste of money. If they figure something out with the LHC that produces a new cleaner, more renewable energy source or a way to break the lightspeed barrier and travel to other planets or even something that just makes life that tiny little bit easier the money won't have been wasted.

As I understand it, the LHC will give us insights into a number of ways that we will be years from understanding enough to use. Faster than light travel, wireless power systems that will be able to be transmitted from powerplants in space, light speed travel and possibly even supportive technology in the area of medical and stellar exploration with nanotechnology, because right now we can only fit so much into a satellite the size of a pea :) . (Bob Heinlein fans will get that last one)

Jun 8, 2010, 10:30 PM
Back to the large Hard-on collider, I love large hard-on collisions. In collisions with my mouth, you do not have to calculate collision cross-sections, scattering angles, spin-spin interactions, parity violations, or excited state live times. Rather penetration depth is yours to choose and lengthy pleasure is what I love to give. But, no movies, please.

Jun 8, 2010, 10:58 PM
I wuldnt mind being a fluffer or star in that porn. I'd love space movies/shows of any kind. I'm a huge trekkie, liked star wars, battlestar galactica and babollon 5 never really caught my interest, but from what I did see looked cool. love stargate sg1, farscape was fucking awesome and I never got into andromeda since every time I watched it I always expected to see the captain come out in deer hide pants and vest, with huge gleeming muscles.... :bigrin:

Jun 9, 2010, 10:54 AM
I've heard people relate this and other things to playing god and that god wouldn't want us to do something that's meant for him to do. Whenever I hear that I just reply, "If god didn't want us to do this then why did he give us the capacity to do it?" As of yet no one has come up with a good response to that.

Galileo Galilei:

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use" (1795)

Mar 9, 2012, 11:42 AM
Cat--LHC stands for the Large Hadron Collider--it is a man made device that is 17 miles in circumference that sits along the border of France and Switzerland. The purpose of the machine is to slam beams of protons and other sub-atomic particles together at light speed with the hope that at some point--it will basically recreate in miniature--the supposed "BIG BANG" when the universe came into existence---they are starting to get some really interesting results and data so it has been just reported this week.


I know that many people think that doing things like this is either a waste of money, so why do it? or as some people said in comments made in regards to a story posted on Yahoo the other day---thie machine is another example of what someone called the "ABG Syndrome" or Anything But God--meaning that we should not be doing this since this is God's work or some such thing.

I think its pretty damn cool myself and who knows what sorts of breakthroughs this reasearch might lead too--hell--it might lead to unlimited and infiinte sources of energy to power everything and who knows---maybe it will make the launch of a real Starship Enterprise or Battlestar Gallactica possible!!!

I love this stuff too volty - UPDATE today: http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Science/2012/03/08/19476021.html

Mar 9, 2012, 11:58 AM
Funny, I read physics papers and news on a regular basis, and that's how I always read it in my head every time as in "Geneva Cern: Today particle physicists for the first time were able to successfully split the smithereen with a high powered new experiment at the Large Hard-on Collider. It had previously been doubted by most whether sub-smithereenic particles even existed" ;)

Mar 9, 2012, 12:20 PM
...LHC stands for the Large Hadron Collider--it is a man made device that is 17 miles in circumference...

Why does this remind me of the worlds biggest daisy chain?? Hahaha!:2cents:

Mar 9, 2012, 12:55 PM
Peg--glad ya posted up the link to the story regarding the latest findings regarding the "God Particle"--while on that page--I found this headline link to a story that goes back to a posting of mine on another thread about climate change: http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Environment/Suzuki/2012/03/07/19470401.html