View Full Version : It wasn't her

Sep 8, 2008, 11:38 AM
To those that let me know...onewhocares wasn't the one who sent the Troll message...shameless and I both know that...She is a wonderful person...and very caring..she sent me a message not long ago when shameless and I got together so I know how loving she is...
I just posted that to let you all know that he is using other's "signatures" in his email.
At least he/she/it...for the most part has been pretty general in his emails to each of you....in ours it was a totally different type of message...personally attacking shameless....telling me about his past...which by the way I know all about...so he wasn't telling me anything new..accusing him of stupid things that are over with...how rude
Pity that one so small has to resort to that...me still thinks he is jealous of our relationship...of ANY relationship...poor thing..
Anyway...never fear...we do not blame onewhocares...or anyone else that he uses...we know it is the Troll...and none of the good friends on here that is sending them...I just was letting you all know what is was up to
Hope all had a good weekend...hugs to you all

Sep 8, 2008, 12:02 PM
i hate hackers but i love crackers.

Sep 8, 2008, 1:21 PM
Hello EVERYONE.............

This is BELLE, and honestly I am not even sure what this whole thread is about. I have never, nor would I ever send messages that were bad to people. If some TROLL is using my name...I think you know it is not ME.

Troll if you had the balls to stand up to someone come...come to me say why you are doing this and I will teach you a lesson....HONESTY.


Sep 8, 2008, 2:33 PM
lol someone was sending nasty grams under your name. Most people just blew it off but i would change my paasword if i was you.

Sep 8, 2008, 6:17 PM
My Dear Belle

We knew it wasn't you...was just letting the group know that the Troll was using your signature..that is all...wasn't blaming you for any of it...
This he/she/it...is a real pathetic substance...that has no balls or any other sexual organ I am thinking...lol

Don't you worry hon...we love you and know this was not something you did.
Have a good week

Sep 9, 2008, 2:43 AM
I'll hold him if you wanna smack 'im, Miss Belle!!!!
I know that you or Vitt or anyone of us wouldnt send out that kind of pea brained nonsense.
I'm just waiting for MY name to crop up on someone's email..lol.
Ya'll's Cat:bigrin:

Sep 9, 2008, 9:11 AM
The more I hear tell of all this, the more worry sets in. They say truth can set you free. With that in mind and a roaming no good lout it would be only a matter of time until someone brought up an accusation. So, in following with our Oh Fearless Leader that is in an Egg Office, I'll use a preemptive strike. Anyone with pacemakers or other ill conditions such as flashing light triggered epileptic fits, please avert your attention as the next stunning announcement may cause adverse effects.

I was the sixth man on the grassy knoll.

There, I've said it and gotten it off my chest. Wow it feels great to not be so burdened! Now, let's see our resident lout flounder about like an out of water trout. I think I heard they have weapons of mass destruction by the by. And lest the intent of my message escapes, it's all in order to liberate folks and give them democracy or some such, quite American I assure.

Sep 9, 2008, 11:50 PM
............but i love crackers.

Crackers are yummy.....the goldfish ones in a nice chedder cheese and bacon soup are perfect on a chilly day.