View Full Version : Great Answer to Palin

Sep 7, 2008, 10:42 PM
I heard it in my new very liberal church today as part of the sermon.

Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor.


I've ordered the bumper sticker from Cafe Press tonight. That oughta piss off the Christian Right, which I think are wrong...

Sep 8, 2008, 1:34 AM
Every time someone says that their way is the "only way" is trying to keep you from looking deeper for the truth.

That's why they are wrong......they're trying to hide things from you that you should know. It gives them control.

Sep 8, 2008, 6:06 AM
Every time someone says that their way is the "only way" is trying to keep you from looking deeper for the truth.

That's why they are wrong......they're trying to hide things from you that you should know. It gives them control.

As far as I can make out, control is what religion is all about. I have a strong faith but no religion.

Sep 8, 2008, 9:01 AM
There's several threads about religion.

Anywho, anyone that has to stand behind a curtain like the wizard from the Wizard of Oz ( dont pay attention to the person behind the curtain!!) --- or anyone that is too damn chicken shit to answer questions themselves without a script and hiding behind some 70 some year old dOOds apron strings (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!) absolutely SHOULD NOT be trusted.

Sep 8, 2008, 10:10 AM
As far as I can make out, control is what religion is all about. I have a strong faith but no religion.

Well, not all religions are like that, but Christianity, Islam and, to a lesser degree, Judaism are all about controlling the population. There are a lot of religions that are completely opposite to that; Buddhism, Taoism, modern Neo-Paganism/Wicca, and those are just the ones that immediately come to mind.
Those religions are about spiritual and intellectual growth, personal accountability and developing the integrity that comes with that personal growth and accountability. They are about studying to be a better person and not just doing as someone says. No free rides with those religions. You intentionally screw up and there is kharmic retribution and social retribution. None of this "say your prayers and as long as you accept (insert deity or person here) before you die, you will go to heaven" crap.

They were not created to be about controlling the population. Judaism was created, primarily, to give people some basic guidelines for general honesty and most of it's rules are built around what we understand to be commonly accepted beliefs of right and wrong, as well as a few common sense health rules that served to protect the people in those days from things such as disease and food poisoning. However, with the rise of the Judaic cult that we now know as Christianity, evil Christian men of power saw the potential for population control and used it, primarily, for that purpose. 500 years later, Islam was founded and began following Christianity's lead.

The Protestant religions that began in the Early Renaissance began breaking some of that Catholic church control, but they still used the protestant religions for control of the populations in the areas that each of them gained prominence.
Since then, the Catholic church has loosened some of it's control and power-seeking, but the rest of Christianity has so many different sects and most of the leaders of those sects severely abuse their religion for the sake of controlling the people. Refer to Jerry Falwell, Jim Jones, Jim Bakker, et al for proof. No religious leader should be a multi-millionaire at the expense of his/her congregation. No religious leader should be encouraging blind following by his congregation. Blindly following your leader is the biggest sign that you are in a cult.

That is the whole reason for the Creationist movement and the anti-abortion movement. They try to get everyone to believe them and specifically comply with their beliefs, no matter how ridiculous or domineering it is, just for the purpose of establishing control. And it isn't the followers nearly as much as the leaders.

The followers simply want to please their cult's masters, blindly parroting what their leaders want them to say and blindly doing what the leaders want them to do. Logic, free will and reason are completely (or near completely) vacant from their lives.

Like in the middle ages, they use the religion to bully others into acceptance of their beliefs and the yoke of their oppression, thus depriving all people of the freedom to think for themselves and act freely.

Thankfully, not all religions want blind followers and not all religions have power-seeking leaders.

Sep 8, 2008, 5:18 PM
I heard it in my new very liberal church today as part of the sermon.

Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor.


I've ordered the bumper sticker from Cafe Press tonight. That oughta piss off the Christian Right, which I think are wrong...

I like that HE!! The only thing is--they won't pay any attention to that "inconvenient truth!!!"

They will continue to perpetuate their myth making and spin! Truth and reality have nothing to do with what they are about.

Sep 10, 2008, 7:21 PM
Well, not all religions are like that, but Christianity, Islam and, to a lesser degree, Judaism are all about controlling the population. There are a lot of religions that are completely opposite to that; Buddhism, Taoism, modern Neo-Paganism/Wicca, and those are just the ones that immediately come to mind.
Those religions are about spiritual and intellectual growth, personal accountability and developing the integrity that comes with that personal growth and accountability. They are about studying to be a better person and not just doing as someone says. No free rides with those religions. You intentionally screw up and there is kharmic retribution and social retribution. None of this "say your prayers and as long as you accept (insert deity or person here) before you die, you will go to heaven" crap.

They were not created to be about controlling the population. Judaism was created, primarily, to give people some basic guidelines for general honesty and most of it's rules are built around what we understand to be commonly accepted beliefs of right and wrong, as well as a few common sense health rules that served to protect the people in those days from things such as disease and food poisoning. However, with the rise of the Judaic cult that we now know as Christianity, evil Christian men of power saw the potential for population control and used it, primarily, for that purpose. 500 years later, Islam was founded and began following Christianity's lead.

The Protestant religions that began in the Early Renaissance began breaking some of that Catholic church control, but they still used the protestant religions for control of the populations in the areas that each of them gained prominence.
Since then, the Catholic church has loosened some of it's control and power-seeking, but the rest of Christianity has so many different sects and most of the leaders of those sects severely abuse their religion for the sake of controlling the people. Refer to Jerry Falwell, Jim Jones, Jim Bakker, et al for proof. No religious leader should be a multi-millionaire at the expense of his/her congregation. No religious leader should be encouraging blind following by his congregation. Blindly following your leader is the biggest sign that you are in a cult.

That is the whole reason for the Creationist movement and the anti-abortion movement. They try to get everyone to believe them and specifically comply with their beliefs, no matter how ridiculous or domineering it is, just for the purpose of establishing control. And it isn't the followers nearly as much as the leaders.

The followers simply want to please their cult's masters, blindly parroting what their leaders want them to say and blindly doing what the leaders want them to do. Logic, free will and reason are completely (or near completely) vacant from their lives.

Like in the middle ages, they use the religion to bully others into acceptance of their beliefs and the yoke of their oppression, thus depriving all people of the freedom to think for themselves and act freely.

Thankfully, not all religions want blind followers and not all religions have power-seeking leaders.

The more that I see you post FalconAngel, the more that I respect your views on things. I chose which path to follow which honors me as an individual and a valuable part of society. Also, I truly believe that what I don't know, can hurt me. As I have struggled with all sorts of personal issues which I won't go into here, the one thing that I have paid attention to is a certain groups acceptance of me being exactly as I am. In time, I have been able to filter the BS out and find people that truly care about me and respect my choices no matter where they might lead me. I don't want to be some carbon copy of another person that lives 500 miles away from me, I want to be unique but also respected, cherished and accepted as I am, not as you would want me to be. Thank you seriously for pointing out that there are choices for the spiritually minded where all people from all walks of life are welcome and I am so glad to find people here that truly understand the nature of the world in which we live in.

Blessed Be,

Sep 10, 2008, 8:41 PM
Merry Meet, Steve.

One of the reasons that I follow this religion is that it is so much more in keeping with what I believe that our Constitution is for than what Dominion Christians want us to believe.

I am a firm believer in real freedom of religion and freedom from religious persecution, equal rights (as opposed to special rights for perceived "special" groups, genders, races, etc.) and protections, accountability for all of our public officials (politicians, judges, et al) and government that leaves the people to make their own decisions and stays out of the lives of families and individuals that have done no wrong.

Everyone should have those choices without fear that they will get convicted of crimes or be treated like criminals only on the basis of parental custody status, gender accusation, religion or race.

If I could, I would form a fifth party, the Patriot Party; but my platform for the party may be considered too radical, with;

1) A demand for a truly balanced budget, no ridiculous spending,

2) An end to "no bid" federal contracts as well as a revamp of the procedures on handling contractors who are not within budget or on time,

3) Accountability for our politicians, all the way to (and particularly) the President, VP and other government officials (the buck has to stop somewhere),

4) Ending VAWA and the attached reverse sexism (requiring enforcement of pre-vawa laws, that have not been properly enforced, on both genders equally as it should have been), including enforcement of perjury laws on those who file false reports of abuse, rape, etc., with penalties against the local and state governments for failure to enforce those laws when they are violated,

5) National Equal Parenting for all fit parents that divorce and termination of the title IV D incentive programs that allow CPS/DCF and SED to illegally and immorally persecute Parents and take children without due cause,

6) National passage of the Judicial Accountability Law and enforcement of all judicial oath requirements, ending absolute immunity for judges,

7) Separating the BAR from the judicial system nationwide. (in Florida, at least, the two are part and parcel when, in order to function in the best interests of the people, they should be separate),

8) Removing the "Patriot act" and all of it's unconstitutional components,

9) Terminating the fake "war on terror" and instituting a real war on terror by instituting military "hunter-killer teams that would work in conjunction with our allies and under UN approval to seek and capture or terminate terrorists wherever they hide (When Isreal did that there were no terror attacks against them),

10) Cracking down on illegal immigration with no leniency on illegals who enter the country illegally (or enter legally and then go into hiding for criminal purposes), and fair hearings for those that enter legally, with visas, who are no longer legal (as long as they try to remedy the situation within a few days or weeks of the end of their visas) and termination of the crimes against Americans and legal immigrants by illegals who live in "sanctuary cities" by removing those cities' "sanctuary" status.

It may seem extreme, but at least I don't want the totalitarian regime that both "majority" parties want to destroy the country with.

Sep 10, 2008, 8:56 PM
There's several threads about religion.

Anywho, anyone that has to stand behind a curtain like the wizard from the Wizard of Oz ( dont pay attention to the person behind the curtain!!) --- or anyone that is too damn chicken shit to answer questions themselves without a script and hiding behind some 70 some year old dOOds apron strings (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!) absolutely SHOULD NOT be trusted.
and you think the left is not the same....oh boy, someone does not understand they all four are full of it...the problem you have here is one nut job (BHO) calling another nutjob (JM) names, and they both are the same, liers...people who will say what you and I want to hear to get into a position of power...just like a religion...fe...both parties suck, it is just which party is not going to screw up the place any worse then it is already...on that I still do not know who I am voting for...and trust me if Clinton was the nominee I would be going that ticket...

Sep 10, 2008, 9:36 PM
Wow, did this question change course. But keep something in mind. Jesus was not a community organizer. He was a teacher. Hitler was a community organizer. You can look it up.

Sep 10, 2008, 10:06 PM
Wow, did this question change course. But keep something in mind. Jesus was not a community organizer. He was a teacher. Hitler was a community organizer. You can look it up.

lol good point

Sep 10, 2008, 10:35 PM
and you think the left is not the same....oh boy, someone does not understand they all four are full of it....

who said that?

LOL :tong:

thats the definition of "misconstrue".

i dont like the jackass or the elephant. btw... no one has even mentioned joe biden... and here's my opine on his being chosen as the dem vp running mate..... smells like a 1980s buddy cop movie to me!! wtf is this... another 48 hours??? oooooo i smell lethal weapon!! i mean jesus! :cutelaugh

and i dont mind pointing out the hilarity in all of this. so what if i like jon stewart, quote stephen colbert, watch keith olbermann, and laugh my ass off whenever bill orally opens his mouth and spew bullshit? :eek: i mean really, my favorite story is "the emperor's new clothes"... and i have absolutely NO PROBLEM saying "he doesnt have any clothes on!!!" ( i mean... this IS a bi site after all... we have no problem exposing anything LOL :cutelaugh)

who knows... guy fawkes day begins at midnight november 4th/5th... i may don a guy fawkes mask and burn something (if anyone has seen V for Vendetta, you would know what I mean!!). at this point, i'm like fkk it all.

meanwhile, i look to the skies and await the aliens.:rolleyes:

Sep 10, 2008, 10:38 PM
Wow, did this question change course. But keep something in mind. Jesus was not a community organizer. He was a teacher. Hitler was a community organizer. You can look it up.


Sep 10, 2008, 11:22 PM
I only care about politics, public policy and national defense components of this issue. I do not agree with McCain or Palin on these important issues. So, I do not care if she is a hockey mom, teacher, community organizer or even governor of Alaska.
Governor of Alaska = Vice-President of the United States?
Is this equation correct?

Sep 10, 2008, 11:29 PM
Wow, did this question change course. But keep something in mind. Jesus was not a community organizer. He was a teacher. Hitler was a community organizer. You can look it up.

Very true. No question about it.

Sep 11, 2008, 12:17 AM
Wow, did this question change course. But keep something in mind. Jesus was not a community organizer. He was a teacher. Hitler was a community organizer. You can look it up.

Write the right book about someone, and he can become anything you want.

What if, say 50 years from now, someone makes Hitler his role model and finishes what he had started - and actually succeeds. A book could then easily be written about him (Hitler) as the inspiration of this, as some kind of visionary, or a new messiah or something.

Of course, the world would have to be quite different for people to welcome a book like this.

But then, can we really imagine how the world was 2000 years ago? :)

Sep 12, 2008, 6:35 AM
Umm..I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding this - OK so - all of these folks are now going to vote for MCCAIN because PALIN is the VP? Aren't we still electing a president? Isn't MCCAIN the same man he has always been up until now?

It sort of speaks volumes about things when a VP running mate is more popular than either of the other two choices. Methinks some folks are still trying to bury head in sand and pretend the next 8 years are going to be "business as usual".

Sep 12, 2008, 9:11 AM
Write the right book about someone, and he can become anything you want.

What if, say 50 years from now, someone makes Hitler his role model and finishes what he had started - and actually succeeds. A book could then easily be written about him (Hitler) as the inspiration of this, as some kind of visionary, or a new messiah or something.

Of course, the world would have to be quite different for people to welcome a book like this.

But then, can we really imagine how the world was 2000 years ago? :)

In a future age, they will teach in the university that the Holocaust is a Jewish legend.

Sep 12, 2008, 9:13 AM
Wow, did this question change course. But keep something in mind. Jesus was not a community organizer. He was a teacher. Hitler was a community organizer. You can look it up.

Not only that, but Jesus wasn't particularly politically liberal, either.

Sep 12, 2008, 10:17 AM
Not only that, but Jesus wasn't particularly politically liberal, either.
Ya kno that for sure Jamie?? Always knew ya wer a wrinkly ole gett!

Odd thing.. mos liberals reckon 'e wosn zactly a conservative.... an revolutionaries reckon 'e wos a revolutionary... even socialists reckon 'e had a lotta the socialist bout im. Not me..'e wos much 2 reactionary for my taste.. an 'e claimed 2 b God.. an the sonna God.. an sum spirit or t'otha.. pretty reactionary an odd 2 me.. tadge schizophrenic an all..but then commitin heresy an sacrilege neva held ne fears for me.. wos prob burned as a witch and/or a heretic in a previous life.. ooo nasty..:(