View Full Version : Is there a secret handshake?

Sep 7, 2008, 12:09 PM
Is there some kind of sign or secret handshake or something to recognize bisexual people? I find it extremely hard to meet a likeminded guy. I see cute guys out there but how do you know if he's into guys other than just straight out asking. Which I am much to shy for. I know alot of people use the internet to meet people but i'm not sure if that is for me or not. Just wondering if anyone has some advice on the subject.

Sep 7, 2008, 12:27 PM
Bisexual guys always have six toes. The same is true of geniuses.

Actually, straight out asking is about the only way. One little clue might be helpful. If they listen to Cure, it'd be safe to ask without embarrassment. Of course you might just have found an emo guy, too.

So, no there's no secret handshake. We bisexuals keep our bisexual suits hung in our closets for nosy neighbors to stumble over. Yeah, right. :)

Sorry if I'm a bit snarky.

Sep 7, 2008, 12:37 PM
I got a kick out of that question. Try this:

Firmly, but gently grab his crotch. If he grabs you in return, you are buds.
If he does not ... oh well. :)

Sep 7, 2008, 12:58 PM
No secret handshake that I know of.

Train yourself to be aware of / sensitive to what I call 'the lingering glance.' Also, situations where the other person is showing you more attention / interest than might otherwise be expected. Being nervous and unsure themselves, that's the best they can do to communicate their interest.

Hope this helps.

Sep 7, 2008, 4:01 PM
According to Chris Rock if a girl has a tongue ring she'll probably suck your dick. If a guy has a tongue ring he'll probably suck your dick.

Sep 7, 2008, 4:06 PM
pfffftttt :rolleyes:

its hard to tell now days lol

people are so full of suprises

Sep 7, 2008, 5:31 PM
Full of _something_, anyway. :)

Sep 8, 2008, 12:56 AM
Gay/bidar you either have it, or you don't. It's not something that can really be taught either. :2cents:

Sep 8, 2008, 4:07 AM
If they are on their knees in front of you, I would say thats a good sign they may be bi :tongue:

Sep 8, 2008, 4:58 AM
Unless they've lost there legs and then that would just be weird.

Sep 8, 2008, 8:56 AM
Vitt here...

I've wondered the same thing about women...

I SWEAR there HAS to be a secret handshake, cause I havent found one legitimate femme yet that is willing to be honest! They are the ones to instigate conversations, and then POOF! they're gone like lightning.

Bf goes through the same shit... dOOds like to talk a good game, then end up chicken shit when it comes time to meeting.

Too funny.

Sep 30, 2008, 10:24 PM
A secret handshake? Well, maybe there is, sort of. While shaking hands with that interesting person, they might hold onto your hand just a little bit longer. When I've sensed the interest or attraction, I'll adjust my grip and delay my release. All this time maintaining eye contact. Now don't forget the body language....

Sep 30, 2008, 11:14 PM
what happened to the red tie or the tattoo of a star on your shoulder blade?

Oct 1, 2008, 9:50 AM
Alas, no, but wouldn't it be so damn cool if we did?

Or just impractical and odd. But hey.

Alas, I'm gonna have to go for either the out and out asking, or if you're any good at the subtle approach of hinting and gauging reactions, and drawing the topic into conversation (alas, this does take practice too however).

Alas, us bi types tend towards remaining beautifully am-bi-guous, and the only way of telling is if one choose to do so themselves. Sorry.

Oct 1, 2008, 1:44 PM
One little clue might be helpful. If they listen to Cure, it'd be safe to ask without embarrassment. Of course you might just have found an emo guy, too.

Didn't know emo guys really liked The Cure? (I always thought it was more of a goth thing) Maybe they have better taste in music than I thought :bigrin:.LOL.

.... Very good band though (although, I've only really heard "Pornography")

Oct 1, 2008, 4:36 PM
One little clue might be helpful. If they listen to Cure, it'd be safe to ask without embarrassment. Of course you might just have found an emo guy, too.

ewwwwww emo guys.

As I've written a lot before on here: Gay/bidar you either have it, or you don't. It's not something that can really be taught to people either.

It's about far more than just reading someone's body language/their reactions/what they give off, or paying attention to them.

Mine is so strong that I can look at someone and learn about them almost instantly, we don't even have to be communicating verbally, and I can even look at pictures of people and find out that way.

I can even be drunk and it works flawlessly! It also works for men and women and even trans people. I can also pick people out of crowds to the point where it seems random to an outsider but it's happened too many times correctly both to me and with my picking out people that there is no way it's a coincidence, random luck, or chance.

I can tell who is closeted and who is out and it works in all sorts of environments and I stay away from closeted men who think of themselves as "straight" when I can easily tell that they're closet cases.

I can easily find and pick out men and some women who I share certain fetishes with, and who I'm highly sexually compatible with.

I do easily attract submissive/service or even consensual slave oriented men and women.

Oct 27, 2008, 5:49 AM
There should DEFINITELY be a secret handshake! If not, we should make one!
How about a handshake with the right hand, and simultaneously with the left hand tapping the hand twice. Any other interesting ideas?:) At least for the fun!

Oct 27, 2008, 10:09 AM
There should DEFINITELY be a secret handshake! If not, we should make one!
How about a handshake with the right hand, and simultaneously with the left hand tapping the hand twice. Any other interesting ideas?:) At least for the fun!

I strongly recommend that whatever handshake you come up with, it might be best NOT to come up with one that involves a shake with one hand and a grab of the cock with the other! LOL! Of course, if you choose to do so, be prepared to duck from an oncoming punch.

Oct 28, 2008, 3:27 PM
I often think it would be cool if there was some sort of foolproof way to identify other bisexuals. A symbol that could be worn , a tie,a button ,T-Shirt ring,bracelet,etc that only other bisexuals would know what it means. The problem of course it eventually it wouldn't be so secret anymore. I can see it now, Mark isnt that the symbol those bisexuals wear?? We might need to change it regularly so it remains our secret. Perhaps we could post the symbol or colors of the day on bisexual.com - At least if a straight person knew what it meant we would know they like to visit the same sites we do <g>

Anyway the spirit of this thread shows a need I have had for some time. One of the questions I get frequently is you are a married monogamous bisexual why would you even bother to come out. Well its exactly because Im happily married I look just like any other heterosexual male. I have grown tired of being invisible. The only way Im going to get a "me to" and meet other bisexuals in my community is if I figure out a way so that they know its safe to say "me to"

In the meantime there are still those who its best dont know hence the need for the secret handshake or symbol. I still believe while some peoples gaydar is better then others bi-dar seems to be a very difficult art/science...


Oct 28, 2008, 10:09 PM
I am one of those annoying people who does not like "types" and this seems like typing... Seems like you try to establish a rapport and then "suggest" something that would tell you their interest without necessarily being threatening... like I am having such a good time, could I call you sometime?

Just a thought...

Of course you could post an ad at a bisexual community site and try to meet bisexuals that way...

Oct 30, 2008, 8:05 PM
I see what everyone means, my old post is missing!

Anyhow, it would be nice if the secret handshake would involve a shake of the cock - little too straightforward but hey, would help those with crappy gaydar/bidar.

Oct 31, 2008, 1:10 AM
ewwwwww emo guys.

As I've written a lot before on here: Gay/bidar you either have it, or you don't. It's not something that can really be taught to people either.

It's about far more than just reading someone's body language/their reactions/what they give off, or paying attention to them.

Mine is so strong that I can look at someone and learn about them almost instantly, we don't even have to be communicating verbally, and I can even look at pictures of people and find out that way.

I can even be drunk and it works flawlessly! It also works for men and women and even trans people. I can also pick people out of crowds to the point where it seems random to an outsider but it's happened too many times correctly both to me and with my picking out people that there is no way it's a coincidence, random luck, or chance.

I can tell who is closeted and who is out and it works in all sorts of environments and I stay away from closeted men who think of themselves as "straight" when I can easily tell that they're closet cases.

I can easily find and pick out men and some women who I share certain fetishes with, and who I'm highly sexually compatible with.

I do easily attract submissive/service or even consensual slave oriented men and women.

Wow! It must be great having that much insight about the sexual desires others.
But, I am not sure if I could make good use of such a wonderful talent.

Oct 31, 2008, 1:42 AM
Wow! It must be great having that much insight about the sexual desires others.
But, I am not sure if I could make good use of such a wonderful talent.

eh it's not always that fun I've had closeted/down low men who insist that they're "straight" hit on me and ask for sex and they freak me out.

Oct 31, 2008, 11:16 AM
i wish there was some way to pick another out of the crowd to.

but i found a cool way to brake the ice with other marrired friends of mine, ones that has been married for over 15 years. bring up there sex life ask if thier wifes gives them enough sex. if the answer no then go on with it.

most married men are craving sex if they don't get it from there wifes. they will look for it else were. that is the main reson men cheat.

i tell them yah i know how that is sometimes i wish i can suck my own cock then at less i can get a good blow-job when i want it. if they laugh and say me to then keep going. I say ever wonder what its like to suck on cock? (don't really give them time to answer keep talking.) I say i have thought of it a few times and wonder what it would be like sucking on a dick. That must be why the word gay was used it means happy. dam think i would be happy to if i was gitting blow-jobs all the time. lol.

And just see were it takes you. it has gotten me sex with 4 out of 6 friends i said that to. the other two are still good friend of mine that don't know any thing about my bisexual desires.

watch thier faces you can tell the ones that are uncomfortable with the suck my own cock joke just drop it there. the others well open up little at a time or you'll have him down on his knees.

alway try to say something funny about what you just said to keep that ice melting. you may be surprised at who would like to or has already did it.

if things seam to be heading into doing it. offer to try it with him just say i would weather try it with a friend then some guy i don't know. he'll feel like you two have trust in each other.

and if you would like some more helpful hints on being bi drop me a e-mail and i'll help you if i can. and good luck :tong:

Oct 31, 2008, 1:11 PM
most married men are craving sex if they don't get it from there wifes. they will look for it else were. that is the main reson men cheat.

It's one thing to say that a spouse can't provide you with the things you need because of very strong attractions to the same sex and sometimes you need to seek such things outside of the marriage....but the constant claim that men cheat because they aren't "getting it" from their wives is just plain bullshit. Sex is a two way street and you can't always say that it's just because the wife isn't meeting the needs. Sometimes men, or women for that matter, cheat because they are incapable of sustaining a relationship and they are unable to maintain a commitment that they have made to a partner. They seek outside sexual partners for the thrill...or sometimes out of pure curiosity. But what bothers me the most is that you view these men as potential sex partners. To "prey" on married men to satisfy your own prurient interests is a very underhanded way of finding yourself a sex partner. You not only entice them to cheat, but you are also throwing a wedge into a relationship that is none of your business.


Nov 1, 2008, 12:09 AM
i knew i would upset some one. sorry about that. never realy thought of it that way but i'm a man and i'm a sex pig. after 28 years of marriage i got tired of having to beg my wife for a pice of ass. then get accused of cheating on her as i jack myself off to porn. whats up with that? i'm pounding my meat not fucking some one in front of my tv. yes it's half my fault i'll take only half the blame. but us men want the love back if i can't get the love and sex from my own wife then every one eles is open pray for me. i have never forced any one to have sex with me if thier marriage is stroung then they won't do it. sorry if i broke in a new sexual man pig thats the way life is. just another thing that makes all of us different. and ask any man and most will till you yes we want more sex then we get. I'm a Pig and it works for me. :tong:

Nov 1, 2008, 7:51 AM
i knew i would upset some one. sorry about that. never realy thought of it that way but i'm a man and i'm a sex pig. after 28 years of marriage i got tired of having to beg my wife for a pice of ass. then get accused of cheating on her as i jack myself off to porn. whats up with that? i'm pounding my meat not fucking some one in front of my tv. yes it's half my fault i'll take only half the blame. but us men want the love back if i can't get the love and sex from my own wife then every one eles is open pray for me. i have never forced any one to have sex with me if thier marriage is stroung then they won't do it. sorry if i broke in a new sexual man pig thats the way life is. just another thing that makes all of us different. and ask any man and most will till you yes we want more sex then we get. I'm a Pig and it works for me. :tong:Me x hubbie breeds piggies Steve..will me giveya recommendation..???

On 2cd thots naa.. won botha... piggies hav hard enuff time wivout inflictin likes a u on em....

Nov 1, 2008, 1:10 PM
Now-a-days, its hard to figure out who's who... From handshakes to crotch grabbin', from tounge piercin to legless weirdness (hey folks, someone here wrote that so leave me alone about it) I have an item that works for me and I simply let it be known whats its for. One of my profile pics (F/X Bear) shows my displaying a Bi-sexual choker that I have had for sometime. It has the "right identifying colors" on it an it works as an ice breaker as well. Don't know if this means that we should all go out and get chains, but this has proven useful to me... :2cents: :paw::paw:

Nov 2, 2008, 10:01 AM
Now-a-days, its hard to figure out who's who... From handshakes to crotch grabbin', from tounge piercin to legless weirdness (hey folks, someone here wrote that so leave me alone about it) I have an item that works for me and I simply let it be known whats its for. One of my profile pics (F/X Bear) shows my displaying a Bi-sexual choker that I have had for sometime. It has the "right identifying colors" on it an it works as an ice breaker as well. Don't know if this means that we should all go out and get chains, but this has proven useful to me... :2cents: :paw::paw:

Right on cody. I was going to suggest the same, wear a symbol of the flag. :flag2: or something that has the colors. That should be recognized right away. Geez the flag is so unknown that anyone else would not know what it is.

Nov 2, 2008, 11:04 AM
Now-a-days, its hard to figure out who's who... From handshakes to crotch grabbin', from tounge piercin to legless weirdness (hey folks, someone here wrote that so leave me alone about it) I have an item that works for me and I simply let it be known whats its for. One of my profile pics (F/X Bear) shows my displaying a Bi-sexual choker that I have had for sometime. It has the "right identifying colors" on it an it works as an ice breaker as well. Don't know if this means that we should all go out and get chains, but this has proven useful to me... :2cents: :paw::paw:

Since I make chainmaille jewlery, I am going to start making earrings and other things in the bi and gay colors. Just a matter of finding the wire or rings in all of the right colors. Got a couple of suppliers that I am working with on it now. If you want an idea of what it will look like, I have a myspace page for it. Drop me a line and I can send you the link, or, if enough people ask, we will post it in this thread.

Nov 2, 2008, 11:10 AM
I agree that the Bi-flag needs more visibility. A lapel pin would be both subtle and sophisticated.

By the way, does anyone else feel the flag is actually quite ugly? It does succeed, however, because the colors never appear together anywhere else; making them distinctive and clear in meaning.

Nov 2, 2008, 10:18 PM
Heck, It must be simple to meet other bi people, there's web information on it....


How can it be so hard?



It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely uneducated.

Nov 8, 2008, 4:55 PM
I agree that the Bi-flag needs more visibility. A lapel pin would be both subtle and sophisticated.

By the way, does anyone else feel the flag is actually quite ugly? It does succeed, however, because the colors never appear together anywhere else; making them distinctive and clear in meaning.

yeah I don't like flags either, anyway the bi flag or any other flag isn't really that necessary.

the sacred night
Nov 8, 2008, 7:29 PM
I find that when I tell people about my own bisexuality, they open up to me. If you make them feel safe telling you, they can share these things with you.

Nov 8, 2008, 10:27 PM
I only tell people I know really well.

My experience with life in general is that many people are mean.

(Not here though, everyone here seems nice!)

Nov 9, 2008, 7:20 PM
Unfortuanately, there IS no secret handshake...but I surely wish there was a secret nod, wink, handshake or something...I got these "hot boiz" in the apartment building across from me (and I really feel that at least two of them 'mess-around')...and they are always in various stages of semi-dress. I wish I could find a way to safely approach them...or hell just one of them...but like you I'm way too shy for that.... so I just sit here wishing!

Open to suggestions here!:flag4: