View Full Version : Troll bites..LOL

Sep 6, 2008, 2:29 AM
I just got this in my mail. I thought you guys out to see it, especially our friend Vitt. How idiotic and immature can ya get? Geez, some people's children. lol This was posted to me via the group mail. Its going to be sent to Drew, too.

OR, by email:

This is the message:

girl you're so ugly seriously who would even want to have sex with your nasty self?-Vittoria

Sep 6, 2008, 7:35 AM
I just got this in my mail. I thought you guys out to see it, especially our friend Vitt. How idiotic and immature can ya get? Geez, some people's children. lol This was posted to me via the group mail. Its going to be sent to Drew, too.

OR, by email:

This is the message:

girl you're so ugly seriously who would even want to have sex with your nasty self?-Vittoria

Ooooooo wow... thats a fkkn riot

tsk tsk tsk :) glad the douchenozzle is gone , especially since its clear the dolt alleged he she it was from asia :rolleyes:

funny how someone by the name of fermented yeast made a comment to me about how does anyone know i'm really me, then moments later some douche named whorse trolls several posts (including a couple of mine) and then pulls this shit.

makes me wonder....

Sep 6, 2008, 12:51 PM
I got one too my friend--guess our troll got out of mental lock up again and off his meds!!!

Here is a copy of the message it sent me:

Dude just stop writing the stupid and pointless posts that you do about
bisexuality. Nobody cares what you have to say about sexuality, politics, or
how you think that women want you, once did want you, or still want to have a
relationship with you.

Next time just use the fucking search engine before you write posts about topics
that have probably been covered here before time and time again since this is a
sexuality site.

Also why all the stupid ass posts about politics? Nobody fucking cares.

Sep 6, 2008, 2:34 PM
Dude just stop writing the stupid and pointless posts that you do about
bisexuality. Nobody cares what you have to say about sexuality, politics, or
how you think that women want you, once did want you, or still want to have a
relationship with you.

Kinda funny to quote your own post-but I do have to wonder WTF is this person talking about in this paragraph??

As a rule--I don't really talk too much about what I do in terms of my bisexuality and relationships---certainly not any more than others do---you have to wonder----what goes on in this person's head and thought processes?? It was obviously our multi-personality, drive by posting troll who did this----

You do wonder what it is going to take to get this person to just "give it up?"

And a question---did this "person" post up some comments but Drew deleted them already along with his latest profile??

Sep 6, 2008, 6:26 PM
lol Ever notice his posts are all mere minutes apart? Must be the time he gets to sneak on Mommy and Daddy's computer while they are fast asleep. He must have had nothing better to do that night, or he was bored. High 5 Volty for being a fell0ow reciepitant of sttupidity..lol

Sep 6, 2008, 6:41 PM
Well the one he sent to me was a personal attack on shameless...we laugh at his/her/its antics...thinking that I would leave shameless just cause he /she/it wants to try to belittle him...I know all about his past and so the things that the troll is trying aren't working...the troll needs to get a REAL life...and stop trying to use the names or signatures of the good people on here...but ya know...just like a bad child...any attention he/she/it gets whether good or bad is what it is after....have tried something different...may have blocked it from sending any more emails to me...will see if it works..if not..we will have another good laugh or two at it's expense..
Troll on !!!!

Sep 6, 2008, 8:21 PM
I got a nasty gram from him myself. Talking about my gf and i being so ugly no one would want to have sex with us lol.

Sep 6, 2008, 10:03 PM
lol that actually is kind of funny. Sounds like high school. How can someone even truly feel insulted by that it's so lame haha.

Sep 7, 2008, 3:24 AM
lol This dork needs to get a life. lol How sad that he/she/it will never feel the love and friendship that all of the rest of us do. To not feel the friendship and fun that we do. Its sad, really.
(Sucks to be him) lmao

Sep 7, 2008, 10:41 AM
...sounding like a diagnosis, Dr. Cat!
paranoia to some degree...
Our troll is amazed others reveal personal details in public (thus making themselves vulnerable) and even stating public affections and associations ("we at bi.com are family/friends").
Our troll clearly doesn't realize that making oneself vulnerable is a prerequisite to love; and that stating (honestly) caring is a strength, not a weakness.
There are two hopes here.
One, that the fears remain and our troll nurtures himself into a full fledged sociopath.
Two, that the fears and defenses and shallowness of life drive this guy to cast off all... and become deeper than most people we know.

What cha think, Dr. Cat?

Sep 7, 2008, 11:14 PM
lol Like I stated before...Sad, pitiful, little man...lol Actually, Troll-san will never understand the true comaraderie and yes, love, that this little family Does indeed share. Mainly because:

1. He will never understand this love and connection that we all share here. He'll never be a part of it, and he resents it to no end, that's why he lashes out at good people.
2. He will never truely feel like he fits in, (probablyAnywhere, not just here.)

3. He is so unhappy emotionally that he feels he Has to belittle others to make himself feel better about Him Self.
4. He knows that no one would like him as he really is, that is why he has to live vicariously via other personas.

5. To him, life consists of a game, and no one's life matters to him, therefore he feels no remorse of compassion for others.
6. And in conclusion, in plain laymans terms; He is an immature idjet who dont givea chit about anyone but himself, because he's a shallow, spineless, emotionally constipated individual who gets off from picking on Gays, Lesbains, people of stature, and Bi people. (He's probably Homophobic, or so stuck in the closet that he cant find his way out, even with a flashlight and map)

And on top of everything else, he'd be in deep shit if Mommy and Daddy ever found out about his covert activites. Not to mention the authorities.
So because he has no life, and gets off on being sneaky and devious, he will continue to taunt, and bad mouth people who unfortunately would probably be the best thing in his little closeted life if he had given anyone Half a chance.

My own Red Neck Diognosies..lol (hey, you asked!) lol

Sep 8, 2008, 8:38 AM
well i got mine from the introverted closeted asexual idiot. he probably is "undermanhooded" between the legs and definitely between the ears; but then there is a lot like him out there denying there on sexuality