View Full Version : Help! I'm in love!

I Like Both89
Sep 5, 2008, 5:30 AM
I'm in love with John-Paul from Hollyoaks. Not the actor James Sutton, but the actual character. I often have fantasties where we have sex, and get married and him being in love with me. Am I crazy? And the thing is, he is leaving the show in the next few weeks and I will be really heartbroken. I have never had a boyfriend, (or a girlfriend either as well), so am I going insane with loneiness? He's my dream man. It's actually making me depressed right now. Do I need help?

Sep 5, 2008, 7:07 AM
Its normal as far as Im concerned to become attatched to characters. For me they usually come from books ive read. The most recent came out of a 14 book series, she died in book 13 and I cried myself to sleep. I really took it hard. I can't say I had a sexual attraction, wasn't quite like that, but I was hurting there for a bit lol. I did put the book down for a couple of days. Time and space maybe ? Just know your not alone, happens to the best of us,and don't forget in the end its fiction.

Sep 5, 2008, 7:32 AM
In fiction, whether it is drama or literature most of us become attached to certain characters. I agree with Gel because I have often cried my eyes out at the demise of a character I loved. Whether it is love or not is debatable but it can feel like it. When the Master died in the last but one series of Doctor Who I broke my heart. He may have been the baddy but he was such a lovable, hysterically funny yet tragic and at the same time so obviously evil a baddy that my attraction to actor (John Simms from Life on Mars) had nothing whatever to do with it.

Sep 5, 2008, 1:27 PM
lol I have been in lust for Years with Sean Connery, Jeff Goldblum and now Josh Halloway from Lost. Would love to find One of them in my Christmas stocking..lol

Sep 5, 2008, 1:33 PM
i dont think there is anything wrong with havin fantasies about people from tv, ive had many a fantasies about famous people;) obviously wit this guy u are finding the way he is atractive and you wud like someone (not him) like him in the real world and ya never know it can happen :)

Sep 5, 2008, 6:32 PM
I must agree with GEL...I think it is ok to have a fanstasy...GEL YOU have good taste...I have (had) my own verzion of Sean and I adore him...but that Sean is NOTHING to the man that Jess is.

Everyone wants to fell wanted.


Sep 6, 2008, 8:09 AM
Well Cher...if you do find one of them in your Christmas stocking...you'll be really happy....but it also means you have REALLY REALLY BIG feet..

lol I have been in lust for Years with Sean Connery, Jeff Goldblum and now Josh Halloway from Lost. Would love to find One of them in my Christmas stocking..lol

Sep 6, 2008, 8:17 AM
I don't think there's anything wrong with fantasies, but I do have a friend who seems to push the edge a little in that regard. Claims that a certain celeb. visits her at night - I'm pretty open minded - but they she also started tell the kiddies "oh, Mr. Celeb is going to buy us a pony" an such.

Whenever you press her and say "Oh, can we meet 'im?" there's always a convenient excuse why not..

So yeah, I think fantasies can be healthy, up to a point - just like anything else in life TOO MUCH of something isn't always good.