View Full Version : When All Else Fails, Call Them "Uppity"...

Sep 4, 2008, 5:42 PM
Its all well and cool not to like someone just because they consider themselves a member of the Democratic Party.

No prob.

One may not like the idea of having potential "First Daughters" in cornrows.

(Sorry, I'm laughing as I type that... its VERY VERY funny)


To bust out the term "Uppity"??!?!?!?!

As if we dont know what word usually 9 times out of 9 comes after that ( especially in the USA)...

A La radio Budweiser commercial..(If you know what I mean LOL!)

"real men of genius...

Mr. I dont like black people but its gauche to say that so I'll tap dance around it GOP member!!!"



Sep 6, 2008, 2:22 AM
Get off your high horse. 'Uppity' is no more racist than 'stupid' or any other adjective. Find something else to bitch & whine about. How come black people are the only ones that can play the race card??? Is everything a racist term now???? Life is tough and people are going to offend you every day of the week. Get over it & grow a skin.

Sep 6, 2008, 7:39 AM
Dunno the context a the use a the phrase hun but it aint necessarily racist.. can b used an is used in a racist context.. mainly used far as me knos gainst sum 1 who dusn kno 'er or 'is place... who refuses 2 accept oppression an wonts 2 betta themselves or sumtimes thinks they r betta than they r.. been called uppity mesel moren 1ce.. woteva the context..it wosa fukkin arrogant an toffee nosed thing 2 say an the silly sod shud b ashamed of 'imsel.. an so shud u for defendin it..

Sep 6, 2008, 7:45 AM
Attention sparetire

for your info.. no one said i was black..i despise injustice to all cultures... i only believe in one race... HUMAN (and Vulcan... i guess that makes two)

I'm not...

It was an observation of human nature...

And the only people, I have observed, who enjoys that type of speech, are those who want to be hateful morons.

Nothing to say about present company...


Actually read the link, watch the clip, note the context, and draw your own conclusions.

Sep 6, 2008, 2:04 PM
I can understand why it would upset some black people (considering the term was vastly used to describe black people who weren't poor, or just simply educated), but I don't think he was being racist. He was just repeating (see parrot) what his party has been saying about Obama.

Question: If Obama is uppity, then what is what is being married to an heiress and not knowing how many homes you own?

Sep 6, 2008, 2:05 PM
LOL :cutelaugh!