View Full Version : Friggin Hackers- Grrrrrrowl

Aug 29, 2008, 1:24 AM
Whilst in chat tonight I saw my best male friend pop in. I was delighted as I hadnt talked to him much since my computer has been on the fritz. Many others who knew him greeting him warmly as well. He is loved and liked by those who know him. :}
All of a sudden, he popped right back out again. I left him an IM and something to the affect of, "Wow! you didnt stay long!"
A bit later he came on asking "Huh?" I explained itvto him and he was shocked...Turns out it Wasnt Him.
We dont know if someone hacked into his account, or if someone was just snooping around again.
It really pisses me off when nosey people have to hack into people's accounts, and cant respect another person's property. I hope he finds out who it is and really chews ass....:(:soapbox:

Aug 29, 2008, 7:27 AM
hackers and trolls and itchin... OH MY!!



Aug 29, 2008, 8:04 AM
Is there any doubt that the hacker is indeed our sociopathetic troll?

Interesting to note... most of the troll's posts indicate a developing sociopath.
The troll is keen upon manipulation.
The troll has the apparent emotional development stalled at 14 year old.
Our troll is learning to hide... step by step... his 'trollness'.
There are more points... but... why beat a point to death?

Aug 29, 2008, 1:23 PM
That I really dont know, Loves. The name that popped up ever so briefly was myt friend's name and many there recognized said name. I dont think it was a troll, I think it was someone being a nosy lil shit and getting into his account. He caught a maid at the hotel he was staying at, on his lap top a while back. Thats my key suspect, the other is his busy body roomie.
I dont know which but we shall soon find out. :}

Sep 8, 2008, 2:42 AM
ok, here's the deal..
at the beginning of this year i was on a business road trip into cental penna. was staying at a marriot residence inn.. their idea of free secure internet was a publicly open [literally] wireless system that was seriously compromised.. my firewalls and security programs were always having fits about attempts to break in..

one morning we found a new face on staff. she was a college student who was just working to pay the bills, but had learned to hack, and also had some really backward religous views. such as computers are the root of evil, they transmit HIV, cause homosexuality, ad nauseum..i walked in on her one night , she was seated not at the desk and the staff terminal, but at the terminal that the wireless system is hooked up to. next morning many of the residents were complaining of hack attempts on their credit card accounts, email, home pages being changed etc. several even mention having lost access to their IM accounts.. i didnt find out til that evening that i was also a victim, that i couldnt get into my WR yahoo account.which had been totally automated with passwords and log ins etc. ..my whole life was in that account..calls , email to yahoo customer service, yahoo security, nothing helped recover it..i complained loudly to local marriot staff, and when i didnt get help there, i turned to marriot national.. still no help other than the writ i submitted was used to let the employee go for disciplinary actions..

from time to time, i have had people i know that were linked to me via that account tell me that they've had disturbing emails or weird IM issues coming from that old account, even after being warned that it was no longer controlled by me.. apparently that is the case where i sometimes pop in here in the chat room and run off when those who know me greet "me " as i come in...

right after being informed of that incident, i came here and changed the password to this account. hopefully this wont happen again

Sep 8, 2008, 6:52 PM
Well, Rich...howdy...Cat has spoken of you so much I feel I know you...Shameless and I have been having problems...well actually just me...someone keeps using my angelrose and signing in as me so I have to change my password several times a week...gets tiring , but I refuse to give up my username...one of these days I will find out who this Troll is..I am sure it is he/she/it that is doing it since this didn't start happening until after my first encounter with the Troll.
One of these days I will get a password that he can't figure out...but until then, it is kinda fun trying to come up with all the different ones...the last one took him 5 days to break...let's see how long it takes for this one ....LOL
Ahhh...such as life on the internet