Aug 28, 2008, 10:54 PM
If you own a dog, then please check out the link below. It is a horrific and disturbing story about the way that a company called "Four Paws" treated a customer, who's dog was permanently injured by one of their products.

Read the story, see the pictures and video and you will understand why I say that all pet owners should boycott the "Four Paws".

The link was found on "doggyspace.com"


Aug 29, 2008, 3:50 PM
I just though you would all be interested to know that all of the publicity generated about this problem has finally produced some action on the part of Four Paws. They have issued a recall of the toy that caused such devastating injury to Chai and other dogs like him.

Aug 29, 2008, 4:03 PM
Thanks Sweetie. I passed this on to a few friends that have pets...:(

Aug 30, 2008, 6:55 AM
Ne 1 c the BBC documentary on doggies? Bout how the Kennel Club hav an do encourage the worst an mos cruel traits 2 b bred in 2 an kept in pedigree doggies? Brains 2 big for ther heads, cripplin limb probs, breathin difficulties, how sum breeds cant keep themsels warm, an many otha nasty lil traits.. pugs for instance (think it wos pugs) hav 10000 animals ova ere..they hav the gene pool of 50...


Aug 30, 2008, 2:08 PM
jeez that is horrible!! I was almost crying when the poor dog was crying so much...I have a dog and I watch what type of toys he gets because of I had a bird that almost got choked to death on one of her toys!! it was one of those rope toys and it ended up getting chewed by the bird well she got her neck in the rope somehow and was choking...I cut that damn thing off of her so quick...she was squawking weird and I went to investigate it and found her hanging from this toy...Man I was freaked out!! So I am very careful what toys I let my animals have but you still wouldnt think that kind of toy would injure the dog...