View Full Version : ATL Pride

Aug 24, 2008, 7:35 PM
Hey! When's ATL Pride?! :flag4:

Aug 26, 2008, 1:41 PM
:doggie:Hello there BunnyAce. I hate to say it to ya but you missed the 2008 Atlanta Pride event. Normally it is held on the 3rd weekend of June, in rememberence of the Stonewall Inn incident in NY City.
Things changed a lot this year. Instead of being held at Piedmont Park in June, it was held at the Atlanta Civic Center on July 4th weekend. Atl officals said something about the drought in GA & that big of a crowd would trample & kill the grass that was allready sufferin from the lack of water. For whatever its worth, the civic center is about 2-3 miles from the park.
As far as I think, this years pride event was a flop. I dont know what the attendance numbers were, but I would estimate the crowd wasn't half of what attended the 2007 pride event. I noticed this right away. I hope that next year things could git back to the more normal conditions. This year things were so slim that even the street preachers were few, though still present.
I myself am a exhibitionist type (amoung other things) & missed the big crowd to flash upon. I missed the full joy of that this year.
Was anybody, members of BI.com, there? If you were you might remember seein me as I was all undressed up in some pretty skimpy clothing. I was wearin short cut-off blue-jean shorts & a pink T-shirt that that had the bottom half cut off (sorta like a sports bra) on sunday. on saturday the same thing except it was a black T-shirt. In spite of the smaller crowd I still got lots of comments about how I was dressed.
It also rained & thunderstormed hard on the Pride parade sunday.
Oh well said enuff gotta go. My:2cents:

:doggie: Your friend doggie