View Full Version : why are my balls ??

Dec 30, 2005, 6:12 PM
it seems my balls are tightened up most of the time .why is that?

Dec 30, 2005, 8:30 PM
it seems my balls are tightened up most of the time .why is that?

If your post is genuine and not a joke... :rolleyes: I would say that your balls look nice and seem to be attached to an even nicer pecker... :bigrin:

Are you ejaculating when you say your balls are tightening up?

Is colder than usual when you see your balls tightening up? Are you using less clothes than usual?

The reasons I can think of for the balls tightening up are those two, ejaculating and cold.

All the best,

ray :male:

Dec 31, 2005, 2:10 AM
Ok so i am guessing both the balls are in the bag and not hiding inside,
just all tight .
Cold would be my answer.
Have a hot shower and see if that helps loosen them.
If so i dont think you have any thing wrong with you.
If they are still tight i would see a doctor.
But dont be alarmed...
The Balls are outside the body (so to speak)
repairs and alterations are easy on the boys these days.
IF IN DOUBT SEE A DOC.... :wiggle2:

Dec 31, 2005, 3:51 AM
your balls look perfectly normal to me; "tightness" happens right before you come and as people have pointed out, when the air around them is cold. If your balls were in my mouth, they would probably be very loose right now! I wouldn't worry. :tongue: :tongue:

Dec 31, 2005, 12:16 PM
Or it could be that the size of your meat rocket is pulling in all extra skin it can find to stand as nice as it is.... :tongue:

But they do look normal so it may be what the rest have stated... :paw: :paw:

Dec 31, 2005, 1:01 PM
They look great to me! :drool:

Jan 6, 2006, 3:27 PM
it seems my balls are tightened up most of the time .why is that?

:flag4: :male: You balls hang outside of your body to mantain a lower temperature for your sperm to keep it motile. When you are too warm they may hang lower usual. Also several things will cause them to retract closer to you body. Being cold is an obvious one, bul also feeling ill, emotional tense, or frightened will as well. Finally, they retract tightly against the base of your penis just before your come.

Jan 9, 2006, 10:14 AM
your balls look perfectly normal to me; "tightness" happens right before you come and as people have pointed out, when the air around them is cold. If your balls were in my mouth, they would probably be very loose right now! I wouldn't worry. :tongue: :tongue:

i think your balls are beautiful... maybe if Brian and I both played with them they would warm up!!! lol

~Puss :flag4:

Jan 9, 2006, 11:37 AM
Nothing wrong with your sack, or, cock. Both are good enough to eat.

Jan 9, 2006, 1:34 PM
I wouldnt worry at all. My boyfriends balls are tight most of the time, I love them that way I can fit the whole nutsac in my mouth at once :bigrin: . I also would like to tell you that I think your cock and balls are very nice! Would love to be sitting on them right now!