View Full Version : Friends

Aug 21, 2008, 2:49 AM
How far would you go for your friends?

Aug 21, 2008, 6:53 AM
Well....let me see. I think that I would try my very best to be the kind of a friend that someone would always be able to depend upon. Be it someone right next door to me...in the State...or across the continent and every place in between. To me distance does not make or break a realtionship. I count myself as a rather lucky woman to be able to say that I have friends whom I could or can call in the middle of the night and know that they will come immediately. I would return the favor as well. I have been there when friends had no home...or when a loved one died, when they lost their job...or my most cherished memory, when a new life was born.....I went all the way to Hawaii for that and was given a gift of friendship unlike any other.


Aug 21, 2008, 8:39 AM
I would go to my knees in a second ! I would bend over backwards but it would be more fun if I bent ove forwards !

Aug 21, 2008, 9:28 AM
Jus b ther for 'em wen they needya, help 'em wen they in botha, tell 'em str8 wen ya need 2, defend 'em wen ya must, lil wite lies wenya hav 2, big black lies wen ther no choice..... but most of all travel that xtra mile 2 show em ya luff 'em an will always b ther m8...

Aug 21, 2008, 9:30 AM
Jus b ther for 'em wen they needya, help 'em wen they in botha, tell 'em str8 wen ya need 2, defend 'em wen ya must, lil wite lies wenya hav 2, big black lies wen ther no choice..... but most of all travel that xtra mile 2 show em ya luff 'em an will always b ther m8...

Right on Fran. As usual you hit the mark.

Aug 21, 2008, 3:48 PM
I will be a shoulder to talk and cry on, whenEver they need me. I will be the voice of reason and yes, some scowlding too if they need it. I will be there in tough times, I will be there in laughter so hard that Neither of us can talk or see. I will blend my tears with theirs when the time calls for it, and I will be at a bedside in a heartbeat if I can when someone is sick and needs me.

I will be a naughty, playful friend, I will be the soft comforting chest that they need to lay on, these big soft warm arms will comfort and hold anytime someone needs it. I am the ear they need to vent to or to bend in good Or bad.
I will defend my closest friends with my life if necessary. No man or woman had better raise a hand to them in anger or with the intent to do them harm. Spirits help them.
To quote John Wayne in one of his movies "I love 'em when they are good, spank 'em when they are bad, but both is done unconditionally"
Is answered question, Darlin?
Everybody's Cat:grouphug:

Aug 21, 2008, 4:14 PM
Well....let me see. I think that I would try my very best to be the kind of a friend that someone would always be able to depend upon. Be it someone right next door to me...in the State...or across the continent and every place in between. To me distance does not make or break a realtionship. I count myself as a rather lucky woman to be able to say that I have friends whom I could or can call in the middle of the night and know that they will come immediately. I would return the favor as well. I have been there when friends had no home...or when a loved one died, when they lost their job...or my most cherished memory, when a new life was born.....I went all the way to Hawaii for that and was given a gift of friendship unlike any other.


Yes, you have done that for many of us just on here who you've never really met, so I can imagine what you do for your friends you know personally.

I also would be there in a heartbeat for anyone I care about who needed help, a shoulder, a hug or just an ear to listen to them. That's what friendship is all about.....being there!

Aug 22, 2008, 1:31 AM
I will be a shoulder to talk and cry on, whenEver they need me. I will be the voice of reason and yes, some scowlding too if they need it. I will be there in tough times, I will be there in laughter so hard that Neither of us can talk or see. I will blend my tears with theirs when the time calls for it, and I will be at a bedside in a heartbeat if I can when someone is sick and needs me.

I will be a naughty, playful friend, I will be the soft comforting chest that they need to lay on, these big soft warm arms will comfort and hold anytime someone needs it. I am the ear they need to vent to or to bend in good Or bad.
I will defend my closest friends with my life if necessary. No man or woman had better raise a hand to them in anger or with the intent to do them harm. Spirits help them.
To quote John Wayne in one of his movies "I love 'em when they are good, spank 'em when they are bad, but both is done unconditionally"
Is answered question, Darlin?
Everybody's Cat:grouphug:

It was of the finest kind, thank you.

And thank you to everyone else who answered.


Aug 22, 2008, 10:00 AM
The student, herself struggling to finance her education who befriended my cousin, and ensured by an act of great generosity and love, that a person I love and have known all my life did not have to sell body and soul to pursue her education, and made herself ill and financially indebted in the process, and cemented a closeness of spirit which lasts to this day.:)

Aug 23, 2008, 12:59 PM
Who knows how far a person would go for a friend... But a true friend, I believe, would eventually do the right thing... :paw::paw:

Aug 24, 2008, 2:13 AM
Who knows how far a person would go for a friend... But a true friend, I believe, would eventually do the right thing... :paw::paw:

I use to believe the same thing, then my life changed dramatically in literally a matter of moments. I guess it comes down to, how do you know what the right thing is? What is right for today may not be tomorrow. I guess my real question should have been how far would you go for a friend, when you don’t know what the right thing for them is.


Aug 24, 2008, 3:42 AM
Sometimes it's hard to know what the right thing is. I think all of us would love to have the power to wave a magic wand and solve all of our friends' problems. Sometimes it seems as though they are more important than one's own problems. One always has to be careful, however, that in trying to help a friend, they aren't actually pushing that friend away.

I don't really know where this is coming from, but I felt a compulsion to post....

- From a long-time lurker