View Full Version : The first time

Dec 27, 2005, 5:15 PM
There she was… She had finally decided to do it. For years, she had being thinking about it, but she was afraid of, as she had been told so many scary stories about how painful it was and how much blood there could be… She was really frightened by just the sight of blood; more than once she had fainted when she had seen one of her pupils with a bleeding nose, but there she was. She really wanted it and she was praying for not bleeding that much…

Oh, and the pain, she was not that weak, but some of the stories scared the hell out of her… Even her mum had told her that when the moment arrived it would be quite painful, but that she had to do it, (as many of her friends had already done it) to be able to have a normal life. She knew some of their friends’ first-time stories as they confided in her. She was glad to have such nice friends to inform her of all the details, all the possible scenarios, all the possible outcomes, and she finally decided to do it. She was not going to be a girl anymore… she was a teacher, and she was irrationally scared by something most of her friends had already experienced.

She couldn’t believe that at her age she hadn’t had that experience. Of course, she was not that old, but neither that young. Somehow she felt ashamed of not having done it before, and she knew that some of her friends had done it even before being nubile, and there she was… Not that she was afraid of becoming an old spinster, but this was turning her bitter and bad-tempered as one, and she had been told by her friends that she had to do it, sooner or later, and that it would be good for her own sanity, that after that, she was going to be relieved and that the fear was not going to be as big as the sensations once everything is done.

She had decided to do it not with anybody, but with someone she could trust and knowing that he would be gentle and kind to her. She made a few discreet questions to some of her closest friends about some possible candidates, and after hearing about the “credentials and expertise” of the candidates, she chose the man that would be his first, hoping he would do everything as soft and gentle as to make her maybe go for a second time or more. She thought that all depended on how good he was going to be.

She was told that he was a married man, what it made her feel safer about how he could treat a woman, and her friends also had told her that he was a total gentleman.

There she was, the moment of truth had arrived… Would she be able to go all the way through or would she just run away like a spoilt brat young woman? She really wanted it, but all the stories made her really nervous. He was there and trying to make her comfortable, he had patted her hand to give her confidence and he had touched her face to notice if he could go on, and there she was yet, trembling and obviously quite nervous, but seemingly decided to go all the way through.

His face was really close to her face, she had previously taken off some clothes that could make difficult some movements and she was waiting, she opened timidly her mouth and spread a bit her legs. He told her to open wider, that he would be gentle, that it was not his first time, that he had plenty of experience and that she would remember this time as pleasant enough to come back for more. He complemented her hairdo, her beauty, and how gorgeous she looked to try to ease her a bit more. She was giving more way to him to manoeuvre, and he smiled back to her knowingly. He had already done all the preparatory procedures. He didn’t take long, but he thought that with that it would be enough. Some wanted it for their first time to be rough and gone quickly while some others preferred to take it slowly as if that way the pain would be less intense.

She was already waiting for him to proceed, so he approached even more and she jumped just at the first touch. He told her to relax and to open wider, that everything would be over soon. She closed her eyes and let him do. He really had a lot of experience and she started to moan feeling his increasing pressure. She felt a bit of pain, but decided to let him continue… it was something that had to be done sooner or later and she had procrastinated it for too long. Now her feelings were mixed. She wanted him to go on, but at the same time she wanted him to stop, as the pain was now a bit stronger.

He was determined to get his goal, so he even increased the pressure, and suddenly it started to give way. She felt like something was starting to break and she feared for the blood. She had told him before about her fears, so he reassured her that it was just a bit of blood and that it was normal. She felt a bit more at ease at his hands and expertise. He went on exercising more strength to complete his task till a last bit seemed finally getting looser and letting him eventually get his prize. He had done it. He was a bit tired, but glad as some drops of sweat had slipped down his forehead. He took it out and told her to relax for a while, that it was already done and that there was not much blood.

Still her feelings were mixed, but when he said to her to make another appointment to extract a second bad tooth, she decided that even not having any previous experience with any other dentist, this would be her dentist for life. He had made her feel relaxed and confident enough to have more of her bad teeth extracted… She could go on now with her life without the horrible toothache that had lately made her bitter and bad-tempered...

Hmmm, just thinking, you wouldn’t be playing with yourself on an account of an extraction of a bad tooth… would you? That would be rather kinky for saying the least…

Dec 27, 2005, 6:05 PM
Oh Ray, I've had this as a poem since I was in high school....thanks for the memories lol

Dec 27, 2005, 6:46 PM
I'm sure you can imagine
It's simple as can be
The place is very quiet.
The players, he and she.

She whispers "Will it hurt?"
"Of course not" says he
"It's a very simple process. Now lay back and bend your knees".

She is rather frightened,
She'd never done this before
He finally convinces her it wouldn't
hurt anymore, "Now calm yourself
my darling", his smiling face behind his sin.

Now open a bit sideways
So I can get it in.

Then suddenly with a jump
She gave a little shoot. It's
all over now, "Thank God!"
He pulled it out!

Now that you have read this
He, a dentist you will find
It's not what you were thinking
It's just your dirty mind!!!

Dec 28, 2005, 8:28 AM
Now that you have read this
He, a dentist you will find
It's not what you were thinking
It's just your dirty mind!!!


I have to admit that it is based on a sort of short letter, but in prose, not in verse (and in Spanish, not in English) that I was given to me when I was also at school, but that unfortunately I don't have it anymore. My memory kept the topic too as a fond memory of my childhood and how deceptive words can be...

I think it was after I posted the self-service thread, that I spent a few hours writing it, reading, correcting, re-reading, and so on, making the story grow from that initial idea and trying to choose the right words to create 2 possible scenarios with the same believable narrative.

I wanted to keep the atmosphere for as long as possible and an "in crescendo" suspense, till reaching an unexpected anticlimax.

After constructing the whole story, I realized that I needed to put really clear that she was just attending an appointment with the dentist for the first time in her life, and not as it could even appear, a story about a fling with a dentist at his practice!!!

And then, I added one of my cheeky comments as a closing end.

So, although it is based on a very short letter in prose and in Spanish, following similar lines of your poem, the long story based on that is entirely:

(c)2005 rayosytruenos

lol, all the best,

ray :male: