View Full Version : Knocking on Wood Here!!! Troll activity abates on bisexual.com!!! (((((((hoooray!!!))

Aug 13, 2008, 1:12 PM
I might be tempting the sleeping tiger, dragon or some malevolent, vengeful goddess by putting up this post----but listen to the place----what do you hear???

I hear no more things like continual fighting about certain issues, in posts put up by some sad sack individual designed merely to get his jollies by stirring things up --that is now thankfully, almost a thing of the past thanks to the fact that Drew and company started to watch things on the site and to take action whenever they discovered that the TROLL--in his many guises once again reared his head to sow discord and such.

Now---when he does---like the Whack-A-Mole game at an amusement park--when his various personalities pop up their little heads--they are banned quickly and most of the Tech9 scattershot-like postings put up by this "person" are removed forthwith.

I like it now that if someone posts up something relating to politics and such that people have strong opinions on---people can now feel free to express them--- the thread remains active for a few days then fades into the back ground of the forum and everyone is happy that he or she could say what they will and that is that----everyone moves on and there are no hard feelings---

Thank goodness that this place is more or less back to "normal"--whatever the hell normal is in general and specifically what it means for this place!!!:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::b ibounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::compuser:

Aug 13, 2008, 3:00 PM
Well said, Volty! Happy Birthday, btw! Hope you have a great day!

Aug 13, 2008, 4:25 PM
LMMFAOOOOOOOO @ "Tech9 scattershot" and "forthwith"