View Full Version : For Katie

Aug 11, 2008, 5:58 PM
I print this for people of Georgia and hope that soon their tribulations will cease and a tragedy brought to an end.....

For Katie

I share thy tears, sweet Katie
For thy people and thy native land
Observing the aggressor destroy life and liberty
My screen shows the destructive horror of conflict
Press pages packed with detail and analysis
I hear and read claim and counter claim
And watch helplessly as civilian and soldier
Suffer the indescribable
What is the truth, dear Katie?
Who has the right of it?
It is of no matter
Not while people are made homeless, maimed and slaughtered...

That peoples should be let live free
Is our creed, yours and mine
Unhindered by oppression
Free from fear of violence
And wanton destruction
I share thy tears, sweet Katie
And thy fears
Thy people suffer indignity and death
Thy homeland crushed underfoot
By that great and terrible bear
With overwhelming strength and power
Its claws and teeth sharp and awesome

I share thy grief, dear Katie
With nine million bicycles in Beijing
And humanity watching games
Distracted by sporting wonders from the tragedy which unfolds
Once when the games were held peace reigned
And mankind could take a breath
Given time to solve its conflicts
No longer, dear Katie
War and strife continue
Destruction continues and violent death is final
I weep for thee, dear Katie
And for the folly of our kind

Aug 12, 2008, 12:00 PM
Dear Kate and Fran,

Its been very hard to watch the news this week, I can not imagine what it must be like to actually have a connection to Georgia. We can only offer you our deepest sympathies if you do. So tragic that the powers that be still think that violence is an acceptable way to achieve their aims. Here is to all those who realize how close the darkness is and are working to make this world just a little bit better place.

Aug 12, 2008, 12:34 PM
God Metasexual.. am sorry..didn mean 2 imply that Katie is Kate..its not. The Katie in question is Katie Melua who me knows is seriously stressed cos er mum is stranded ova ther an she has many relative still in Georgia. But reely its not jus for er its for all georgians, an all, Russian an Georgian who hav been caught up in this needless tragedy, wich has been brot bout by a very stupid Georgian President, Russian bullyin an western interference. Its even more complex than that, but yas rite it's a tragedy that need neva hav been.. its not only the US an its allies who act as ovabearin interferin, bullyin, busybodies an cause conflict, destruction an death 2 thousands of innocent peeps.

So sorry if me misled ya ..wosn meant.. but tyvm for the luffly kind thots...

Aug 12, 2008, 4:16 PM
Dear Fran: I tried to post yesterday but in an off and on area for lappy. Anyway, once again you've captured and xpressed your feelings of our gloval path, so well defined,gentle, painfull but exact. Mankind once again is on the path to absolute doom with the continued aggression and and desire to own, control humankind. I know that Ketevan somehow has received your poem. Too bad the world leadership will ignore it. Anyway, I hope she dosn't cancel her tour in RSA. If so, my yet tba price of the ticket may be refunded, but, nw on that. We're lucky to have your exquisite, heart and mind warming expression of orderly thoughts, passion, pain, everytime some of this world crap occurs.

Aug 12, 2008, 4:28 PM
Its a luffly name Ketevan innit? Luffly name for a luffly gal who mus b unda so much stress.. jus hope sumhow it ends wivout 2 much more destruction an death..

An do hope she gets 2 South Africa.. an ya gets 2 c er, Mars..she is amazin in the flesh... an sounds like an angel..

Ya words r luffy marie..but ther r peeps much betta able 2 artivulate the agonies an suffrin of humanity than me... all me can say is that it cums from the heart..an it don haff cause me stress an pain..

Aug 12, 2008, 4:56 PM
Well, I for one without any prejudice etc is completely fine with the idea of cloning our Fran, exactly 368 times(or however many countries there are on this globe, the count is up and down) to replace all Kings/Qeens, Presidents, Pahearos, Emporors, etc etc etc to replace them, all. Certainly, the world would be a better place, afterall, it couldn't hurt, more than it does already.

Aug 12, 2008, 5:05 PM
couldn't figure out how to add this to the above Hahah ms hightech:tong:
anyway yes, indeed such a beautiful name and those poopr people 15 or so years of "free society" and now the Large Footprint of the Imperialist Bear has left the cave, again, hmmm sort of a reminder of the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's and to a degree the 60"s, does anyone pay attention to History anymore?, but, once again, the so called "powers to be" will pay no attention, until, the oppression re-starts.:2cents:

Aug 12, 2008, 7:35 PM
Don think the world cud put up wiv 1 clone a me Mars far less howeva many.. spoilt opinionated brats numbrin 368 (think its closa 2 180.. an that wudn ease mattas ne) 2 much for world 2 take.. we wud end up wiv mass sepukku (or is it seppuku?).. an me actually likes humanity howeva much they ther own worst enemy an get on me nerves sumtimes..

Amazin thing Mars...every 1 talks bout learnin from history but no 1 woteva who is eva in a position a power in ne nation on the planet eva seem 2 put it inta practice.. same ole, same ole hun.. makes me despair sumtimes.. but not 2 nite:)

Aug 13, 2008, 5:33 AM
So sorry if me misled ya ..wosn meant.. but tyvm for the luffly kind thots...

No worries Fran. No matter who it was meant for still brought a feeing of shared grief to us thinking about what is going on over there. Thanks for sharing your caring words.

Aug 13, 2008, 6:29 AM
Heart on your sleeve once again Fran hun. :) So sad and so lovely.