View Full Version : Anyone know much about syphilis?

Aug 9, 2008, 2:29 PM
I read somewhere that it appears with a white spot on your penis (if your a guy), but all I can find out is that its contracted through sex, or blood transfusions etc.

But no where does it say that its possible to get it without those things is it, I can't say I've had much sex or required any blood, yet when havin' a little manscaping I found a spot which is now turning kinda whiteish scabby?

sorry but hope I haven't grossed anyone out!

Aug 9, 2008, 3:26 PM
Glad to say that I have never had a std, but I do suggest if you think you have something to immediately go to your health provider or the local free-clinic. Any delays will only result in bodily damage. This is not a time to be embaraced or shy.

Aug 9, 2008, 3:46 PM
White spots can also be indicative of something as simple as genital warts ( still contracted sexually)...but it's not something that should be left untreated. As for syphilis, if that is left untreated it can evolve into much more....sometimes causing dementia. As Chu suggested, see a health care professional as soon as possible. It could just be nothing all that serious....but not worth the risk.


Aug 9, 2008, 5:36 PM
3 words... condoms condoms condoms!! We cant tell what others may or may not have so if youre gonna take a dip in the pool, wear a suit for the occasion! If I were you I wouldnt panic, but I would definetly get it checked out as soon as possible.

Aug 9, 2008, 8:33 PM
Didn't Hitler die from untreated syphillis?
I know it wasn't old oge that got him.


Tiger Lily
Aug 9, 2008, 8:58 PM
Don't panic hun, could be something and nothing, however, I would advice you go to your GP or clinic as soon as you can. Getting these things checked out is always embarrising but worth it in the long run. You need to know what your dealing with and can then relax. These things are often easily treated if caught early, but try to remember, their is no substitute for safety.
TL xx :bibounce:

Aug 9, 2008, 9:16 PM
3 previous, and myself makes 4, say 'get yourself checked'.

Do so even if the 'spot' goes away. many STD's have a habit of seemingly getting better but the bacterium / virus has instead migrated to hide elsewhere in the body and the person may still remain infective to others regardless.

Have a look at

If the news is bad, swallow your pride and contact any partners which may be at risk also.

Good luck

Aug 9, 2008, 10:28 PM
I'll be #5 and also say go get checked!

As for the person who had it-Al Capone(the gangster) had it-it went untreated and it eventually did kill him(causing dementia).

Aug 10, 2008, 12:24 AM
The first stage of syphilis is called primary syphilis

The most common sites of infection in men are on the penis. Within 90 days of infection (three week average), a painless sore or ulcer called a chancre appears. This first stage of syphilis is called primary syphilis. This chancre contains a clear fluid that is full of syphilis-causing bacteria making you highly contagious. The chancre will heal even without treatment within a few weeks

I agree with everyone else. Get checked immediately! The sore may go away, but the infection will remain.

Aug 10, 2008, 2:22 AM
Definitely get checked out! Like the others say, it could be nothing...if you found it in a spot where there's hair it could be something minor like an infected hair follicle. But you won't know until you get checked. And I'm pretty sure syph can be easily treated with antibiotics so if you ARE infected, it's best to find out early. Good luck!

Aug 10, 2008, 7:55 AM
Didn't Hitler die from untreated syphillis?
I know it wasn't old oge that got him.


Hitler committed suicide...Idi Amin died of syphillis.

Aug 10, 2008, 9:15 AM
Syphilis is bad, M'kay?

Aug 10, 2008, 3:07 PM
Didn't Hitler die from untreated syphillis?
I know it wasn't old oge that got him.


He died from extreme exposure to a detonating explosive device.

However, he was suffering from syphilis which, at more advanced stages, has symptoms similar to Alzheimer's.

Aug 10, 2008, 3:52 PM

In England you look for a "G.U.M. clinic" - often attached to a hospital. The staff are really nice and make sure there is a relaxed atmosphere. Don't be embarassed ... everyone is there for similar things ... it's part of life. BUT please GO asap and get it treated!

Good Luck!

Aug 11, 2008, 8:15 AM
He died from extreme exposure to a detonating explosive device.

However, he was suffering from syphilis which, at more advanced stages, has symptoms similar to Alzheimer's.

More accurately ther is a theory that Hitler had syphilis.. no moren that.. ther r no medical records 2 say wetha e did or not.. jus a loada symptoms..but those syptoms an othas pointed also 2 otha ailments... an ther lotsa theories bout them an all.... it is even unknown wetha he cud eva get it up ne way.. least not wile e wos Chancellor.. but ya can liv long time wiv the disease so who can tell for sure..

In ne case...wetha Hitler did or Hitler didn.. aint a disease ne 1 shud wanna cop.. an if tey dus.. its 1 they wanna go an get seen 2 at earliest opportunity an sod ne embarrassment...

Aug 18, 2008, 9:50 AM
When in doubt, take it to a professional! Before it falls off:(

(Nurse for 21 years)

Aug 18, 2008, 10:18 AM
Interestin thing but professional peeps in ne field in me own experience.. bout 2% r brill.. bout 20% r very gud.. bout 40% range from ok 2 so so..an the rest aint worth the papa their qualifications r ritten on.. thats a very large loada crap who lotsa peeps rely on for professional advice or help a 1 kind or otha..

Jus hope wicheva kinda pro yas afta ya gets 1 a the betta 1's...

Aug 18, 2008, 10:42 AM
More accurately ther is a theory that Hitler had syphilis.. no moren that.. ther r no medical records 2 say wetha e did or not.. jus a loada symptoms..but those syptoms an othas pointed also 2 otha ailments... an ther lotsa theories bout them an all.... it is even unknown wetha he cud eva get it up ne way.. least not wile e wos Chancellor.. but ya can liv long time wiv the disease so who can tell for sure..

In ne case...wetha Hitler did or Hitler didn.. aint a disease ne 1 shud wanna cop.. an if tey dus.. its 1 they wanna go an get seen 2 at earliest opportunity an sod ne embarrassment...

There has been speculation that Hitler had syphilis for a long time, although there is no real proof that he did. Hitler had a lot of weird personal habits- irregular sleep and diet, vegetarianism and other fad diets, sexual abstinence and possible drug use- so all sorts of stories circulated about him both during his lifetime and after his death.

Mussolini, though, did have syphilis.

Aug 18, 2008, 11:24 AM
Mussolini, though, did have syphilis.

E didn die of it eitha tho jamie... :tong:

Aug 21, 2008, 8:50 AM
It has been established that Hitler had syphilis and that along with his heavy use of drugs had alot to do with his bazaar decisions . He did not die of it however . He died from the combination of cianide and a bullet .

Al Capone was released from prison early due to the effects of syphilis . He was reduced to a babbling idiot and deemed not to be a further threat to society . He did die of the desease .

Aug 21, 2008, 9:11 AM
It has been established that Hitler had syphilis .....

It has been established nuthin of the sort.....

Aug 22, 2008, 3:29 AM
Hitler, I thought that initially he only had one ball - the other was in the old town hall. And then, according to the song he had none at all. 'Cos all the Bo???cks is being spread here.

Get yer spot checked son! Hitler and Idi AMin are irrelevant

Aug 22, 2008, 8:55 AM
Hitler, I thought that initially he only had one ball - the other was in the old town hall. And then, according to the song he had none at all. 'Cos all the Bo???cks is being spread here.

Get yer spot checked son! Hitler and Idi AMin are irrelevant
No need 2 sound so hi an mitey Heph babes:tong:... 'e wos told 2 get it checked out v early on in the thread bout 2 weeks go now... if e waited for ur say so e wud prob welled clapped out by now... tee hee...

Anya kno threads lead a life a ther own 'ere.. need it 2 keep us sane.. although sumtimes they a rite loada dross.. an since in the song it wos Goebbels who had no balls.. seems like u joined the drossers... tee hee.:bigrin: Hav luffly day.. muah!!!

Sep 7, 2008, 10:33 PM
Cool accent, darkeyes! It's a little like readin' Rhymin Robin Burns!