View Full Version : Non Replies to your mail

Aug 8, 2008, 9:45 AM
OK here goes.

You write to a cpl/ girl or guy and they cannot even be bothered to give a thnx but no thnx response.

Now its fair I suppose if its a girl and she only wishes to see a girl and get swamped with guy replies and vice versa, or as is the most, Guys writing to cpls who only wish to meet another cpl.......and they ignore the letter. They have put in the parameters and the replier/responder has ignored that.

BUT, what about the rest....

Shall we out them.....yes/no.

Put their Handle/profile name out there on a wall of shame???

Aug 8, 2008, 10:58 AM
On the one hand i agree with you. I do find it frustrating when i haven't had a reply and it leaves me wondering how long to leave it before writing that one off completely.

However, i also see things from the other side. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but i do get a lot of messages via the few dating sites i am joined to. Many are indeed what you noted, which is men and/or couples seeking something i have clearly stated i am not looking for. BUT, i also get messages off women whom - after viewing their profile or deducing frm their message - i would not want to pursue anything with. For the most part, i don't reply. Though it seems impolite, i just find that i struggle to think of how to say "thanks but no thanks" in a respectful manner. Essentially, i don't reply on the basis that i don't want to offend, which (ironically) could offend indeed by not even responding to her message.

Of course, in some cases, i do think that some people choose to deceive in the ads. For example, many couples looking for threesomes do not put in that they are only looking for females purely because they will be scolded for having double standards (i know that i feel it is!). Thus, they leave that bit out and instead simply don't respond to messages off men. This is very unfair, IMHO. The only thing is....there really is no way to differentiate between these people and the ones such as i, who are just trying to bow out politely. So 'name and shame' might well target the innocent as well as the guilty.

Aug 8, 2008, 12:37 PM
mmmmmmmm Starra, ahha , self confessed guilt here, you must be a catholic! LOL.
Methinks you are one of those that cannot take less than 20 secs to write, thanx but no thanx. That is polite enough you know.
There is "no other side" here. If a cpl writes they are looking for a girl and gets replies from boys, then thats OK imo, and the same with girls etc, so we agree there. BUT what I am saying here, and its quite simple.

IF you write to a cpl, who are asking for a cpl, and they dont bother to take that 20secs. Do we out them. No "deceiving ads etc , plain and simple really.

Aug 8, 2008, 1:57 PM
In NO uncertain terms should this forum be used to "out" someone who does not respond to your inquiries. There are always two sides to a story....how are we to know how you approached them or the contents of your email??? Perhaps they found it offensive, perhaps they aren't into what you are into ,perhaps you just aren't their type. Regardless, this site is not intended to be used primarily as a meat market so if you are frustrated at your lack of responses, I suggest you seek your connections elsewhere. I agree that it doesn't take much time to be polite, but not everyone feels compelled to respond to an email they have not requested to receive. And to name names in a public forum??? I can only imagine the mayhem and chaos that would take place when the forum starts receiving a barrage of posts containing petty sniping, not to mention the pissing matches that may occur as a result!! Take the lack of response to to your emails to be a simple "no thanks" and move on...no need to resort to childish tactics.

Just my opinion...

Aug 8, 2008, 2:05 PM
In NO uncertain terms should this forum be used to "out" someone who does not respond to your inquiries.

Inquiries? If you put an ad out there and someone responds to your ad, isnt it just polite to say, "thnx but no thnx"?

There are always two sides to a story....how are we to know how you approached them or the contents of your email??? Perhaps they found it offensive, perhaps they aren't into what you are into

.... So say thnx but no thnx then....,

perhaps you just aren't their type. " so say thnx but no thnx then"

Regardless, this site is not intended to be used primarily as a meat market so if you are frustrated at your lack of responses, I suggest you seek your connections elsewhere. I agree that it doesn't take much time to be polite, (Hurrah.) but not everyone feels compelled to respond to an email they have not requested to receive. [I]Yes they did because they put an ad out [I]

And to name names in a public forum??? I can only imagine the mayhem and chaos (what planet are you from) that would take place when the forum starts receiving a barrage of posts containing petty sniping,
No just a non response to a reply that you asked for by putting an ad here
not to mention the pissing matches that may occur as a result!! Take the lack of response to to your emails to be a simple "no thanks" and move on...no need to resort to childish tactics.

Childish.....act like an adult and write back.....Thanks but no thanks, thats acting like an ADULT csrakate

Stop being so damned PC. READ what I said at the start. If you are asking for 2 camels with a hump and 2 camels with a hump responds, say Hi there or thnx but not for us. ITS THAT SIMPLE CSRAKATE

From what you have written and the way you have written it, its my guess that you are one person that cannot be polite either!

Aug 8, 2008, 2:19 PM
Stop being so damned PC. READ what I said at the start. If you are asking for 2 camels with a hump and 2 camels with a hump responds, say Hi there or thnx but not for us. ITS THAT SIMPLE CSRAKATE

From what you have written and the way you have written it, its my guess that you are one person that cannot be polite either!Uh huh. So they are rude. So what? Get over yourself. There could be many reasons they didn't reply, most legitimate. But suggesting that you drag their name thru the mud because of POSSIBLE rudeness is the height of rudeness.

BTW, demanding a reply from everyone is also rude.

Aug 8, 2008, 2:25 PM
By the tone of your response, it is no wonder why you are having issues. You ASSUME that people want to hear from you!! You say they have posted an ad saying they are seeking a couple therefore they should respond to you. Have you ever considered the fact than many people post what they are seeking in the heat of the moment but the reality of truly hooking up may scare them?? You say they are being deceptive when they say they are seeking something yet they don't respond to your email...Let's get real..over half the people here aren't what they say they are in the first place. This isn't the Better Business Bureau...truth in advertising does not apply to personal ads.

I don't mean to come across as rude and it was not my intention to do so, but I simply find it ludicrous that you think the answer to this issue is to name some names and publicly shame them! You are letting your frustrations cloud your reasoning. I am sorry you have not been treated with the respect that you may deserve, but life is just too short to get all bogged down in petty issues. IT'S THAT SIMPLE, bicplinFL!!!

And as for your comment about whether or not I am polite...once again you are assuming something with no basis of fact, not to mention as a knee jerk response because I don't seem to agree with you. I always treat people with the same respect and dignity that they grant me. I do my best to respond to any emails I may receive from those that may want to ask me a question or share a bit of their life's frustrations with me...but if they email me asking for more than that...then you are damn right I am not going to respond!! So if that makes me rude...then so be it.

Aug 8, 2008, 2:57 PM
Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

Lots of you you you in there.

READ my first post, obviously neither of you did! Is there a, "we wrote to....we didnt get a response etc etc", ermmmmm nope. But you have decided there is.

You have turned it personal now from just a general posting.

CSRA how long did it take you to type your drivel, and "allbimyself" or nobby no friends as most people call you,........ rude.........I could be very rude and write something short n sweet , but I wont bother. Might take longer than.

"thnx but no thnx"

Aug 8, 2008, 3:29 PM
BUT what I am saying here, and its quite simple.

IF you write to a cpl, who are asking for a cpl, and they dont bother to take that 20secs. Do we out them. No "deceiving ads etc , plain and simple really.

Then perhaps you should take a bit more time and write down what you truly mean because I still see in your response to Starra what I interpreted in the first place! Whether or not this situation is hypothetical or whether or not it really happened to you is a non issue. The end result is the same...naming people in a public forum and hoping to shame them is resorting to childish tactics. That's all I was trying to convey in my first post...it doesn't mean I was calling you childish... yet you fire back immediately with insults! I never intended to make this personal...but for someone who is demanding politeness yet chastises ME for being too "PC", it is clear that YOU are the one who needs to work on some manners. I said before that I never intended to come across as rude but you insist on throwing down the gauntlet and prolonging this exchange with your idiotic responses and put downs. Perhaps you need to do a bit of self reflection before you start demanding something from others. When you post in the forums you will sometimes have people who don't agree with you...it is never an excuse to attack or demean!

Aug 8, 2008, 4:40 PM
Well being on a few different "sites". We can honestly say that we DON'T reply to 95% of all emails that we receive. We don't reply because we have exactly what we are looking for IN our profile.We state what we are looking for and will not deviate from that. Now you say that a simple 20 second response is just being cordial.Well just think that if you cant respect what we are looking for and Email us anyways than you shouldn't expect a response. So we wonder who is being ruder, The person who Emails you (knowing they are NOT what you want) or the person who doesn't respond back! We have sent Emails out and never got a response back.We always take it as they were not interested and leave it at that.With that being said we would NEVER publicly smear there name because they didn't write back. That is childish and immature. If you are having such a difficult time meeting/chatting with folks, you may want to try a different approach, because pissing people off is so NOT the way to find decent people who have done nothing to you except to NOT RESPOND back.

Aug 8, 2008, 5:54 PM
I myself would rather thay just replay and say sorry but not interested at this time. then you would know where you stand at least.:(

Aug 8, 2008, 6:05 PM
mmmmmmmm Starra, ahha , self confessed guilt here, you must be a catholic! LOL.
Methinks you are one of those that cannot take less than 20 secs to write, thanx but no thanx. That is polite enough you know.
There is "no other side" here. If a cpl writes they are looking for a girl and gets replies from boys, then thats OK imo, and the same with girls etc, so we agree there. BUT what I am saying here, and its quite simple.

IF you write to a cpl, who are asking for a cpl, and they dont bother to take that 20secs. Do we out them. No "deceiving ads etc , plain and simple really.

Oh dear, i must apologise. I mistook you for an adult. 'Youthinks' something about me do you? I took the time to choose my wording carefully and saw some of your points. But because i said that i sometimes don't reply to messages, you 'decided that i am "one of those"...etc etc. Interestingly i think you may have answered your own question posed. People probably don't answer to your messages because of your attitude.

Not that i need to defend my own points raised, but i will anyway. I get a lot of messages. Mostly they are not my type, their profile doesn't quite fit what i like, they aren't looking for the same things as me, or some other reason. And i occasionally choose not to reply to a message because i struggle with giving rejection. It's difficult. A minefield really. A recent experience has taught me how much of a minefield. I am now getting harrassment off some girl because i tried to let her down gently. Anyway that's by the by really.

To reitterate my original point in my first post on this thread; i do genuinely think that we can never truly know exactly why one person or persons might not respond to a message. So outing a name is very very unfair. If you don't like the comments here, then why did you bother to ask our opinions on it?

Aug 8, 2008, 6:11 PM
Kate is right, most people here are not what they say they are. As for me, I'm really not a Texan I am a ferengi from the planet Ferenginar. I was beamed down here from an Essex Advanced Destroyer. Teach me to drink Romulan ail and win a weeks ration from a dunken centurian. How was I to know that he was a sore loser, now Im stuck on this planet with a bunch of primitive humans. Frack!

Aug 8, 2008, 6:57 PM
Here's a better idea;

We out the ones who send messages to us if they demonstrate that they DIDN'T read our profiles first.

We get all sorts of e-mails, on different sites, from straight guys, from all over the planet, who just want to get at the wife......this is after we have clearly said that we are NOT interested in straight men or people from overseas.
We've had one straight guy, on another site, supposedly from Egypt try to get us on their friends list......FIVE TIMES IN ONE HOUR. We kept rejecting him and finally had to report him as a spammer to get rid of him.

We make sure that we respond to them, and we get rude with those ones.

We have had responses from other guys who, after e-mailing or IMing them, we discover that they are not for us. Those guys we are courteous to for as long as they are respectful.
At least they read the profile first, even if they were not the right fit for us.

The ones that didn't read the profile? They get what they deserve from us.

Aug 8, 2008, 7:00 PM
Kate is right, most people here are not what they say they are. As for me, I'm really not a Texan I am a ferengi from the planet Ferenginar. I was beamed down here from an Essex Advanced Destroyer. Teach me to drink Romulan ail and win a weeks ration from a dunken centurian. How was I to know that he was a sore loser, now Im stuck on this planet with a bunch of primitive humans. Frack!
Its Ale, not ail you p'tach!!! :D

Ok as for replying to folks. If its someone is messaging us and its outside of our criteria we just may chose to not respond. Why respond when they didn't even have the courtesy to read the profile and its contents? Then again there may be a time when someone just doesnt check their mail all that often and thats why there is no response. In the end though, it is really all that important? Over the past 12 years we have messaged many another who has chose to not respond. While disappointed we just moved on.

Aug 8, 2008, 7:14 PM
I have sent emails out to people to basically say Hi, How ya doing. You know to try and find friends in my area.... If I'm lucky I may get a responce and if I'm not I don't.

This just actually happened to me today I received a responce from an email I sent out a couple weeks ago. It wasn't a super in depth email, but it was a nice responce. To which I nicely responded back.

So you never know whats going on in the persons life when you send a message out. They may not have access to a computer for a few weeks, or they may not be able to access this website when their spouse is around, they may accidentally delete your email when trying to respond to it, and unfortunately they may not be interested in responding to you, or emailing people from the site at this time. You never know what the mind set is going to be of the person opening the email, and how they are going to respond to it.

So I found it's best to stay positive when sending emails, and eventually someone will respond. As for making lists and naming names.... Life is too short to bother with such negative activities. And that's my :2cents:

Aug 8, 2008, 9:13 PM
We try to reply to any inquires and are pleasant about it. We like others on here and are on different sites. Some of them ask that you reply to all that writes you or contacts you via IM. We are all adults here and we should be kind and courteous. It pays off in the long run and you might actually bring a smile to some. We do the above and we get thanks back from the people we respond back to. This is supposed to be a adult and friendly site without tensions. All the best to everyone from the both of us.

Aug 8, 2008, 9:21 PM
Also, consider that some folks have gone inactive and have not logged on in a very long time. Maybe they never saw your message. You an check their last activity in their profile page.

Aug 9, 2008, 6:53 AM
OK here goes.

You write to a cpl/ girl or guy and they cannot even be bothered to give a thnx but no thnx response.

Now its fair I suppose if its a girl and she only wishes to see a girl and get swamped with guy replies and vice versa, or as is the most, Guys writing to cpls who only wish to meet another cpl.......and they ignore the letter. They have put in the parameters and the replier/responder has ignored that.

BUT, what about the rest....

Shall we out them.....yes/no.

Put their Handle/profile name out there on a wall of shame???

Ah Yes!! Words of Wisdom from the same Lame Arrogant Asshole that that bought forth such brilliant threads as "What is Average" hey folks,be sure to catch it if you missed this real gem of squirming intellect. Honestly, I don't think you're capable of having a polite intelligent conversation so why bother?

You know,you've done such an excellent job both past and present of outing yourself as one arrogant and obnoxious individual. How about we hang your name on the wall of "Ignorant Assholes to Avoid on Bisexual .com." You've already got a great start of showing your ignorance :)

You must have one incredible foot fetish pal because you seem to spend a lot of time placing yours in your mouth.

In short,you're nothing more than a troll. Geee maybe they read your one illustrious thread, and decided you weren't worth the courtesy of a reply. Duhhhh do ya think??

Your friend

Aug 9, 2008, 9:29 AM
We try to reply to any inquires and are pleasant about it. We like others on here and are on different sites. Some of them ask that you reply to all that writes you or contacts you via IM. We are all adults here and we should be kind and courteous. It pays off in the long run and you might actually bring a smile to some. We do the above and we get thanks back from the people we respond back to. This is supposed to be a adult and friendly site without tensions. All the best to everyone from the both of us.

Passive-aggressive much?

Aug 9, 2008, 9:56 AM
We try to reply to any inquires and are pleasant about it. We like others on here and are on different sites. Some of them ask that you reply to all that writes you or contacts you via IM. We are all adults here and we should be kind and courteous. It pays off in the long run and you might actually bring a smile to some. We do the above and we get thanks back from the people we respond back to. This is supposed to be a adult and friendly site without tensions. All the best to everyone from the both of us.

BUT...you did not answer the OP's question which also happens to be the source of much of the tension....Do you support his idea of naming names and shaming people in a public forum for NOT responding???

This is indeed an adult site and a very friendly one at that....that is until someone posts a thread which suggests a less than adult approach to a petty problem then insults the people who do not agree with him!

Aug 9, 2008, 10:42 AM
Why direct our energy to the negative bi "outing" others? It would make a much bigger impact if the real people were mentioned and listed/certified as being what they say they are. After all, the real people are the ones in demand. We have chatted with and exchanged emails with oodles of people on here. Mostly just friendly exchanges of ideas etc. We did have a very enjoyable threesome with a single bi lady we met here and she is dam sure for real.
If someone doesn't answer our email we don't let it bother us. We certainly aren't about to pout and/or post negative things about them on a black ball list.:bipride:

Aug 9, 2008, 10:42 AM
Hey Kate,You poor thing.Do people even actually read what you write anymore before attacking you?? And besides i thought i told you to remove that KICK ME sign off your back hon,:bigrin:.....

Aug 9, 2008, 10:44 AM
Ah Yes!! Words of Wisdom from the same Lame Arrogant Asshole that that bought forth such brilliant threads as "What is Average" hey folks,be sure to catch it if you missed this real gem of squirming intellect. Honestly, I don't think you're capable of having a polite intelligent conversation so why bother?

You know,you've done such an excellent job both past and present of outing yourself as one arrogant and obnoxious individual. How about we hang your name on the wall of "Ignorant Assholes to Avoid on Bisexual .com." You've already got a great start of showing your ignorance :)

You must have one incredible foot fetish pal because you seem to spend a lot of time placing yours in your mouth.

In short,you're nothing more than a troll. Geee maybe they read your one illustrious thread, and decided you weren't worth the courtesy of a reply. Duhhhh do ya think??

Your friend

This sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.

If you don't like what they wrote, you can either ignore it or at least have the courtesy of being courteous.

Everything that you have posted has been insulting to one or more posters in every forum that you have posed.

What is your malfunction? This is supposed to be an online community and we don't all have to agree on certain subjects, but we don't have to be insulting about it.
If all you want to say about people in this site is insulting, then don't expect anyone to give you a second chance or a second look.

Outside of previously banned trolls, you are the only person on here, from the t/g folks, that has gone out of your way to offend people over the littlest things.

What the hell is wrong with you? Have you had a rough life? JOIN THE FUCKING CLUB.

All that Bicplinfl did was post an idea and ask for feedback on that idea.
It may not have been the most thought out idea, many new ideas are not, but that doesn't deserve the response that you put in.

Almost everyone, but you and one other, have made suggestions, listed experiences or options that has added to the conversation.

YOU, on the other hand have not added to the discussion in the tiniest bit. , you posted exclusively to offend.

Trolls do that.

With your continued insulting of people in every forum, one is given to wonder if you might be a troll.
You may want to consider your words on your next few posts if you want to dispell that suspicion.

Aug 9, 2008, 10:53 AM
Hey Kate,You poor thing.Do people even actually read what you write anymore before attacking you?? And besides i thought i told you to remove that KICK ME sign off your back hon,:bigrin:.....
Ooo soz mumsy..thot it sed KISS ME.. shows ya sumtimes ya reads wot ya wanna read... tee hee....:tong:

Aug 9, 2008, 10:56 AM
Will always ansa ne 1 me knows.. usually ansa peeps me don.. sumtimes won tho eitha cos me cant b bothad (wich makes me rude spose!!.. o well..tee hee) or cos they rude in 1st place...

Aug 9, 2008, 12:00 PM
This sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.

If you don't like what they wrote, you can either ignore it or at least have the courtesy of being courteous.

Everything that you have posted has been insulting to one or more posters in every forum that you have posed.

What is your malfunction? This is supposed to be an online community and we don't all have to agree on certain subjects, but we don't have to be insulting about it.
If all you want to say about people in this site is insulting, then don't expect anyone to give you a second chance or a second look.

Outside of previously banned trolls, you are the only person on here, from the t/g folks, that has gone out of your way to offend people over the littlest things.

What the hell is wrong with you? Have you had a rough life? JOIN THE FUCKING CLUB.

All that Bicplinfl did was post an idea and ask for feedback on that idea.
It may not have been the most thought out idea, many new ideas are not, but that doesn't deserve the response that you put in.

Almost everyone, but you and one other, have made suggestions, listed experiences or options that has added to the conversation.

YOU, on the other hand have not added to the discussion in the tiniest bit. , you posted exclusively to offend.

Trolls do that.

With your continued insulting of people in every forum, one is given to wonder if you might be a troll.
You may want to consider your words on your next few posts if you want to dispell that suspicion.

Here are my considered words to you my friend:

Falcon Angel

View me as a troll if you prefer that is your prerogative. The fact is in reality I have contributed more to this site than you have at least to date as I see your number of posts has risen slightly since my last visit. We have discussed many subjects together over the last few years and more often than not are in agreement or, at least bare similarity in opinion on a variety of topics. During our intercourse we have always been respectful and I’ve always allowed wide latitude when it comes to rudeness because clearly there are some that have not had the benefit of my experience in many regard.

If you feel that being polite and respectful to someone that blatantly attacks another member for disagreeing with an opinion such as was the case prior to my “display of anger” over the injustice I observed. Well then take comfort in being a better person than I am. If you actually took the time to go back and read my various posts and tried to comprehend why I felt the need to respond in such a matter, perhaps you would understand the need to create such an alter ego. I have watched this beautiful site a place that once gave comfort to many degrade into a quagmire of decay. If you choose to stand by and passively let this take place, I do not consider you a coward for the position you take. You obviously march to the beat of your own drummer.

I will not stand by and watch injustice after injustice take place, nor will I tolerate aggressive and rude behavior directed towards another because her opinion was different. Drew knows who I am because when registering I had to supply the necessary information just as you did. He is free to ban me anytime he deems it necessary. I do not blatantly attack other people without provocation. I despise both aggression and rudeness and only mirror the behavior that I despise.

Of all people on this board, given your love of the days when Honor and Valor were more that just words of fantasy and make believe. I would think you’d be out leading the charge in a good and positive way towards protecting the honor of a woman such as Kate. She did not ask for my opinion and is more than able to defend herself as she’s proven several times both on this forum and in chat. I do it because it the deepest part of my soul I see her goodness and that goodness is what allowed me to grow and become the person I am today,

Instead you digress into responding to a figment of someone’s imagination called <<God>> and somehow claim it as a defense of this site. Shame on you. This, is about as polite a response as this God character will ever offer. Take it for what it’s worth but before you pass judgment on me, take a good long look into your own spirit and ask yourself “ Why haven’t I done more”.

Your friend

Aug 9, 2008, 1:34 PM
Here are my considered words to you my friend:

Falcon Angel

View me as a troll if you prefer that is your prerogative. The fact is in reality I have contributed more to this site than you have at least to date as I see your number of posts has risen slightly since my last visit. We have discussed many subjects together over the last few years and more often than not are in agreement or, at least bare similarity in opinion on a variety of topics. During our intercourse we have always been respectful and I’ve always allowed wide latitude when it comes to rudeness because clearly there are some that have not had the benefit of my experience in many regard.

If you feel that being polite and respectful to someone that blatantly attacks another member for disagreeing with an opinion such as was the case prior to my “display of anger” over the injustice I observed. Well then take comfort in being a better person than I am. If you actually took the time to go back and read my various posts and tried to comprehend why I felt the need to respond in such a matter, perhaps you would understand the need to create such an alter ego. I have watched this beautiful site a place that once gave comfort to many degrade into a quagmire of decay. If you choose to stand by and passively let this take place, I do not consider you a coward for the position you take. You obviously march to the beat of your own drummer.

I will not stand by and watch injustice after injustice take place, nor will I tolerate aggressive and rude behavior directed towards another because her opinion was different. Drew knows who I am because when registering I had to supply the necessary information just as you did. He is free to ban me anytime he deems it necessary. I do not blatantly attack other people without provocation. I despise both aggression and rudeness and only mirror the behavior that I despise.

Of all people on this board, given your love of the days when Honor and Valor were more that just words of fantasy and make believe. I would think you’d be out leading the charge in a good and positive way towards protecting the honor of a woman such as Kate. She did not ask for my opinion and is more than able to defend herself as she’s proven several times both on this forum and in chat. I do it because it the deepest part of my soul I see her goodness and that goodness is what allowed me to grow and become the person I am today,

Instead you digress into responding to a figment of someone’s imagination called <<God>> and somehow claim it as a defense of this site. Shame on you. This, is about as polite a response as this God character will ever offer. Take it for what it’s worth but before you pass judgment on me, take a good long look into your own spirit and ask yourself “ Why haven’t I done more”.

Your friend

Nice misdirection, however, your attacking post was an attack on the original poster and their post. Not anyone attacking Kate.

If you were defending Kate, who is able and intelligent enough to defend herself, then why didn't you attack her attacker instead of the original poster and their original post?

I do stand up for honor and integrity, so if you are going to claim to stand up for the values that this community has, then perhaps, if you are going to defend someone, you should quote the person and post who made the attack.

But you didn't do that.

Instead, you attacked the original poster.

Do you think that everyone is blind to that just because you said one thing and did another?

I could be wrong. Maybe you just quoted the wrong person or post. Maybe you didn't.
Hey; accidents happen, but if you made a mistake in that manner, then be adult enough to own up to it and say "oops. wrong person quoted. I meant to quote so and so".
I live my life by a code of honor that few can understand and fewer still are willing to live by, which is why I assess my own behavior more critically than others do themselves. It is also why I will defend a person's rights, even if I disagree with that person or dislike them.

If you choose to attack someone, then quote the post that you are attacking, not the original poster who started the thread, unless that post is the one that was so horribly offensive.

That's all I am trying to say.

You claimed that you were attacking a post that was an attack on another. The post that you quoted and attacked said nothing of the sort.

How do you justify that?

And for your future reference, as Wiccans, we do not believe in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God.

But since you brought it up, for someone using the misnomer of "GOD", you certainly have failed to rise up to the challenge that a name like that requires of you.
I stand up in defense of those that are not able to properly stand for themselves. Kate is more than capable to stand up for herself and has my utmost respect in that manner, as do many of the people here who have stood to be counted against the trolls.
Yes, what the original poster stated LATER IN THE THREAD was uncalled for, so why didn't you quote that post?

Instead, you quoted the original thread-starter post and attacked them. That statement did not need the response that you gave.

Aug 9, 2008, 2:11 PM
To clarify, as for his defense of me, he WAS defending me against the later insults of the original poster...and the fact that he chose to quote the original post is hardly worth fighting over. I think he was merely trying to point out that the idea behind the original post, the concept that I did not agree with, is one that is misguided at best and quite in line with a previous post where the OP complains about body types.

OK, we have had enough lies BS and crap, so we shall throw this one out there.

What is average. We are ....he 6'1 and 195, she is 5'8 and 145. I dont think we are average, I think we are over weight. Not by much, but we are.

I am getting effing fed up looking at peoples profiles and she/he is listed as "average" and she /he is a flippin porker!

Why do people lie and then put that lie out there for all to see.

5 ft 4 and 180lbs is not "average", your FAT!

I await the flack. Who are you too.....blah blah blah, etc etc. We are all made diff, blah blah blah..you obviously have a problem, blah blah blah. ALL DIVERSIONARY. Face up to the truth. Stop being so effin PC people.

Seems our OP has issues with truth in advertising in that respect as well. Looking at that post in conjunction with this one, it brings to mind that the OP is posting out of frustration and seems to do so without considering what he is saying first. I am truly sorry that he has not found what he is looking for at this site...I am sorry that he feels people are being rude when they don't respond...I am sorry that he finds descriptions in ads to be misleading...but this is the internet, folks...people are not always who they claim to be! There is still no justification to start up a blacklist and starting "outing" people on a wall of shame!! And yes...for <<GOD>> to call him a "LAME ARROGANT ASSHOLE" might be a bit harsh, but to me he is merely showing a growing frustration for the increasing number of people, mostly trolls, who post angry and hurtful things with no regard whatsoever for the feelings of others. While his tactics may not be in keeping with mine, he is certainly echoing the frustrations that many of us are feeling over the constant bombardment of negative threads.

BUT..while I appreciate the support, please...let's not let this go any further....It's hardly worth arguing over and it only causes further bad feelings. Hardly something that I wish for!

Let's return back to the original idea of this thread and let it go from there...

Aug 9, 2008, 3:23 PM
Its Ale, not ail you p'tach!!! :D

Ok as for replying to folks. If its someone is messaging us and its outside of our criteria we just may chose to not respond. Why respond when they didn't even have the courtesy to read the profile and its contents? Then again there may be a time when someone just doesnt check their mail all that often and thats why there is no response. In the end though, it is really all that important? Over the past 12 years we have messaged many another who has chose to not respond. While disappointed we just moved on.

Pasco, Neep-gren
Considering the amount of earthling ale I consume, you'd think I'd have a better grip on what you life forms call English.

Aug 9, 2008, 4:14 PM
And yes...for <<GOD>> to call him a "LAME ARROGANT ASSHOLE" might be a bit harsh, but to me he is merely showing a growing frustration for the increasing number of people, mostly trolls, who post angry and hurtful things with no regard whatsoever for the feelings of others. While his tactics may not be in keeping with mine, he is certainly echoing the frustrations that many of us are feeling over the constant bombardment of negative threads.

BUT..while I appreciate the support, please...let's not let this go any further....It's hardly worth arguing over and it only causes further bad feelings. Hardly something that I wish for!

Let's return back to the original idea of this thread and let it go from there...

I can appreciate that we have all grown frustrated about the trolls, but to make the statement "Lame Arrogant Asshole" regarding and attached to the original post is way over the top.

As I said, the idea may not have been properly thought out, but the original post did not deserve that particular type of response.

But I do agree that getting back on topic is a better idea than fighting over anything.

Aug 9, 2008, 7:51 PM
I always take the time to reply to someone who has taken the time to write to me, but I have also copped the silent treatment from other chatters, not so much in this room but other rooms, but all in all I couldn't give a flying fuck if someone doesn't answer me either in or out of the chat room, I look at it this way, one wont but a dozen will :)

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Aug 9, 2008, 9:21 PM
Ok Im out of here, this sites sucks and not in the good way. This site has become a bunch of liberal whiners and now there is a user named GOD; cant wait to see you explain that one when you recyle, moron!
And come on, every post now has paragraphs of replies of repetitive rhetoric. Speaking of posts, I cant wait for another eat cum, cock or pussy, cut or uncut, girl friends dildo up your ass, when did you first suck dick, etc., etc. ad nausiem.
This used to be a fun site.

Aug 9, 2008, 11:03 PM
Ok Im out of here, this sites sucks and not in the good way. This site has become a bunch of liberal whiners and now there is a user named GOD; cant wait to see you explain that one when you recyle, moron!
And come on, every post now has paragraphs of replies of repetitive rhetoric. Speaking of posts, I cant wait for another eat cum, cock or pussy, cut or uncut, girl friends dildo up your ass, when did you first suck dick, etc., etc. ad nausiem.
This used to be a fun site.

Well, At least I knew it was Ale :bigrin:

your friend

Aug 10, 2008, 12:11 AM
Outing people? :eek::eek::eek:

Rude behavior? People outing people is the ultimate height of Self-Righteous, RUDE behavior.
Do I respond to messages? Sure do. I am happy that someone cares enough to contact me, even if they clearly did not read my profile. But, I have no right to demand that they read any or all of my reply.
So, in my opinion, any reply is totally at the discretion of the person receiving the message or email.

Wow! The nastiness in this thread ? It did make it all less boring. Reading it was somewhat like slowing down to see a traffic accident, not a favorite activity, but you just cannot stop yourself from doing it.

Aug 10, 2008, 2:11 AM
This is public forum and chat. I keep that in mind. Ideally if someone were interested in me, then hopefully they'd use this public forum to become better acquainted. Then it'd be nice if they asked politely to contact me privately.

You can send 'private mail' on the site. I still consider that using a public forum. If it is out in public, there are no expectations. No expectations means I do not need any reason to not reply to anyone's message/s. A simple "hey this person and/or message just feels wrong to me", is sufficient in my humble opinion.

How do I arrive at no expectations? Well, it is freely available public forum. You get what you pay for in all honesty. More on this below.

Does that mean I think establishing relationships via this medium can not happen? No it does not. This forum and site exist to foster communication. And communication is a vital building block of relationships.

Should folks publicly degrade and debase others whom might not reply to their messages? I don't think so. That would hinder the openness of free communication the site aspires to achieve and maintain. Free open communication is priceless, hence I understand keeping this a freely available public site. It seems Drew, the guy who created the site gave us all a gift, simply for being ourselves. And no I'm not adorning Drew as the be all, end all, merely pointing out there was a good bit of thought and care invoked when the site came to be.

Now, considering the respect and courtesy offered everyone freely, is it so difficult to not understand a desire to reciprocate? I mean hey, wow Drew gave us a place to freely and openly talk, how much more bomb can a guy be? Gave us all a priceless gift for nothing. Way cool.

Then again, I'm keen to reading Hugo's Les Mis into the slightest gestures and rambling verbose. I'll kick away the bullhorn and apple crate now. Sometimes it's the most silent whispers that are heard as roaring shouts.

Aug 10, 2008, 4:17 AM
i have to say, i have only replied to maybe 4 of the messages i recieved sofar. mainly because they are the ones who did not tell me exactly what they wanted to do to me sexually, and they were the nicest and most human. i don't find it necessarily rude not to respond if i feel that the person does not respect me enough to start a normal conversation first.

Aug 10, 2008, 4:32 AM
Ok Im out of here, this sites sucks and not in the good way. This site has become a bunch of liberal whiners and now there is a user named GOD; cant wait to see you explain that one when you recyle, moron!
And come on, every post now has paragraphs of replies of repetitive rhetoric. Speaking of posts, I cant wait for another eat cum, cock or pussy, cut or uncut, girl friends dildo up your ass, when did you first suck dick, etc., etc. ad nausiem.
This used to be a fun site.Who doin the whinin 'ere then Chewy babes???

Tho can agree wivya that wile ther is a place for threads an posts such asya describe, for the last year or so mus b 95&#37; a all threads r of that kind... an 2 b honest..am not quite sure wot thats tellin us a the health a the site... seems its more bout titillatin than informin an peeps gettin off on that ratha than stikkin wiv or raisin more serious an important issues..

An lastly Chewy babes... wtf wud we b in the glbt movement cross the planet if it wosn for those self same "liberal whiners"? Bloody sure if more conservative an less liberally incined peeps had been in charge a the gay movement.. we wud still havta b hidin out in cupboards cos we wudda made no progress woteva...

Aug 10, 2008, 8:54 AM
LOL! Look at all the fussin'! :rotate::cutelaugh:banghead::soapbox::banghead: :cutelaugh:rotate:

Now, as ordinary manners, consulting Emily Post and Amy Vanderbilt,
If someone speaks to me, I am under no obligation to speak to them.
If someone writes to me, I am under no obligation to write to them.
And vice versa. (this is assuming no prejudice, etc; I-won't-acknowledge-you-because-you're white, muslim, asian... etc. IS extremely impolite)

It would be polite and gracious to respond to PMs regarding a public advertisement.
Not responding, while certainly not polite, is not impolite because it still falls under the umbrella of discretion.
However, once a PM dialog is established... the rules skew a bit more toward how bicoupleFL feel. Some response should be given.

It is impolite to expect/demand a response. Hell, I wouldn't put up with that with my best friends. Expectations are for business relations only.

But at very worst, it is very impolite to publicly post peoples names who don't respond as we wish; drawing the line at predatory, manipulative, or foul (as in the case of our troll).

Aug 10, 2008, 7:38 PM

Oh <<GOD>>... you make me laugh!!! :)

Ah Yes!! Words of Wisdom from the same Lame Arrogant Asshole that that bought forth such brilliant threads as "What is Average" hey folks,be sure to catch it if you missed this real gem of squirming intellect. Honestly, I don't think you're capable of having a polite intelligent conversation so why bother?

You know,you've done such an excellent job both past and present of outing yourself as one arrogant and obnoxious individual. How about we hang your name on the wall of "Ignorant Assholes to Avoid on Bisexual .com." You've already got a great start of showing your ignorance :)

You must have one incredible foot fetish pal because you seem to spend a lot of time placing yours in your mouth.

In short,you're nothing more than a troll. Geee maybe they read your one illustrious thread, and decided you weren't worth the courtesy of a reply. Duhhhh do ya think??

Your friend

Aug 10, 2008, 9:16 PM
Pasco, Neep-gren
You can take your junkion self and get out of there. We don't serve your kind here :tongue: (then again, are you even gonna see this?)

Aug 11, 2008, 9:35 AM
Love it love it love it.

And "god", every time you put down something here, it really is quite funny.

Kate, your a ........well I wont type the word.....

Ha ha

Oh and read rule 2 on the posting rules

Aug 11, 2008, 7:55 PM
Love it love it love it.

And "god", every time you put down something here, it really is quite funny.

Kate, your a ........well I wont type the word.....

Ha ha

Oh and read rule 2 on the posting rules

I guess this means I shouldn't be expecting an email, huh?

Aug 11, 2008, 9:02 PM
ermmmmmmm as you arent what we are looking for NO, and as we arent what you are looking for NO.

BUT if we were what you were looking for, in every way, and you just couldnt be bothered to say .."thnx but no thnx", then you would just be an ignorant twat then wouldnt you!

Aug 12, 2008, 3:14 AM
Well,i for one agree with the original post.I think that it is a common curtusy to reply to those that have taken the time to respond to your ad.I do not believe how ever that the {offenders} should be outed.That is just as rude. I dont get mad when people dont reply when i send them a message.I do try to reply to all to email me.Now i am very disappointed in the way this threads direction there was absolutely no need for name called and disrepcting people because they didnt believe the way some posters wanted them too.Havent we had enough of that crap in the world/racism,hatred,wars.homophobia??I think as always it is too easy to send rude replies in cyberspace because it is instant,so if you read something that gets you upset dont respond right away take an hour or a day before replying.I find that this is a better way to not have rants and fits of anger to posts.

Aug 12, 2008, 3:15 AM
Well,i for one agree with the original post.I think that it is a common curtusy to reply to those that have taken the time to respond to your ad.I do not believe how ever that the {offenders} should be outed.That is just as rude. I dont get mad when people dont reply when i send them a message.I do try to reply to all to email me.Now i am very disappointed in the way this threads direction there was absolutely no need for name called and disrepcting people because they didnt believe the way some posters wanted them too.Havent we had enough of that crap in the world/racism,hatred,wars.homophobia??I think as always it is too easy to send rude replies in cyberspace because it is instant,so if you read something that gets you upset dont respond right away take an hour or a day before replying.I find that this is a better way to not have rants and fits of anger to posts.

this one time at swing camp

Aug 12, 2008, 8:29 AM
whoa just a minute here.....NOBODY has stopped to consider some obvious reasons someone might not respond:

1. it COULD be that the person receiving the unrequested private message might have been either busy in pvt. msgs with someone else and has the pvt msg screen maximized with the sounds turned off (as I often do), thereby concentrating on the other person

2. the person might not even be at his/her desk

3. the person might have clearly stated in their profile: do not send me a pvt msg in chat if you haven't filled out your profile - or do not send me a pvt msg if you are male.

I will ignore uninvited pvt msgs if I a) am not busy and b) have checked to see if the person has a profile. That's my prerogative.

So there ARE other reasons beyond simply not wanting to respond to people who use inflammatory language.

Aug 12, 2008, 9:51 AM
Dus that include lil me Gwandmumsie? :( *sniff*

Aug 12, 2008, 10:57 AM
whoa just a minute here.....NOBODY has stopped to consider some obvious reasons someone might not respond:

1. it COULD be that the person receiving the unrequested private message might have been either busy in pvt. msgs with someone else and has the pvt msg screen maximized with the sounds turned off (as I often do), thereby concentrating on the other person

2. the person might not even be at his/her desk

3. the person might have clearly stated in their profile: do not send me a pvt msg in chat if you haven't filled out your profile - or do not send me a pvt msg if you are male.

I will ignore uninvited pvt msgs if I a) am not busy and b) have checked to see if the person has a profile. That's my prerogative.

So there ARE other reasons beyond simply not wanting to respond to people who use inflammatory language.

Peg peg peg.

Stop adding garbage. You match what someone has asked for, you reply and wait a coupla weeks and they dont respond. Waiting at a desk, wtf is that alla bout.. Your not busy, its been a couple of weeks, your not on the toilet/vacation/desk/doing gardening/ washing the car........do I have to carry on here........Jeez.

Why are you trying to justify an ignoramus........kate and that twat god have tried

Aug 12, 2008, 11:42 AM
Peg peg peg.

Stop adding garbage. You match what someone has asked for, you reply and wait a coupla weeks and they dont respond. Waiting at a desk, wtf is that alla bout.. Your not busy, its been a couple of weeks, your not on the toilet/vacation/desk/doing gardening/ washing the car........do I have to carry on here........Jeez.

Why are you trying to justify an ignoramus........kate and that twat god have tried

Well if that's how you actually feel about the other person whom you're waiting to hear back from, then what the fuck is your point?

I mean hell ignoramuses abound the world over. Why should you bother wasting your time and effort?

A while back I suggested to my wife that perhaps the Satanic principles would be nice to abide, again. One of the principles being you're allowed to destroy those you consider stupid.

My wife thought on this a minute. "Well, I guess you'd be destroyed then, huh?" Her point being one I've heard time and again. If you point a finger, three or four point back.

So maybe some of us here think you're the ignoramus. That's probably why we're not bothered to reply. Hope that helps. Have a nice day. :)

Aug 13, 2008, 8:50 AM
Peg peg peg.

Why are you trying to justify an ignoramus........kate and that twat god have tried

Well, you do have somewhat a point, but I (myself) reserve such severe personal (or categoric) attacks for trolls or people who endorse harming innocent people (the 'cir' issue).

People attacking (or justifying attacking) other people is a magnitude greater than not using good manners.

Clearly this is a pet peeve of yours.
You might (and probably do) include this in your PMs:

"Please respond to this message, even in the negative. Nothing irks me/us more then the poor manners of not responding at all. Thank you."
But even then, there will be those who miss, forget, or are too busy, or are just ignorant and don't care...
Dude, the human element includes every imaginable type.
Good luck.

Aug 13, 2008, 12:56 PM
Look I try to respond to every PM I get, but I do have alife and sometimes I forget so, I should be punished for that?

I agree with kate, this site isnt a dating hook up site. There areother places for it.

plus how many innert profiles are ther out there? A waste of time and money to list them all.

so, I vote no on naming names

Aug 14, 2008, 5:22 PM
Hon, isnt that kind of like outing someone out of spite?? In the Lifestyle world people dont out others unless its a matter of danger(That person having a disease, or is an unsafe person) and its a matter of discretion. Just because you havent recieved a responce from this person doesnt mean they have to be humiliated just because you think they Should.

What if: What if they are having computer problems like I just went thru? What if they just have been on vacation and havent Seen your email/message yet? or a million other What If's? Would you Still put these folks on your "Hall of Shame"?
I dont know about you Hon, but people who have been in the Lifestyle-Bisex or Swinging dont out people for unvalid reasons.
Just my humble 2 cents worth

Aug 15, 2008, 7:35 AM
I dont really mind non replys. Im not terribly insecure and I dont care for people chatting me up, because they feel they owe it to me or somehow feel sorry for me.
I am as real as they come. And some people I just dont like, or feel Like wasting my time with. And some dont like me. Thats called Humans and life. So be it !
Carry On ! We will all survive. Please DONT go out of your way because you feel you " owe me a response" . Unless I loaned you money.....you dont owe me jack !

But I am a great guy to hang with........So Im told.

punctuation is for those that dont like SEX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:

Aug 21, 2008, 8:25 PM
I have read quite a few of the responses to this question. Actually I find it very simple to answer. If I e-mail someone and I don't get a response I am able to forget it and move on with my life. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. Besides, what good would it do to OUT someone. It will only make you feel good. However, after you do you may never hear from anyone again. Just my thoughts. It is time to move on.