View Full Version : I HAVE A DREAM

Jul 31, 2008, 8:50 PM
.... to find a man that doesnt watch Roadhouse every fkkn time it comes on...

What are your dreams?


curious married m
Jul 31, 2008, 9:21 PM
.... to find a man that doesnt watch Roadhouse every fkkn time it comes on...

What are your dreams?


:bigrin: CMM

meteast chick
Jul 31, 2008, 9:35 PM
Vitt that's hilarious!

I have a dream...that this tumultuous time in my life that has lasted 2 years plus will finally be over sometime in the next decade.

Jul 31, 2008, 9:56 PM
ROADHOUSE is a classic, u have to watch it. Like JAWS, u have to watch that.

Aug 1, 2008, 6:23 AM
Roadhouse from 1989 with Swayze? I never got around to seeing it. 'Ghost' was good at the time it came out and 'To Wong Foo with love, Julie Newmar' is still funny as hell.
But yeah, a lot of us guys need to live/feel vicariously through male ego stroking movies (dirty dozen, John Wayne, etc), or through cheering 'our team' (typically football, but other sports as well).
But I wouldn't be a good candidate, Vittoria.
I'm too old and my (typical male) annoying habits are not listening enough, grabbing a beer, and paying more attention to my computer than my woman... etc. Oh, and "not getting it" half the time... did I say half? I meant most of the time!
Good luck to you though! :)
Wishing you delirious happiness and screaming orgasms,

My dream?
I'd like to sculpt neked people in stone!

Aug 1, 2008, 6:39 AM
.... to find a man that doesnt watch Roadhouse every fkkn time it comes on...

What are your dreams?


ROFLMAO - good luck!


Aug 1, 2008, 8:23 AM
Me has a dream that this site wud pack in yabbrin bout bootie fistin!! God... wotta orrible thot!!!:(

Aug 1, 2008, 9:53 AM
LMAO Fran, I thought that too.

My dream? (this is going to sound weird) I wish that I could have a dream. I gave it up a long long time ago and learned to just live day by day and accept what life threw at me. I remember when I was younger, I used to wish for so many things out of life. Somehow, along the way, I stopped dreaming. My wish is that I can learn to let go and dream again.

Aug 1, 2008, 12:25 PM
A log cabin in some high Ozark or Appalachian mountain, surrounded by woods, built by hand with a few tunnels underneath. Inside the cabin, a huge stone fireplace, a nice stereo system and television, dvd player. Electricity supplied via 'green' means. It'd be a self contained and self sustained place. I'd have a cb, no phones. No internet connection either. A huge bear skin rug in front of the fireplace, wolf pelts draped over suede leather sofa, big high back chairs. A small kitchenette would be off to one side, bathroom in the back. And of course there'd be my wife and a guy living there. Also wouldn't mind a lake or river near by.

Dreams, right?

Aug 1, 2008, 1:38 PM
Good grief woman! You want miracles er what??? lol. I'd just be happy finding a guy that I dont have to click my fingers at and go "Yo Baby, the intelligence is Up Here!" lmao (What little there is):bigrin:
Hugs Lady :}

Aug 1, 2008, 2:16 PM
My Dream? To be able to put together a Bisexual. com reunion in Las Vegas Navada! This would be Such tremendous fun! Hook up with a couple of our Vegas members, and plan out some great things to do, then go for it!Book several rooms in one of the nicer places, OR almost completely take over the Stateline Hotel, the one that's shaped like an Old Fashioned Steamboat. (If its still there.) Or Buffalo Bob's or something like that. We could even chip together and get a couple of the large suites that sleeps up to 8 people. (I'm all For economical. Sigh, I'm Cheap, ok!?? There, I've said it.) lol
Get a big bunch of us there to party, go out to the myriad of events and goodies there, endulge in the many buffets and just spend time getting to know each other. And,....if a little naughtiness happens..What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas...lmao.
I'd just love to meet all of you (Well..Almost all) and just have a fantastic time!
Your dreamin' Cat

Aug 1, 2008, 3:32 PM
I don't watch Roafhouse, or other guy movies......:)

Aug 1, 2008, 3:44 PM
I actually kind of liked it and I heard someplace they are either doing a sequel of it--or redoing it with new actors--I do doubt that due to his illnes, Patrick Swayze will be taking part.

Aug 1, 2008, 4:38 PM
I also have a dream...that when movies like "Dark Knight" come out and my family rallies to go see it, that someone might think to say..."honey, would you prefer to see something more "chick flick" like 'Mama Mia'?"........Yes...I know...a pipe dream.....never gonna happen in my house!! LOL!!


Aug 1, 2008, 7:33 PM
I have a dream that people will finally learn that no matter what you are into or believe or like we are all the same.

Aug 1, 2008, 7:57 PM
A log cabin in some high Ozark or Appalachian mountain, surrounded by woods, built by hand with a few tunnels underneath. Inside the cabin, a huge stone fireplace, a nice stereo system and television, dvd player. Electricity supplied via 'green' means. It'd be a self contained and self sustained place. I'd have a cb, no phones. No internet connection either. A huge bear skin rug in front of the fireplace, wolf pelts draped over suede leather sofa, big high back chairs. A small kitchenette would be off to one side, bathroom in the back. And of course there'd be my wife and a guy living there. Also wouldn't mind a lake or river near by.

Dreams, right?

Very acheivable dreams Ben - and obtainable after I win the lottery. :bigrin:


Aug 1, 2008, 10:36 PM
My Dream? To be able to put together a Bisexual. com reunion in Las Vegas Navada!
Your dreamin' Cat

That would be great, but could we have one in Orlando, so that us folks stuck in Florida could make it?

BTW, I liked Roadhouse.....not enough to watch it every time it's on, but once in a while.

Now Lord of the Rings or Pirates of the Caribbean, that's another story.

Aug 1, 2008, 11:41 PM
.... to find a man that doesnt watch Roadhouse every fkkn time it comes on...

What are your dreams?


lol too funny

i have a few dreams, that my husband comes home on the soonest date that he possibly can, maintaining a geat GPA, having secure and happy children, having a marriage that lasts a long and happy lifetime...but my biggest dream right now is to have a computer that isn't a piece of crap that kicks me out of chat every two minutes ;-)

Aug 2, 2008, 12:07 AM
I have dreams; I am sure I have dreams. Unfortunately, I do not remember my dreams.
More important, I have hopes and aspirations, many of which have been fulfilled. So, I am content with my life, even though it is far from wonderful and perfect. But, I will cease to be happy, unless I am driving myself to achieve more. So, hopefully that will only be when I cease to be.

Aug 2, 2008, 1:01 AM
Very acheivable dreams Ben - and obtainable after I win the lottery. :bigrin:


Exactly. Which is why I think it best to not dream much. Even simple things have high costs. At least I've shared a glimpse into a quiet dream that's been hidden away. In another two years I may even initiate greeting folks. Progress.


Aug 2, 2008, 5:26 AM
No Fiat money
No Federal Reserve
A Silverback
No Taxes
No Wars

Ethnogenics, free energy, Global healthcare, and loving sexual pleasure for everyone

Aug 2, 2008, 5:36 AM
All good and loving people have their own anally submissive, pet GWB chia munkey munchkin sex slave [with a platinum thong] they can fuck, watch movies and eat potato chips with on lonely Saturday nights.

Aug 2, 2008, 9:03 AM
.... to find a man that doesnt watch Roadhouse every fkkn time it comes on...

What are your dreams?


Roadhouse??! What's that?

It's been a while since someone has asked me that question, so let's hope I don't write 10 pages.

I work in tech support so I'd like to invent a computer that works like an appliance. You turn it on, you use it, you turn it off - and you can do the same thing tomorrow and it still works..and when you plug extra shit into it - that stuff "just works" too (I think these are called "Macintosh" - but they are a bit expensive and temperamental at the moment).

I'd like to see technology that works for people, instead of people working for technology..seems bass akwards to me the way we do it now.

I'd like to live in a place with temperate weather, near people who have temperate minds. I've seen pictures of the beach, lakes, mountains and redwoods in Oregon - it is beautiful - but I'm not sure about "temperate" there.

I'd like to have my biggest debts paid off, but still work so that I could dedicate myself and all of my resources toward things I really believed in instead of basic necessities.


For all the things I have, and who I am and what I do - the only thing I've ever REALLY wanted in this life is to be secure, loved unconditionally, and to return that love to a companion.

Sex is fun and all - but what about 30-40 years from now? I can't imagine being like 70 years old and STILL doing this - or being 70 and alone..<shudders>

Aug 2, 2008, 2:00 PM
Roadhouse??! What's that?

It's been a while since someone has asked me that question, so let's hope I don't write 10 pages.

I work in tech support so I'd like to invent a computer that works like an appliance. You turn it on, you use it, you turn it off - and you can do the same thing tomorrow and it still works..and when you plug extra shit into it - that stuff "just works" too (I think these are called "Macintosh" - but they are a bit expensive and temperamental at the moment).

I'd like to see technology that works for people, instead of people working for technology..seems bass akwards to me the way we do it now.

I'd like to live in a place with temperate weather, near people who have temperate minds. I've seen pictures of the beach, lakes, mountains and redwoods in Oregon - it is beautiful - but I'm not sure about "temperate" there.

I'd like to have my biggest debts paid off, but still work so that I could dedicate myself and all of my resources toward things I really believed in instead of basic necessities.


For all the things I have, and who I am and what I do - the only thing I've ever REALLY wanted in this life is to be secure, loved unconditionally, and to return that love to a companion.

Sex is fun and all - but what about 30-40 years from now? I can't imagine being like 70 years old and STILL doing this - or being 70 and alone..<shudders>

From experience, at thirty six being alone is not the most enjoyable.

Sure, I've got a great wife who that would allow murder. But she is the same wife that lacks desire to explore, even with a green light. She understands the needs and desires but can only be a woman, and a deliciously quaint down to earth one at that. It is something I admire in her so do not want to see her change. Good to have anchors.

A ship often has starboard and port anchors, though. I'm putting life into this metaphor because it helps illustrate balance, any other such metaphor could work as well. This ship runs with only one anchor. It keeps running, albeit it lists and wails at times. Ships are keen to do that in order to communicate there may be something a foul. They also place no conditions on the love they hold for the crew manning them. It is a pure love much the same as the love and hate sailors place with the ocean.

Or perhaps the once intp now turned istp is talking out of his ass. He does that sometimes, having been told he's a smart ass. :) Or it could be solar flares irritating the electric monk into believing everything is now green. We may never know ...

Aug 2, 2008, 6:33 PM
I thought Roadhouse was a bad movie when it first came out. The thought of sitting thru that disgrace a second time would make a root canal seem pleasant. Now, if you had said John Wayne movies then that would be the line in the sand. I taught a friend's young son once that it is a sign of poor manship to channel surf over the Duke. You must pause and watch at least 20 mins before carrying on, regadless of how many times youve seen the movie.

Aug 2, 2008, 10:50 PM
Um, just for the record I have never watched Roadhouse, it just loked to stoopid, guess I like other films.

Aug 5, 2008, 2:40 AM
.... to find a man that doesnt watch Roadhouse every fkkn time it comes on...

What are your dreams?


I don't think I've ever heard of a movie or show called Roadhouse.

I'm not sure quite sure what that says about me - is that good or bad?


Aug 5, 2008, 7:41 AM
I prefer Lonesome Dove!

Aug 5, 2008, 9:49 AM
I prefer Lonesome Dove!

"What's a genius?"

"Well geniuses have six toes."

"Do they?"

"Yes and they can spell words and do numbers backwards."

"Well you're going to be shocked."


"I'm a genius."

Lonsome Dove kicks ass. It's lots better than The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. Pardon me Clintwood.

Aug 5, 2008, 1:23 PM
I thought Roadhouse was a bad movie when it first came out. The thought of sitting thru that disgrace a second time would make a root canal seem pleasant. Now, if you had said John Wayne movies then that would be the line in the sand. I taught a friend's young son once that it is a sign of poor manship to channel surf over the Duke. You must pause and watch at least 20 mins before carrying on, regadless of how many times youve seen the movie.

OK..I will allow this IF you allow me equal time to pause during a channel surfing to make sure I have not seen the show on HGTV first (I know all House Hunters look the same but I never did see which house that couple, the ones who are expecting their first child and badly need extra room, chose in Denver) .....or to allow me to pause long enough to guess which malady is being portrayed in the latest Lifetime (Estrogen network) movie of the day (is it the amnesiac mother who murdered her husband but can't remember where she left her children??? is it the mother who gave up her child at birth but needs to find her to get her to donate a kidney to her present child??? is it the mother who is searching for her teenage daughter who turned to prostitution because Mom didn't let her get her lip pierced???) Oh..and yes....I also will want to pause to see which Bridezilla they are talking about on WE (Women's Entertainment)....you can never watch enough bitchy, self centered women scream over the perfect linen color for the reception!

Oh hell..maybe we shouldn't watch TV together after all! LOL!!


Aug 5, 2008, 4:43 PM
OK..I will allow this IF you allow me equal time to pause during a channel surfing to make sure I have not seen the show on HGTV first (I know all House Hunters look the same but I never did see which house that couple, the ones who are expecting their first child and badly need extra room, chose in Denver) .....or to allow me to pause long enough to guess which malady is being portrayed in the latest Lifetime (Estrogen network) movie of the day (is it the amnesiac mother who murdered her husband but can't remember where she left her children??? is it the mother who gave up her child at birth but needs to find her to get her to donate a kidney to her present child??? is it the mother who is searching for her teenage daughter who turned to prostitution because Mom didn't let her get her lip pierced???) Oh..and yes....I also will want to pause to see which Bridezilla they are talking about on WE (Women's Entertainment)....you can never watch enough bitchy, self centered women scream over the perfect linen color for the reception!

Oh hell..maybe we shouldn't watch TV together after all! LOL!!


I am feeling the symnptoms of estrogen poisoning just reading through that!

Aug 6, 2008, 7:24 AM
I haD a dream but it's gone now. Working on building a new one.

Dunno what Roadhouse nor HGTV is, but I think I'm happy to be Canuck LOL.

I like Ben's dream a lot.

I really relate to what still_shy said... a LOT. Don't give up hope shy.

elian: Sex is fun and all - but what about 30-40 years from now? I can't imagine being like 70 years old and STILL doing this - or being 70 and alone..<shudders>

elian: 30-40 years from now you'll still FEEL the way you do today, perhaps (if you're lucky) even more intensely. That's just one of the secrets aging holds. (a play on the old joke being: "If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself")

rissa: but my biggest dream right now is to have a computer that isn't a piece of crap that kicks me out of chat every two minutes ;-)

rissa, check and verify the version of Java you have installed, and update it if necessary.


download (top right corner in the green side banner), install and run this cleaner each time before you come into the chat room:


those two should help with the getting booted out.

Aug 6, 2008, 7:50 AM


Aug 6, 2008, 8:07 AM
I have a dream where people with money, don't belittle, manipulate or abuse those who don't have any. I have a dream where the endless greed and desire for more more more doesn't exist to the point where companies/individuals will outright LIE about the health effects of what they expect workers to do (see latest article regarding lack of american sleep: "Sleep deprivation, the great american myth". I have a dream where people will relinquish their apparent need to control others by categorization, or the desire to place people into boxes of socio-economic judgment. I have a dream where those who control this country (america) and the world wake up one day with a conscious. I have a dream that someday people who lie to others as a part of their natural way of being become suddenly unable to do anything but tell the truth. I have a dream
that people who make a career of hurting other people suddenly wake up and realize that what they are doing is wrong. I have a dream that the world will wake up and realize that it's in everyones best interest to stop bullshitting and start taking seriously good care of mother earth. I have a dream that sexual diseases are eliminated, then eradicated. I have a dream that all men and women will learn to be okay with the sexual preferences of all other men and women. I have a dream of finding an employer who has enough integrity not to blatantly attempt to exploit me. I have a dream of being safe, secure, loved, needed, and happy.

Aug 6, 2008, 9:44 AM
I've never seen it, couldn't get through the first 10 min.

Aug 6, 2008, 8:16 PM
Kate, you can stop at hgtv and also anytime you can stop and watch A&E Sale This House. I really enjoy that show and can't turn it off. I wonder if it has something to do with the host,Tanya Memme good lord almighty shes hot and what a rack! Funny, I never seem to see the houses.

dark matter
Aug 20, 2008, 9:49 AM
Hey, what's this, Vittoria? Haven't got a notion, sorry, I'm not from America:tongue: