View Full Version : Fisting Myth??

Jul 29, 2008, 11:27 PM
I am curious s to what you think...many men and women enjoy being fisted, but does the constant fisting and stretching of the muscles make the vaginal muscles loosen up, or will the "tight pussy" stay tight??
And what about the men? will the fisting loosen up the anal muscles as well ...or not??
I have often wondered , and felt this would be a group that would be ok to ask this question of.
Curious to know what you think

Jul 30, 2008, 12:44 AM
well, i suggest bleach in the shorts of a man who takes a fist. who knows what a toot could bring the next day

Jul 30, 2008, 2:33 AM
i dont take fists...

i dont even like those damn speculum (sp) thingys they use when giving GYN exams so why the fuck would i want a whole hand?

yes... logic would dictate that it would stretch the vaginal walls... giving birth seems to, right?

in other news...

dont know bout the ass... ask cho... he likes being fisted ... sometimes by two fists, not just one... and how should i know??? LMAO :eek:

Jul 30, 2008, 2:48 AM
I definitely know that the anal fisting thing is a myth. Unless you're taking a fist or bigger on a daily basis with some pretty rough punching, you'll be fine- the rectum is a pretty resiliant muscle that stretches and will shrink back to size. Occasional fisting should leave you fine.

Vaginal fisting, on the other hand . . . since the vagina isn't a muscle, but rather a cavity, it can be pushed open and will lose its springy resiliency over time, so fisting can stretch you open (although, again, it still takes quite a bit of time and lots of fisting to stretch it).

Jul 30, 2008, 3:09 AM
I cant answer that one for ya, Sis. I'm sure these wonderful people can help you tho. :}
Hugs to you and Shameless
Yer Sis

Jul 31, 2008, 7:11 PM
hi angel : think fisting is a myth, or a phenomenon of porn. looks good, butt i think it has to hurt like an s.o.b. :eek


Jul 31, 2008, 7:17 PM
Fist? Why not take the whole arm up you or up your man's ass elbow deep? ;)

I have seen that, don't think it isn't done.

Jul 31, 2008, 10:40 PM
If you look at Bearforest.com in thier Galleries section they have a large selection of fisting and even feet. Some are pretty graphic as one would expect. you mention arm up to elbow and there are great pics of that.:2cents:

shameless agitator
Aug 1, 2008, 4:24 AM
Okay folks, we know fisting happens. That's not the question. What we want to know is if fisting stretches you out of shape. Angel is thinking that it would, but I'm thinking it's more like working a muscle & would increase strength, so that if anything, you would get tighter. Anybody have any thoughts on that?

Aug 1, 2008, 7:47 AM
I don't know if it's size, consistency or poor gene's but I have seen pics of some people that really REALLY enjoy anal and talk like they can't get anything big enough to satisfy after awhile...and yes they have huge openings back there. So it does stretch some people out.

Aug 1, 2008, 8:16 AM
I don't know if it's size, consistency or poor gene's but I have seen pics of some people that really REALLY enjoy anal and talk like they can't get anything big enough to satisfy after awhile...and yes they have huge openings back there. So it does stretch some people out.

Jeez Ran..am still on hol till Sunday! Looks in for 1st time in fortnite an hasta read this? All me can say is.. thith 1 mith that aint bein fithted up 'er bum rite up2 the elbow.. grothth!!!! No 1 fithtin me bum in ne way wothoeva!!!
Dubble grothth!

Bak next week me Luffly Ran!! Muah!!!:tong:

Aug 1, 2008, 3:50 PM
What about the stories that gays put gerbils in their---uhhhh--unmentionable parts???

I always thought that was the most ridiculous thing that anyone could come up with!!

So--was that something real or as the Car Talk guys like to say: "BBBBOOOOOOOGUSSS!!!"???????

Aug 1, 2008, 4:30 PM
Okay folks, we know fisting happens. That's not the question. What we want to know is if fisting stretches you out of shape. Angel is thinking that it would, but I'm thinking it's more like working a muscle & would increase strength, so that if anything, you would get tighter. Anybody have any thoughts on that?

I don't think anyone means to discount the question at hand...(very poor choice of words...sorry LOL!)....but it's not one that I think any of us really have an answer to so far. Fisting does occur, YES...but does it do permanent damage? I do know that after having two babies that it took time for the old equipment to spring back into pre-birth status..but it did happen. But, that being said, it is not something that I did repeatedly and often. I do believe that the vagina is quite capable of returning to normal but I can't help but believe that repeated insertion of a large object into the anal cavity would cause some relaxation or loosening of muscles....but that is just my personal opinion. Guess what we need here is a response from someone who has done this repeatedly and can give us "first hand" knowledge....sorry...did it again....LOL!!


Aug 1, 2008, 8:01 PM
I took my first fist about 8 years ago - and it has been a semi-regular occurence since.
However i only take other women's hands, which are of default, reasonably small.
The stimulation which happens is completely different to anything else.
To the questio. I have had 2 births and yes, the Kegels were needed to get back into shape - I find that after a fist I feel loose - maybe for a few hours, but after that I'm back to normal.
A larger, male fist (and I believe that is what the writer is asking about) I cannot say. I doubt if my husband's fist would actually "fit."

As far as anal fisting goes - never done it! Nover had any urge to.
I like anal penetration per se, but lets keep it to dicks and the occasional dildo.

Aug 10, 2008, 1:34 AM
I used to live with a women who liked to be fisted a couple of times a week. Of course right afterward she was a whole lot looser, but she returned to her normal tightness in a couple of hours

Aug 10, 2008, 8:18 AM
I'm a male and got the idea of having a fist in my ass once when Ray was sucking my cock. I asked him if he thought he could get his hand in me, he tried to discourage me but I was curious and talked him into trying it. I was surprised how easily his hand slipped in, not that he just shoved and in it went. Ray took his time and we used plenty of lube. I think it is a great feeling and have enjoyed it quite a few times. I've been fisted by two females, one was my GF. we were playing with another couple and my GF fisted me, the other gal was curious and also stuck her fist and arm in my ass. Her BF wanted to try it also but was never successful, although he tried many times.

Nov 10, 2009, 3:58 PM
I am a male who receives fisting and gigantic dildos regularly. Yes, I am significantly looser than before I started bottoming. For example, I know I can put a soda can fully inside me on a whim, if I wanted to. I wouldn't even need a gigantic glob of lube or anything. BUT! (No pun) I don't have any problems that hinder my day to day activities. I have never had any accidents. Yes, constant stretching of the muscles does leave you looser, but your kegel muscles still work, so you can clinch on demand! :male:

Nov 10, 2009, 9:22 PM
It has been years since I have been fisted. It was by a woman whose hands were not very large. Most of the time she used 3 or 4 fingers.

I was fisted once by a guy who had average male sized hands, we were in the shower and we still had to use lots of lube. He liked my "nice tight ass' even though he used to screw my lights out, I was still tight and could Kegel him to multipul orgasms.

And I have fisted women from time to time. Only if they liked it and they were very, very wet.

roy m cox
Nov 11, 2009, 3:58 AM
a male anal can stretch open up to 3 1/2 "

a woman's anal can stretch up to 4"

i have used toy's that are 2" in diameter and 15"long i have stretch my intestine :eek: and that's all i want to do but no fisting for me tho ,

Jan 18, 2014, 9:39 AM
I am curious s to what you think...many men and women enjoy being fisted, but does the constant fisting and stretching of the muscles make the vaginal muscles loosen up, or will the "tight pussy" stay tight??
And what about the men? will the fisting loosen up the anal muscles as well ...or not??
I have often wondered , and felt this would be a group that would be ok to ask this question of.
Curious to know what you think

I love taking big one in the ass, but don't even try putting you fist in there. I had one lady that attempted it after she had pegged me wit a 9 in toy. She as a little lady with small hands. I was still a no go

Jan 18, 2014, 12:27 PM
How loose a women's vagina gets by being fisted depends on how wide her pussy is to begin with. Any women I've fisted was 3 to 4 fingers wide, I think a woman with a small tight pussy could damage herself.

Jan 18, 2014, 2:10 PM
Never had a fist up my ass but have taken some big toys back there. The thickest one was 9 ins round won't do that again it hurts to much. I like between 4 to 5 ins round big enough.

Jan 18, 2014, 3:57 PM
I used to live with a women who liked to be fisted a couple of times a week. Of course right afterward she was a whole lot looser, but she returned to her normal tightness in a couple of hours

Yup. My ex never had kids and was very tight, to the point her gyno used a child speculum (who knew there was such a thing..?). We got the to point of fisting once. SHe was so turned on and soaked, that I got in ! Yes, she was loose after, but a day or two later, she was tight again....I know I could not do it anally for sure... :(