View Full Version : Troll Alert

Jul 29, 2008, 3:48 PM
Hey Ya'll if you see the name "DunkinDick" on here, please know that this buffoon has infiltrated a great deal of the yahoo groups, and has just gotten gotten into a couple of the BBW groups as well. I'm not in there under This handle, so he/she/it doesnt know who I am just yet, but the MO and writing pattern is Exactly the same as the idjet in here. And in those groups he is doing the same lame-assed chit as he tries in here: Belittling, critisisms, put-downs, straight out attacks, ect. You know the routine.:rolleyes:
Just thought I'd give you a heads up. ;}
Your Cat

Jul 29, 2008, 4:23 PM
The name that troll you mentioned sounds like the name of the one we have had here-----maybe the fact that he gets booted just about as fast now as he comes in and any posts he puts up are deleted have finally detered him from bugging this site--I am sure he will wait a certain period but will have to come back--he is obsessed and determined to bug this site---it takes eternal vigilance to rid ourselves of numbnuts such as that!

Jul 30, 2008, 3:57 AM
ya we got an email, who ever it is just went off. said some hurtfull things im glad i dont let trolls get to me. i just want to know what in the hell?????

Jul 30, 2008, 4:00 PM
Hope you saved it Hon. Best thing to do is to forward it to Drew and let him add the name to the growing list of new Troll names.:}