View Full Version : At what point should you tell a guy you arent into him?

Jul 27, 2008, 4:36 PM
I went out to a club and it was towards the end of the night and this guy started flirting with me. He was trying to act cutesy and invading my space some. Thing is it wasnt straight forward I like you flirting but it was more asking questions about me and trying to get my attention flirting. So usually in situations like this is it best to just ignore it and if he gets obvious then say something?

Jul 27, 2008, 7:00 PM
When they get to be a problem then you could just tell him that he isn't your type.

Had one guy do that to me one time, when I was in a bad mood and trying to improve it. He was really unattractive and displaying his shallow disposition.
He made the mistake of becoming annoying about it and when I told him that he wasn't my type, he asked me what was my type, I said "not you." and walked away.

To be honest, you should always try to be polite, but sometimes that just doesn't work.
When politeness fails, then you pull out the blunt and obvious. And if that doesn't work, then get rude.

Jul 28, 2008, 11:32 AM
Funny you should ask! I was in Provincetown, Massachusetts. It is a haven for all...straights, gays, bi, transgendered, cross dressers, fettish folks, leather men. We went to a Tea Dance ( A dance and get together from 4 in the afternoon till 7---similar to English Tea Time, hence the name). Now hubby was in heaven...and well I was there just drooling at all the hot men...mind you THEY had little interest in me as they only had eyes for each other.

I found myself in a rather awkward position...I was hit on by a number of lesbians....granted I was flattered ( I think) but when I said that I was the straight wife of a bi man, and thanked them for their interest, I was astounded by their persistance. I was polite and to the point...kept getting asked to dance and the like.

In the end, I left with the man I came with, hubby.


Jul 28, 2008, 1:25 PM
Sometimes you just have to get blunt, Hon. Be polite but be firm at the same time. Try my favorite line: "What part of no and see ya! dont you seem to be able to compihend???"
If you arent interested, then you shouldnt Have to endure rude, persistant little twerps.
Good luck, but be safe out there, Darlin