View Full Version : Cycles for Bi Men

Jul 25, 2008, 10:21 PM
Ok, the other day I spoke openly to a friend for the VERY FIRST TIME about the fact I do have a monthly. I know it's weird, but please don't flame me for this. Usually around the full moon my libido drops a ton and my ability to last during sex augments enormously. My orgasms become even more body encompassing and my refractive period drops to near 3 minutes before I can be driven to orgasm again.

Now the downsides: 5-7 days following that I become moody as hell, crave sweet and salty foods and drinks, and the abdominal cramping and migraines can be mind shattering...but aren't always that bad. I began to chart my lost work days to these episodes and it always follows this cycle. My boss joked with me about it, calling it my "Period".

Truth be told, this weirdness started when I was 9. It's not consistanly bad, but had been there in some fashion since then. As a male, I was never allowed to take time off for this problem.

Now, is this insane? Am I crazy? People I spoke to told me no, they knew of others who had troubles like this...almost always were Bisexual Men. Go figure.

Anyone else know any Bi Males that have this occurence? Once again, please, no flames. This is a sensitive enough issue I kept it hidden for 2 decades until i was weeping with abdominal cramps to a friend on World of Warcraft.

Jul 26, 2008, 4:45 AM
We are all bisexual.
Women produce testosterone.
Men produce estrogens.
It's scientific fact.

At one point in my life I started growing breasts, and I enjoyed it (they hurt though!), hell, at that moment I wanted huge hooters! My estrogen level was way up for some reason. Since then, my testosterone has increased and estrogen decreased more to my 'normal' level. Now I look back and say "What the hell was I thinking... growing huge hooters?!?". The influence of hormones is incredible.
Bodybuilders who's estrogen levels rise while trying to balance chemistry during steroid use are suddenly the predominant hormone when the steroids are abandoned. Thus, men get 'bitch tits'.
Have you ever seen a lesbian who looked like she could take on a Mack truck (face to face) and win? Testosterone!
Sometimes I have sympathetic hot flashes (my gf has a lot).
No one but you can say what's right for you.
If you're unhappy, run a mile, bench press... or just eat some chocolate.
You're not alone in this crazy mixed up world!

Jul 26, 2008, 7:06 AM
you almost had me there.. for a moment i thought the title was a pun on the word "bi-cycles" :bigrin:

but seriously tho.. LOL

actually, men DO have their own cycles ( not just bi men... all men)--just trying to convince most guys is a bitch! (haha that's actually pretty funny)

once i find a link online, i'll let "you'uns" know :tong:

Jul 26, 2008, 7:13 AM
LMAO told ya i'd find something (damn google (r))

here's a link: http://www.4-men.org/testosterone/pms.html

enjoy! :)

Jul 26, 2008, 8:06 AM
I forget who posted an article about us all being born bi and then, as we mature, any number of factors come into shaping our final sexual orientation. Interesting theory, part of which might explain your "monthlies" Ian.

If any of my male acquaintances have experienced what you have, they've kept it REAL quiet.

vitt: "bi-cycles" omg LMAO u nut !

Jul 26, 2008, 8:18 AM
It's true!

(so much so that one of my affectionate ex's still calls me "bitch" all the time for that reason lol!)

Myself, my cycle appears to surround the issues of introspective/gregarious and bullitproof/hypersensitive and aggressive/passive behaviors. What I used to think was depression has apparently revealed itself to be more along the lines of what we are talking about here. I get periods where I get so weepy I can't STAND myself. Then I'd hate myself for it, get past it, and be good until the end of that cycle. It really sucked until I started figuring out that it didn't have much to do with what was happening to me in my life.

The ebb and flow of my moodswings appears centered on the moon. It's actually kind of scaring me because as I get older the swings appear to be getting more intense. (It already can get so intense as to be extremely uncomfortable)

Hell I get the fat days and the thin days REAL bad. But the single biggest thing I can say I've witnessed (although it took me FOREVER to figure out and understand, is that during these moodswings my Pheromone production appears to be also cycling.)

Since I am predominantly only around het men, it took me a while to realize that I only got the "you're so gay" abuse in a cyclic fashion. One day someone pissed me off to an extreme and I said, "look! Just because you want to FUCK ME........that DOESN"T make ME....GAY!" It was at that point that I became cognizant that maybe the poor bastard wanted to fuck me, because my body was putting chemical cues out there FOR that. (I had been extremely horny during that period of time) It further came to my attention that purrhaps "gay bashing" is the direct result of men who fall under the spell of another mans pheromones, who normally wouldn't be attracted to men.

Let's face it, the power of Yin pheromones is what makes the world go around. I think bi people produce these in high strength. It has been my experience that my pheromone production is directly related to a lot of the problems I have had with men who although I have no attraction to whatsoever, find themselves reacting to me and then abusing me BECAUSE of that. I would also venture to hazard a guess that the longer we go without sex, that the stronger these attractant pheromones get.

GREAT TOPIC! Thanks for bringing it up!


Jul 26, 2008, 9:00 AM
Ok, the other day I spoke openly to a friend for the VERY FIRST TIME about the fact I do have a monthly. I know it's weird, but please don't flame me for this. Usually around the full moon my libido drops a ton and my ability to last during sex augments enormously. My orgasms become even more body encompassing and my refractive period drops to near 3 minutes before I can be driven to orgasm again.

Now the downsides: 5-7 days following that I become moody as hell, crave sweet and salty foods and drinks, and the abdominal cramping and migraines can be mind shattering...but aren't always that bad. I began to chart my lost work days to these episodes and it always follows this cycle. My boss joked with me about it, calling it my "Period".

Truth be told, this weirdness started when I was 9. It's not consistanly bad, but had been there in some fashion since then. As a male, I was never allowed to take time off for this problem.

Now, is this insane? Am I crazy? People I spoke to told me no, they knew of others who had troubles like this...almost always were Bisexual Men. Go figure.

Anyone else know any Bi Males that have this occurence? Once again, please, no flames. This is a sensitive enough issue I kept it hidden for 2 decades until i was weeping with abdominal cramps to a friend on World of Warcraft.

There is a slight chance you could be intersexed and not know it, too.

Check with your Dr about the cramps, as it could be other things as well.

Intersexed babies are more common than most folks think.

(http://www.isna.org/faq/ - FAQ from the Intersexed Society Of North America)

Jul 26, 2008, 2:04 PM
Hey Ian,

The way I understand it is that we all go through a cycle. My wife knows when I get mine, and then laughs at my grumpiness....lol

It is normal, you're ok and I know what you mean. Why do we go through it? Well, every month you body does a clean up of things in the body. Some more the others. I find working out regularly keeps it all in check...or atleast keeps it minimal.

I wouldn't have thought to start a thread on the topic, thank you. I suggest reading up on it more, and pending your age, ask your Dr about andropause. If you are over 32, you should have your testosterone levels checked yearly.

Andropause is the male form of menopause and it sucks the life out of a man. If your test level is low, your Doc will simply cut you a prescription for testosterone and all will be well.

Take care Ian!

Jul 26, 2008, 3:40 PM
What a joke, men don't have cycles. But I did wake up feeling a lil crampy and bloated, so BUGGER OFF!!!!!

Jul 26, 2008, 11:07 PM
What a joke, men don't have cycles. But I did wake up feeling a lil crampy and bloated, so BUGGER OFF!!!!!??


Jul 27, 2008, 9:10 AM

You will find a community of welcoming people here who can really help you with your "confusion" as most of us have been through something similar.

As you mature you will "settle down": there's nothing to be afraid of, you are going through something perfectly normal. Your emotions (and hormones) are supposed to be on overdrive at your age :) It is our biological imperative as humans.

I would suggest you read the forums (even the old ones)... I feel confident you will find something in them that will help you along your journey.

best of luck to you


Jul 27, 2008, 11:31 AM
Even though this a new one to me, it is entirely believable as life consists of many cycles. A week, month, year, the moons orbit around the earth and the earths orbit around the sun are all cycles. There are plenty more examples that I could give. As for my own cycles, it is something I have not thought about it. Threads such as this certainly make you think. :2cents:

Jul 27, 2008, 12:49 PM
I haven't noticed the physical/emotional cycles in myself the way you have, Ian, but like Ronin I have noticed that my attraction to men and women seems to have a monthly cycle. I'm pretty much always turned on by women with a little interest in men as well, but for a certain time each month, about 4 - 6 days, I'm consumed with thoughts of sex with men, so much so that it can get distracting. I noticed it followed my wife's menstrual cycle, and thought I was reacting to her cycle in some way, until her cycle got a little wonky over a couple of months while the timing of mine stayed the same. So I don't think you're crazy at all. Thanks for bringing this up and giving us all something to think about.

Jul 27, 2008, 11:28 PM
Sometimes I'm attracted to women and sometimes to men. When I'm attracted to men is that a part of my bicycle?

Jul 28, 2008, 11:15 PM
I totally agree - men do have their own "time of the month" - I know I do!!! :eek:

Jul 29, 2008, 8:51 AM
I have to agree I for sure have mood cycles....additionally I more impacted by moon cycles as I age as well....my closest people can attest to my swings!!


Jul 29, 2008, 9:54 AM
At first glance, I thought this was something to do with bicycles and bisexuality. Maybe being a lifelong cyclist has something to do with that.

Jul 30, 2008, 9:35 PM
The idea of being intersexed was tossed my way before. However, I have no feminine features or lack of male ones. Indeed, if truth be told I am a tiny bit androgynous in the face, but nothing that catches the attention of anyone.

There was a study started, I remember reading here, about Bisexuals being formed by a wonky Y chromasome from the father. It was some time ago that it was posted here. If indeed I am intersexed, it would have to be to the same level as anyone bisexual is.

With the cycle I go through men will be more appealing and then women, and sometimes both. In fact it affects my ability to repeatedly orgasm, and my climaxes seem to decentralize. Truth be told, many time my arrousal is all over and not penile at all.

Thanks for the responses so far. If anyone knows or can post about that study and the Chromosomes I would appreciate it.

Jul 31, 2008, 11:19 AM

I expected a bicycle with a "bi-bar" - not a girls bike or a boys bike but a bi-bike.

Jul 31, 2008, 7:56 PM
I'll vouch for that - I seem to be having several pseudo-PMS-like symptoms at the moment - not that I think I have any IDEA what it's like for the ladies - I really could do without the hormones at the moment regardless.

Aug 1, 2008, 12:41 AM
Feline-Dude you\'re so full of shit that it\'s coming out of your mouth, you got shit for brains, and it comes out in your posts.

Do you actually believe the shit that you post? It\'s so absurd and not based on facts at all that it makes me wonder about your current mental condition.

Yeah right, like gay bashings happen because hetero men secretly REALLY want to fuck or have sex with other men. Ha! Now I\'ve heard it ALL! Dream on. Even if hetero men can smell/detect phermones they\'re not going to want sex with men.

Got a huge ego? Life isn\'t one huge gay porn plot ya know! :rolleyes:

You were being paranoid when you said that to your hetero male coworkers. Dude, they don\'t want to fuck you they\'re hetero men!

I hate it when homos and switch hitters try to say that everyone else that\'s heterosexual the majority of the human population, is REALLY homosexual or born bisexual yet just doesn\'t know it, doesn\'t want to accept it, or whatever self projecting they do on the majority of the human population.


This just in. There isn't anything secret about your desire to fuck other men.
Otherwise, what are you doing here? As for the abusive email and posts, don't waste your breath on me pal, I can read you like last months jcpenny catalog. Frankly, I don't care what your problem is, but I would prefer that if you cannot keep it to yourself here, take it somewhere else. I'm posting this because I know that you aren't gone. I may even have a pretty good idea of who you are. Wouldn't THAT just piss you off? Tell you what. I'll keep your identity a secret for as long as you can remain chilled out. You'd be wiser than your posts indicate to not underestimate me.


the sacred night
Aug 4, 2008, 9:44 PM
As a male, I was never allowed to take time off for this problem.

Are women allowed to take off for it? Seriously, I ought to have been informed about this... whenever I'm cramping so badly I'm about to pass out, I just say I'm sick in order to go home.

Aug 7, 2008, 3:42 AM
I totally agree - men do have their own "time of the month" - I know I do!!! :eek:

Lemme clairify... ALL MEN have their time of the month regardless of orientation... :2cents:

Aug 7, 2008, 5:12 AM
hi guy, why not go to doctors? Maybe something wrong with your body... Just a suggestion.