View Full Version : What does pansexual mean

Jul 24, 2008, 2:20 PM
I noticed that some people on here say that they are pansexual, just wondering what that is?

Jul 24, 2008, 4:45 PM
It means we are sexually and emotionally nonexclusive. Where others may try to fit into their label, we accept where love (sexually and/or emotionally) is found.


Jul 24, 2008, 6:47 PM
as much as I would love to add to that ... there is almost nothing to add.. that sums it up very very nicely.

Jul 24, 2008, 7:44 PM
well for a long time i thought pan sexual meant you were into teflon.
i just bought a new $80 teflon pan, anyone get amorous with that is going to get their head banged with a less expensive cast iron skillet.
btw, it makes great omlettes, so call me if you want a sunday brunch, i also make a mean bloody mary.

Jul 24, 2008, 8:00 PM
well for a long time i thought pan sexual meant you were into teflon.
i just bought a new $80 teflon pan, anyone get amorous with that is going to get their head banged with a less expensive cast iron skillet.
btw, it makes great omlettes, so call me if you want a sunday brunch, i also make a mean bloody mary.

LMAO!!!! I'm there! I loooooovvvve bloody marys!!! YUMMMMMM:bigrin:;)

Jul 24, 2008, 9:35 PM
Hmm..would I lean more toward Pan than Bi sexUAL? Is there a pan sexual test? :tongue:

I am primarily attracted to women-85%
But I also like to suck cock and have sex w/ men - preferably, fem types or smooth twinks. 5%

I also get a charge out of shemales 10%

For me, the perfect sex mate would be a tranny

So..um? :tong:

Jul 25, 2008, 2:21 AM
Good question I didn't know what that meant either.

Jul 25, 2008, 6:30 AM
The use of the term pansexual acknowledges the existance of more than two genders. Bisexual tends to be interpreted as just binary, male and female.

However, my belief is bisexual does cover a wide range of choices.
Bisexual includes everything in the continuum of gender from male to female, not just male and female.

Abbey Road
Jul 31, 2008, 4:39 PM
well for a long time i thought pan sexual meant you were into teflon.
i just bought a new $80 teflon pan, anyone get amorous with that is going to get their head banged with a less expensive cast iron skillet.
btw, it makes great omlettes, so call me if you want a sunday brunch, i also make a mean bloody mary.


Abbey Road.


Jul 31, 2008, 5:54 PM
I always thought that a pansexual was some one who fucked around with pots and pans.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Aug 1, 2008, 6:40 AM
No, no, no.
Pansexual means you want to have sex on your 'pan head' Harley!

('pan head' is the style of engine heads manufactured by Harley Davidson back in the 1940s I think)

Aug 1, 2008, 1:29 PM
Ahh a serious question was asked,and some responses were in jest, but on the whole it has been answered.

Pansexual for me, means a love or an attraction to more than two genders.

Bisexual is the love or sexual attraction to only two genders.

At the moment, im not to sure where I fit in.... So i will be quiet.... I'm glad that people who dont know have asked.


Aug 1, 2008, 2:13 PM
Ahh a serious question was asked,and some responses were in jest, but on the whole it has been answered.

Pansexual for me, means a love or an attraction to more than two genders.

Bisexual is the love or sexual attraction to only two genders.

At the moment, im not to sure where I fit in.... So i will be quiet.... I'm glad that people who dont know have asked.


ok, now im all kinda confused, to my knowledge there are only 2 genders. i have this very reliable gender test. take your right hand and put it between your legs, what you got is what you are, i dont care what your wearing.

Aug 1, 2008, 7:06 PM
Pansexual means all sexual...all cultures, all tastes, all types of sex.

Aug 1, 2008, 7:50 PM
I always thought that the term pansexual meant that a person was attracted to people regardless of their gender.

Anyway, i thought this might help...i wikipedia'ed it (though i know the site is quite unreliable).

Pansexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love, and/or sexual desire for people, regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. Thus, pansexuality includes potential attraction to people (such as transgender individuals) who do not fit into the gender binary of male/female. Some pansexuals suggest that they are gender-blind; that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.

The word pansexual is derived from the Greek prefix pan-, meaning "all". "All" is specifically in reference to human genders. In its simplest form, pansexuality denotes the potential of sexual attraction to all genders. It is intended to negate the idea of two genders (as expressed by bi-).

Aug 2, 2008, 10:16 AM
Many people and organizations use the term pan to mean all orientations, lifestyles and proclivities. Like for instance The Wet Spot here in Seattle refers to themselves as a pansexual organization because they respect all lifestyles.

Aug 2, 2008, 7:47 PM
I always thought that the term pansexual meant that a person was attracted to people regardless of their gender.

Anyway, i thought this might help...i wikipedia'ed it (though i know the site is quite unreliable).

Pansexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love, and/or sexual desire for people, regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. Thus, pansexuality includes potential attraction to people (such as transgender individuals) who do not fit into the gender binary of male/female. Some pansexuals suggest that they are gender-blind; that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.

The word pansexual is derived from the Greek prefix pan-, meaning "all". "All" is specifically in reference to human genders. In its simplest form, pansexuality denotes the potential of sexual attraction to all genders. It is intended to negate the idea of two genders (as expressed by bi-).

Yes you are correct in your first assumptions.

Aug 2, 2008, 9:41 PM
Quote from Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Main Entry: pan·sex·u·al
Pronunciation: \ˌpan-ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl, -shəl\
Function: adjective
Date: 1926
: exhibiting or implying many forms of sexual expression

Aug 7, 2008, 3:46 AM
I really don't see the difference here... there's really only hetero, homo, or bi

I guess I really don't see how different cultural, etc, differences factor into sex classification...

Aug 7, 2008, 5:04 AM
It's my first time to hear about this word... interesting. Thanks for the posting:three:

Aug 7, 2008, 8:06 AM
I really don't see the difference here... there's really only hetero, homo, or bi

I guess I really don't see how different cultural, etc, differences factor into sex classification...

To be honest theres 5 sexualities that I know of

1. Hetrosexual
3. Homosexual
4. Pansexual
5. Asexual

And within all the 5 listed- (in no order) a person can flutuated between all five.

Pansexual includes sexually being attracted to- non- conformist genders. Trangenders. Intersexual etc.

Aug 7, 2008, 4:17 PM
I really don't see the difference here... there's really only hetero, homo, or bi

I guess I really don't see how different cultural, etc, differences factor into sex classification...

You should read up on sexuality. There is a lot more to it than “gay/straight/bi” and it is quite interesting.


Aug 7, 2008, 8:40 PM
There's S & M, there's dominance, there's submissive, there's pain, there's suspension, there's binding. There are many, many forms of sexual gratification and enjoyment. That's what pansexual means.

Aug 11, 2008, 10:38 AM
Thank you, you all helped a lot.

Aug 11, 2008, 11:46 AM
I always thought that Pansexual was sex with Pan (the god, not the kitchen utensil).