View Full Version : Poll: Bi-Sexual Couples (Pros & Cons)

Jul 22, 2008, 3:26 PM
What are the Pros of a Bisexual Relationship as a couple?

What are the Cons?

How do you handle these issues in your relationship?

Jul 22, 2008, 4:10 PM
What are the Pros of a Bisexual Relationship as a couple?

What are the Cons?

How do you handle these issues in your relationship?
Well the pros is that we're pretty free in the bed with each other. But more importantly we reach each other on a mental level. We can understand each others perspective a lot more easier than we would think other couples could. But like any relationship, you gotta have open, honest communications .

Jul 22, 2008, 5:11 PM
"What are the Pros of a Bisexual Relationship as a couple?"

"What are the Cons?"

"How do you handle these issues in your relationship?"

The answer to those three is, for the most part, the same:

The same as any other relationship. A relationship is a relationship... each one has love, boundaries, risks, chances, and concerns.

Jul 22, 2008, 5:32 PM
This is sure to hit some open nerve but one Pro is that we don't have to cheat and lie to each other or to others.

Jul 23, 2008, 4:38 AM
I would'nt ask too many thoughtful questions on this site...you will get a much better response if you ask some stupid crap about anal vs. frontal etc.

That's what I've frequently observed here, alot of people don't want to discuss real, pertinent issues.