View Full Version : The Troll is back

Jul 21, 2008, 9:39 PM
Just wanted to let ya know the troll is back sending personal email to me about shameless again...he is under the name of Peter The Frog.....haven't seen him on here yet...hopefully Drew found him before he could post....just wanted to let ya al know ....he's backkkkkkk

Jul 21, 2008, 9:45 PM
lol He's already been eradicated, Sis. I got one too, but accidently deleted it before I could read it. Its ok. He'll be back again soon.:} We need ta get some Troll spray next time we's down to the Wal-Mart..LMAO

shameless agitator
Jul 22, 2008, 5:40 AM
I feel lefty out now :( I didn't get any hate mail from the troll this time.

Jul 22, 2008, 1:52 PM
It is my understanding that a few people saw the troll return and immediately messaged Drew and within minutes the troll was banned and his posts zapped!!!

Way to go to our neighborhood watch committee and to the "authorities" for responding so fast!!!!!!

But give this sorry soul some time and he will be back again.