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Jul 16, 2008, 5:37 PM
' My friends,we live in the greatest nation in the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it"
barac Hussain Obama

well that says it all

this man will make dan quayle look like a genious.

Jul 16, 2008, 6:10 PM
The only state that does not have room for improvement will be the kingdom of Moshiach, may it come speedily in our days. Todays' nations have things that need change, even among the greatest nations.

Jul 16, 2008, 6:20 PM
i don't understand what you're saying, chulainn. barack obama
went to columbia univ. for his undergrad degree and harvard
for his law degree. are you seriously trying to equate him
with dan quayle?? i'm no obama supporter (i don't like any of
the candidates, not just obama). but to equate him with
dan quayle is patently ridiculous. he may be the smartest
presidential candidate we've ever had.

Jul 16, 2008, 6:46 PM
Spelling counts...
Barack Hussein Obama.

The author of the Declaration of Independence wrote that when the government becomes too oppressive the people have the right to change it. Fortunately, the very document I referenced has produced a nation that makes these changes at the ballot box. So if you so chose, vote...vote for Barack Obama or vote for John McCain...but exercise the franchise that Thomas Jefferson helped bring to life.

ur ever luvin

Jul 16, 2008, 10:01 PM
Spelling counts...
Barack Hussein Obama.

I am very pleased that someone mentioned this before me :-P

Jul 16, 2008, 11:41 PM

Origins: The quote cited above sounds like the kind of verbal slip-up that occasionally escapes from the lips of politicians and other public figures: An idea that seems reasonable in thought (i.e., just because something is the best or greatest doesn't mean it can't be further improved) comes out expressed in wording that, when taken literally, can be interpreted as meaning just the opposite of what the speaker intended to say.

In this case, however, the quote is a fictional double whammy: It not only began as a political in-joke rather than something uttered by Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama, but in its original incarnation its humor was apparently directed at the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Arizona senator John McCain.

Here's how the quote appeared on the National Review Online blog The Corner, where it was posted by Mark Steyn on 28 January 2008:
Three weeks ago, after New Hampshire, when Hill and McCain and the gang were all bragging about being "agents of change," a (non-U.S.) correspondent of mine e-mailed me his all-purpose stump speech for this primary season:

My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.

Change (as in "Yes, we can change") certainly has been one of the predominant themes of Senator Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, but not quite through the wording presented here.

Now that you know Obama never said that, I'm sure you'll make sure to correct all your friends, right? Right? :rolleyes:

Jul 17, 2008, 12:31 AM
I am curious what his middle name has to do with the post. The OP really seemed to want to point that out.

Jul 17, 2008, 2:27 AM
I feel sorry for this country if we vote him in.....I think we are in a lot of trouble in the years to come. I don't believe my fiance agrees with me.

Jul 17, 2008, 8:36 AM
I am curious what his middle name has to do with the post. The OP really seemed to want to point that out.

Maybe OP is one of those people that thinks that anyone who shares a name will be similar. Or maybe OP is just racist or something.

Jul 17, 2008, 9:58 AM
I live in a city where people with Arabic names contribute greatly to their city, state and country. So, while Arab terrorists are a major problem, his middle name is a total non-factor in my evaluation of him for president.
Further, great nations do not stay great if they strive to stay the same.

Jul 17, 2008, 12:39 PM
I am curious what his middle name has to do with the post. The OP really seemed to want to point that out.

That seems to be a rather curious point to me as well. Why make a specific point of including his middle name, as if indicating that it matters, then make no mention of how it matters?

Based on what I have been reading and hearing, Obama has made a concerted effort to make positive change, while McCain has followed the Bush policy line and has promised to continue the unsuccessful programs and policies (including a statement that was caught on camera in which he said that he would keep our troops in Iraq for up to 100 years) that have failed to serve the best interests of this nation and it's people.

McCain has admitted that he has little to no knowledge of things that he needs to know if he wants to be President.
We've had 8 years of an incompetent President. Do we really want 4 or more years with another incompetent President? I don't.

Sure, there are things about Obama that make me unsure of him, as President, but I am absolutely certain that I would not want McCain in office.

Jul 17, 2008, 1:32 PM
I wonder where his 666 birthmark is?

Jul 17, 2008, 2:54 PM
Lol! We in the rest of the world worry about what's happening in America as it seems to affect what happens to us ... and I have to say, having studied what Obama says he is about, I would be happy if he becomes your President. He seems to be a good man. If he has links to the Moslem world through his family, that can only be good as negotiation and understanding is the only way towards peace. Look at Northern Ireland - we had terrible troubles, with bombs in London as well, and in the end it was solved through talking to the IRA, which of course was very controversial. But talking is the only way. Once that ends, the killing starts.

Jul 17, 2008, 2:56 PM
This is not the place for politics? Speaking of genius, perhaps your grammar, spelling, and punctuation could use some brushing up?

Jul 17, 2008, 3:43 PM
Chu--if ya don't like Barak Obama--fine--you don't like him and that is legitimate--for whatever reason!!!

But do we have to resort to Rush Limbaugh/Ann Coulter, et al type of "conservative" talking heads BS on here???

If you have real concerns, disagreements and the like with Obama or any other candidate--please air them--but don't resort to low brow tactics.

It would be legitmate if you had said Barak Hussein Obama in your title---but to use his middle name only--a name that carries 'baggage' obviously enough---baggage that Barak Obama is in no way associated with.

Saddam Hussein was a thug, a butcher, a mad man and many other things---Barak Obama is none of those things---he simply has a world and political view different from that of yourself but it is still well within the traditions of poltics in this nation--a political and worldview held by just a shade less than half the population as expressed in voting patterns in recent years--just like a strong conservative block makes up almost exactly the same number of people on that side of things---we are all Americans--and this demonization of "the other" is not good for our nation.

Also in this vein--- Barak Obama is not a marxist/socialist as I heard one conservative African-American commentator continually say on a program on FOX News a few days ago. If you look at Obama's record such as it is--he is on the "liberal" side of the spectrum but is way in the middle and no way any where near the fringe--to say that Obama is a marxist/socialist is simply crap and is yet one more myth that the right wing spin machine spews out like wet spaghetti noodles all over the place to see what falsehood charges can "stick" since they follow the mode of "tell the lie enough and it becomes 'truth'!"--at least in the minds of some--hopefully --"just enough" will believe that "truth" to achieve victory since the real fight in modern politics is to get to 50% plus one in order to win.

Here is another canard being tossed around by the right wing spin machine about Obama is that he is an "ELITEIST"

To that I say without hesitancy--BULL FRACKING CRAP!!!!

Barak Obama lived a sort of Horatio Alger story in the best tradition of what it is to be an American---for one thing--he was of mixed race---part-white and part black of course--born at a time that such a thing set a person back more than a few notches down the ladder--but out of the power of his intellect, his drive and the support of a single mother who struggled to provide a life for her son--and his grandparents--he did the right thing--he stayed in school--made "good marks" as they used to say and went on to earn both an undergraduate and a jurisdoctorate (law degree).

Since he did so well in law school----graduating at or near the top of his Harvard University School of Law class--he could have written his own ticket--gone to work for the biggest and most prestigious corporate law firms in this nation making himself an incredibly wealthy man--but he chose not too-going into public service instead!

So--Barak Obama does what conservatives all like to talk in their homilies about what is good and right about America. He works hard as a student, earns a measure of success and he gets slammed by the right wing spin machine as an ELITEIST!!!! What total, total crap that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The one thing that Barak Obama might be guilty of--he is a geek--a bookworm. He ain't cool like he would be had he been an NBA, NFL or a rap star!!! It goes to show that the American Dream machine does work--he is a black man who is a geek just like lots of whites, Asians, Jews, etc.!!!

So what that he can't bowl and so what that he doesn't wear the lapel pin--to me that is simply an affectation that so many people have done in recent years---back in the days of Hitler in Nazi Germany--you had damn well better wear your Nazi party pin.

We are not Nazi Germany, and it don't mean diddly that Barak doesn't wear the flag pin--I don't in my life and wouldn't if I were in politics either.

One more spin BS thing about Barak Obama while I am ranting--He is not a Muslim!!!!!---even though there are obviously a fair number of "folks" who think he is--I don't know if they are simply not paying close enough attention to things to have heard the brouhaha about Obama's CHRISTIAN minister--or if they heard that-- it didn't sink in--or they if are really ignorant bozos by choice or design. It is not that if someone were paying attention you could miss that it has been reported over and over again---in the evil liberal media (of course)--that Barak Obama is a CHRISTIAN and not A MUSLIM!!!

Jul 17, 2008, 4:40 PM
Maybe OP is one of those people that thinks that anyone who shares a name will be similar. Or maybe OP is just racist or something.


JFK's middle name was.... FITZGERALD!!!!


George H.W. Bush's middle name(s) is/are HERBERT WALKER!!!!

RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's kinda hard to hate someone for their name... I mean for as many people that hate Mexicans, and any other Spanish speaking person in this country, they sure have NO PROBLEM looking at Jennifer Lopez's ASS!!

Food for thought...

Jul 17, 2008, 4:43 PM
Further, great nations do not stay great if they strive to stay the same.

Reminds me of the definitions of insanity...

Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result ( or something like that...)

"Mommy, mommy I'm walking in circles!!"

"Shut up or I'll nail your other foot to the floor!!"


Jul 17, 2008, 5:37 PM

Jul 17, 2008, 5:40 PM
Well said, Volty.

We, as a society, need more perspective in our lives. For too long we have stood in the shadows of mediocre men of power who have lead this country down the garden path to hell. For that inaction, we have been paying.

I have to wonder what happened to the spirit, that used to prevail in this county, of doing what's right over doing what is best for the big bucks.
That spirit may not be dead, but, DAMN, it has taken one hell of a beating.

It doesn't matter if you love the Democrats, Republicans or whatever party. If you love your country, then go out and study all of the candidates. Even the ones that you hardly hear about.

If everyone votes their conscience over their party, then no vote is wasted. If nether Democrat nor Republican is a good candidate, then don't vote for either. Vote for someone else. NEVER believe the hype that voting for a 3rd or 4th party is wasting your vote, because if everyone who is told that votes for a 3rd or 4th party candidate are wasted, rather then using them on the Dems or Reps, then those votes are not wasted at all. They tell everyone that one vote can make a difference. Particularly when those single votes are added up.

Study the candidates. Study each of them with a critical eye. See how they voted on bills and laws that matter to the country as a whole and see how those laws have affected the nation.

Cast your vote to show that you don't want corruption or status quo in government.

It should not be "business as usual" in or seats of power. It should be moving forward, not spinning wheels.

It should be looking out for the best interests of the people, not looking out just for the best paying lobbyists.

It should be preparing for war without beating the drums of war, to keep us safe; not placing us in illegal wars and making even more enemies.

That is what we should be voting for.

Not the political party.

Not the color or gender of the candidate.

Not the religion of the candidate.

But how well they will obey their oath of office and look to protect the people and the nation.

That is all that matters in any election. That is all that should matter.

Jul 17, 2008, 7:20 PM
If I wanted to dedicate a whole thread to make a politician look bad, I would try to find at least a mediocre insult.

Did you hear Nanci Pelosi call Bush a "total failure" today? haha, and why hasn't anyone told John McCain that we know he has no hair on the top of his head, he can get rid of the combover...

Jul 17, 2008, 7:33 PM
Sure, there are things about Obama that make me unsure of him, as President, but I am absolutely certain that I would not want McCain in office.

And I can say the same thing, only reverse the candidates.

In todays time, I don't like what I see in either of the two prospective Presidents. However, as I choose interpret the facts presented, the lesser of the two evil is John McCain.

just my :2cents:


Jul 17, 2008, 9:38 PM
And I can say the same thing, only reverse the candidates.

In todays time, I don't like what I see in either of the two prospective Presidents. However, as I choose interpret the facts presented, the lesser of the two evil is John McCain.

just my :2cents:


I was thinking the same thing until a few months ago. It was then that Sen. McCain said that the American economy was doing well. Not an exact quote, but good enough. I knew at that time no matter what I was going to vote for Rep. Ron Paul. That thought only got stronger after Sen. McCain’s adviser, Phil Gramm talked about the 'mental recession' and was not asked to step down or got fired. To me that says more about Sen. McCain’s thinking than what he says in any speech.


Jul 17, 2008, 11:58 PM
Any man who believes in government subsidies for day parenting (let's be honest, it's not daycare. It's paying someone else to be mommy to your child) is not only NOT a man, but not fit to be president.

The government should not be in the child-rearing business.

Jul 18, 2008, 12:51 AM
Any man who believes in government subsidies for day parenting (let's be honest, it's not daycare. It's paying someone else to be mommy to your child) is not only NOT a man, but not fit to be president.

The government should not be in the child-rearing business.


I guess we should kill free public education too. Afterall, it's child rearing big time

Jul 18, 2008, 12:53 AM
Any man who believes in government subsidies for day parenting (let's be honest, it's not daycare. It's paying someone else to be mommy to your child) is not only NOT a man, but not fit to be president.

The government should not be in the child-rearing business.

When I was growing up, all the families in my neighborhood were large, 4+ kids.
When I was growing up, all the mothers stayed home.
When I was growing up, only the babies were with their mother all day.
When I was growing up, none of the mothers were with their kids all day.
When I was growing up, all the mothers in the neighborhood shared the responsibility of raising all the kids in the neighborhood during the day.

Now, 50 + years later, children still need more than a stay-home mother. Fathers and mothers in neighborhoods, cities and the nation share the responsibility of raising children, both their own and others. Daycare can be part (but not all) of this daytime parenting effort.

Jul 18, 2008, 1:13 AM
This is not the place for politics? Speaking of genius, perhaps your grammar, spelling, and punctuation could use some brushing up?
Rotan, may I ask, have you visited this site during the last two years? Politics has been a topic de jour. As far as my grammer and punctuation, I simply copied a quote and please excuse me for misspeliing his first name.Having said this, piss off!

Jul 18, 2008, 1:17 AM
Rotan, may I ask, have you visited this site during the last two years? Politics has been a topic de jour. As far as my grammer and punctuation, I simply copied a quote and please excuse me for misspeliing his first name.Having said this, piss off!

Oh the typo gods are against me, i misspelled, missplell

Jul 18, 2008, 1:18 AM
err misspell

Jul 18, 2008, 1:28 AM
Chu--if ya don't like Barak Obama--fine--you don't like him and that is legitimate--for whatever reason!!!

But do we have to resort to Rush Limbaugh/Ann Coulter, et al type of "conservative" talking heads BS on here???

If you have real concerns, disagreements and the like with Obama or any other candidate--please air them--but don't resort to low brow tactics.

It would be legitmate if you had said Barak Hussein Obama in your title---but to use his middle name only--a name that carries 'baggage' obviously enough---baggage that Barak Obama is in no way associated with.

Saddam Hussein was a thug, a butcher, a mad man and many other things---Barak Obama is none of those things---he simply has a world and political view different from that of yourself but it is still well within the traditions of poltics in this nation--a political and worldview held by just a shade less than half the population as expressed in voting patterns in recent years--just like a strong conservative block makes up almost exactly the same number of people on that side of things---we are all Americans--and this demonization of "the other" is not good for our nation.

Also in this vein--- Barak Obama is not a marxist/socialist as I heard one conservative African-American commentator continually say on a program on FOX News a few days ago. If you look at Obama's record such as it is--he is on the "liberal" side of the spectrum but is way in the middle and no way any where near the fringe--to say that Obama is a marxist/socialist is simply crap and is yet one more myth that the right wing spin machine spews out like wet spaghetti noodles all over the place to see what falsehood charges can "stick" since they follow the mode of "tell the lie enough and it becomes 'truth'!"--at least in the minds of some--hopefully --"just enough" will believe that "truth" to achieve victory since the real fight in modern politics is to get to 50% plus one in order to win.

Here is another canard being tossed around by the right wing spin machine about Obama is that he is an "ELITEIST"

To that I say without hesitancy--BULL FRACKING CRAP!!!!

Barak Obama lived a sort of Horatio Alger story in the best tradition of what it is to be an American---for one thing--he was of mixed race---part-white and part black of course--born at a time that such a thing set a person back more than a few notches down the ladder--but out of the power of his intellect, his drive and the support of a single mother who struggled to provide a life for her son--and his grandparents--he did the right thing--he stayed in school--made "good marks" as they used to say and went on to earn both an undergraduate and a jurisdoctorate (law degree).

Since he did so well in law school----graduating at or near the top of his Harvard University School of Law class--he could have written his own ticket--gone to work for the biggest and most prestigious corporate law firms in this nation making himself an incredibly wealthy man--but he chose not too-going into public service instead!

So--Barak Obama does what conservatives all like to talk in their homilies about what is good and right about America. He works hard as a student, earns a measure of success and he gets slammed by the right wing spin machine as an ELITEIST!!!! What total, total crap that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The one thing that Barak Obama might be guilty of--he is a geek--a bookworm. He ain't cool like he would be had he been an NBA, NFL or a rap star!!! It goes to show that the American Dream machine does work--he is a black man who is a geek just like lots of whites, Asians, Jews, etc.!!!

So what that he can't bowl and so what that he doesn't wear the lapel pin--to me that is simply an affectation that so many people have done in recent years---back in the days of Hitler in Nazi Germany--you had damn well better wear your Nazi party pin.

We are not Nazi Germany, and it don't mean diddly that Barak doesn't wear the flag pin--I don't in my life and wouldn't if I were in politics either.

One more spin BS thing about Barak Obama while I am ranting--He is not a Muslim!!!!!---even though there are obviously a fair number of "folks" who think he is--I don't know if they are simply not paying close enough attention to things to have heard the brouhaha about Obama's CHRISTIAN minister--or if they heard that-- it didn't sink in--or they if are really ignorant bozos by choice or design. It is not that if someone were paying attention you could miss that it has been reported over and over again---in the evil liberal media (of course)--that Barak Obama is a CHRISTIAN and not A MUSLIM!!!hey buddy, your point is?

Jul 18, 2008, 1:40 AM

I guess we should kill free public education too. Afterall, it's child rearing big time

Thats a great idea. The government should mandate education for children but not administer it nor pay for it.

Jul 18, 2008, 4:50 AM
Thats a great idea. The government should mandate education for children but not administer it nor pay for it.

Pay for guns an not education huh? wow..wotta trade off.. that shud return us 2 the days wen mos peeps wer poor an ignorant.. o joy of joys.. wud help the nation get the skills it needs 2 run a 3rd world economy..or not as the case may b... wottan arse!

Jul 18, 2008, 6:48 AM
For those of you that know a bit of history, Harry S. Truman's middle name was Sergie. But in the 40's he thought is sounded too Russian, so he told everyone that the S. meant nothing. Obama's middle name also means nothing, but I dislike his policies that I think, will be bad for the country, most especially how he will deal with terrorism.

By the way, when Obama makes a verbal slip, (and he makes many) its not big deal, but when Bush makes a slip, or Dan Quayle misspells potato, is front-page news. Why is that? Speaking of Bush, does anyone remember he graduated from Yale, and yet, the media portrays him as a dummy.

Jul 18, 2008, 7:26 AM
For those of you that know a bit of history, Harry S. Truman's middle name was Sergie. But in the 40's he thought is sounded too Russian, so he told everyone that the S. meant nothing. Obama's middle name also means nothing, but I dislike his policies that I think, will be bad for the country, most especially how he will deal with terrorism.

By the way, when Obama makes a verbal slip, (and he makes many) its not big deal, but when Bush makes a slip, or Dan Quayle misspells potato, is front-page news. Why is that? Speaking of Bush, does anyone remember he graduated from Yale, and yet, the media portrays him as a dummy.

With Cocaine and DUIs too dont forget(or did peeps forget conveniently about Bush's love for the nose candy)... since everyone wanted to say "OMG!!!! Clinton smoked... WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Who let the Cokehead in the White House?? Not I...Should a cokehead have access to the infamous "RED BUTTON"??? What the hell do YOU think?!?!?!?

Who said, "The CHILDRENS need to learn to read"??? Not I... your friend Dubya cant even conjugate a sentence...the J.A. cant even give a speech!!! (see every episode of "Great Moments in Presidential speeches" presented by David Letterman) o Yosemite Sam au rare... Please dont get me started....

Jul 18, 2008, 8:04 AM
Obama scares the hell out of me. He has a huge following and if you really listen to his speaches, he says nothing at all. The media treats him like the 2nd coming of christ. This nation is pretty much screwed no matter who wins the election. McCain will make us a semi socialist nation and Obama will make us a semi communist nation.

Jul 18, 2008, 8:04 AM
Reminds me of the definitions of insanity...

Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result ( or something like that...)

"Mommy, mommy I'm walking in circles!!"

"Shut up or I'll nail your other foot to the floor!!"


ROTFLMAO vitt !!!!!!!!


Jul 18, 2008, 1:26 PM
Obama scares the hell out of me. He has a huge following and if you really listen to his speaches, he says nothing at all. The media treats him like the 2nd coming of christ. This nation is pretty much screwed no matter who wins the election. McCain will make us a semi socialist nation and Obama will make us a semi communist nation.

Wudn complain if eitha happened..but please pray..do ya kno the difference tween socialism an communism?? Jus outa interests sake...

Jul 18, 2008, 1:51 PM
McCain will make us a semi socialist nation and Obama will make us a semi communist nation.

Both socialism and communism as systems are dead ducks--they are so 19th and 20th Century!!!!

What we have now is an ever increasing merger of all powerful government and extremely powerful and wealthy corporatism.

There is no such thing as a entirely free and unfettered market system as envisioned by people such as Adam Smith. Corporations talk about a "free market" but they don't really want that--they sure take goverment subsidies, tax breaks or outright money from the goverment.

We support our "farmers" (now mostly large multinational companies like ADM, Cargill and Monsanto) and control that market to protect them in spite of our "free trade" agreements.

You have companies like Halliburton, Kellogg Brown and Root and Blackwater International doing on no bid contracts-- work in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere that used to be done by our military and other government agencies. With some of the big defense contractors--it is hard to tell the line between them and the government.

If we have another major terrorist attack along the lines of 9/11--forget about individual freedoms---most average people will gladly ceede most if not all of their remaining rights to the government in "order to make us safe!!!"

Forget about those dead tired terms like socialism, communism, facism and even captialism--all of them have sort of morphed together into a system that we have this one huge conglomeration of all powerful government and private interests.

Jul 18, 2008, 2:10 PM
I see you like many others here are blinded by unfounded belifs that are twisted by the media that make up there own facts.Thats just too bad.

Jul 18, 2008, 4:07 PM
Lately, it's like some people sit around saying "hmm, what thread can I start today that I KNOW is gonna start shit".

I think threads like this are rather pointless. Everyone has their own opinions and that's all there is to it. It's not like the thread is actually going to go anywhere or lead to anything except arguments and disagreements.

Jul 18, 2008, 5:12 PM
Lately, it's like some people sit around saying "hmm, what thread can I start today that I KNOW is gonna start shit".

I think threads like this are rather pointless. Everyone has their own opinions and that's all there is to it. It's not like the thread is actually going to go anywhere or lead to anything except arguments and disagreements.

Debate is good!

Jul 18, 2008, 7:38 PM
Go ahead.... fight amongst yourselves....


mmmmmm fresh kettle corn....

curious married m
Jul 18, 2008, 8:04 PM
Obama will make us a semi communist nation. (Quote from previous post)

We have freedoms strippped from us by the Patriot Act in the name protecting us from terrorists? Wire taps, check points for drunk drivers (unwarrented searches of the innocent) and you say Obama wants to make us more communistic than THAT. Last I heard an individual's right to privacy was protected. Sorry but right now I feel like I am already in a Communist country run by Big Brother in the name of God. Funny how more people die defending their God with the attitude of my God's better than yours. Hell, even within Christianity folks can't agree on what God stands for. I don't know if Obama is better, but if it is different than our present course, which McCain seems to want to stay with, then maybe we need to turn that way to regain some measure of respect. Because right now, this great USA is in the eyes of the rest of the world, a selfish pile of Crap. So much for being a good Global Neighbor. OK enough ranting. Let's quit talking religion and politics and get back to that last subject you should never talk about, SEX.:2cents:

Jul 18, 2008, 8:23 PM
By the way, when Obama makes a verbal slip, (and he makes many) its not big deal, but when Bush makes a slip, or Dan Quayle misspells potato, is front-page news. Why is that? Speaking of Bush, does anyone remember he graduated from Yale, and yet, the media portrays him as a dummy.

This is because Obama is being backed by huge media companies. Time Warner Turner, which owns most of the big weekly magazines, many newspapers, and CNN, is one of his top contributors (that is, employees of TWT rank in the top ten, after Goldman Sachs, the U of California, Harvard, a bunch of telecoms and techie companies, etc.)

Warren Buffet, who owns s-loads of newspapers, endorsed Obama months ago.

There is nothing Obama can do that will warrant bad press. The New Yorker cover, for instance, was planted by pro-Obama satirists to make it look like someone somewhere was publicly attacking him for no reason; after all, with so little negative press to disavow, his backers must feel bored.

Read the NY Times piece that showed Obama receives almost 3 times as much coverage in every medium. Michelle Obama's edge over Cindy McCain is even huger.

Regardless of his middle name or whether people think Obama is stupid (he is definitely NOT stupid), this candidacy is the biggest setup/hack job by a cadre of rich elitists that the world has ever seen. With no real opposition, he is going to get to Washington and dish out huge bucks for "research" and "development" and "tuition assistance" programs, which will be gigantic lucky breaks for research universities, investment firms, and media companies that do public relations, among other thinktank-like stuff. If you thought Big Oil and agribusiness and Wal-Mart were dirty, wait until you see how hierachical and fascist America will be when Washington is run like a gigantic Viacom focus group!

And for those of you who think BHO is going to be peaceful, think again! Iraq will be long forgotten by the time Obama starts a war with Pakistan. I am not making this up, go to google news and read what O has been saying are his foreign policy priorities.

And poor black people! They are giving up so much -- even letting him insult them over and over again -- because they want a black President more than they want real advocacy, economic development, or a secure country!

Ah well, that's my rant of the day. McCain is a good man, he just can't seem to get anyone to spend more than 40 seconds to look at his complicated life history and political career.


Jul 18, 2008, 8:56 PM
Obama will make us a semi communist nation. (Quote from previous post)

We have freedoms strippped from us by the Patriot Act in the name protecting us from terrorists? Wire taps, check points for drunk drivers (unwarrented searches of the innocent) and you say Obama wants to make us more communistic than THAT. Last I heard an individual's right to privacy was protected. Sorry but right now I feel like I am already in a Communist country run by Big Brother in the name of God. Funny how more people die defending their God with the attitude of my God's better than yours. Hell, even within Christianity folks can't agree on what God stands for. I don't know if Obama is better, but if it is different than our present course, which McCain seems to want to stay with, then maybe we need to turn that way to regain some measure of respect. Because right now, this great USA is in the eyes of the rest of the world, a selfish pile of Crap. So much for being a good Global Neighbor. OK enough ranting. Let's quit talking religion and politics and get back to that last subject you should never talk about, SEX.:2cents:Curio..of alla the men on this site me has luffed u more than ne otha... but livin in a communist nation? Big bro jus aint only an idea a the left...the God thing ya kno how me feels bout that! yas rite...the US is considered a selfish pila crap.. jus as we wer fore u ...an every imperial power wich has eva existed...ther is much envy a the power a the US..but its not all envy...its also anger gainst the greed an selfishness a ur country for its determination 2 hav its ow way in the world..jus as the brits, the romans, the persians et al did fore them.. thing is its not u an the ordinaire american that reely wants 2 run the show..ne more than ther Brit Roman or Persian etc predecessors..its the powerful classes an iinstitutions..ordinary peeps rouund the world jus wanna liv ther lives an do ok..an hopefeully b happy. The powers that b, the rich, the rulin class jus won let em cos it aint in ther interests so 2 do....

Jul 18, 2008, 10:22 PM
Curio..of alla the men on this site me has luffed u more than ne otha... but livin in a communist nation? Big bro jus aint only an idea a the left...the God thing ya kno how me feels bout that! yas rite...the US is considered a selfish pila crap.. jus as we wer fore u ...an every imperial power wich has eva existed...ther is much envy a the power a the US..but its not all envy...its also anger gainst the greed an selfishness a ur country for its determination 2 hav its ow way in the world..jus as the brits, the romans, the persians et al did fore them.. thing is its not u an the ordinaire american that reely wants 2 run the show..ne more than ther Brit Roman or Persian etc predecessors..its the powerful classes an iinstitutions..ordinary peeps rouund the world jus wanna liv ther lives an do ok..an hopefeully b happy. The powers that b, the rich, the rulin class jus won let em cos it aint in ther interests so 2 do....

Spoken like a wise student of history, Darkeyes.

We all need to look at the history of our species and our nation. For the record, Darkeyes, as far as we were taught, it was England, specifically that has been a greedy sob through much of history from the middle ages to about the early 20th century.

But I digress.

History has shown that mighty empires rise and fall. Rome got too big for it's britches and fell, partly because of it's overzealous religious bent, after becoming a Christian nation, but also because of other internal factors.
20 years ago, a friend of mine made the comment about how we have become the new Rome. He was right and we, as a nation, have failed to prevent our own fall.
This has been predominantly because of corporate and political greed. Interestingly, those were two of the big factors that lead to Rome's fall. It has also been instrumental to expanding the delusion of entitlement that was started by the welfare movement of the 1960's and 1970's.

There is a basic truth; and many have repeated it, but few have taken it to heart, which is "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

Jul 18, 2008, 11:01 PM
Obama will make us a semi communist nation. (Quote from previous post)

We have freedoms strippped from us by the Patriot Act in the name protecting us from terrorists? Wire taps, check points for drunk drivers (unwarrented searches of the innocent) and you say Obama wants to make us more communistic than THAT. Last I heard an individual's right to privacy was protected. Sorry but right now I feel like I am already in a Communist country run by Big Brother in the name of God. Funny how more people die defending their God with the attitude of my God's better than yours. Hell, even within Christianity folks can't agree on what God stands for. I don't know if Obama is better, but if it is different than our present course, which McCain seems to want to stay with, then maybe we need to turn that way to regain some measure of respect.

Dayum, how that reminds me of "Stay the course".......:eek:

Because right now, this great USA is in the eyes of the rest of the world, a selfish pile of Crap. So much for being a good Global Neighbor. OK enough ranting. Let's quit talking religion and politics and get back to that last subject you should never talk about, SEX.:2cents:

Sex, yes, let's talk about sex..........mmmmmmmm sexxxxxxxxxx:tong:

Jul 18, 2008, 11:28 PM
OMG!!!!!! I'm agreeing with Falcon Angel again!!!! :eek:

In other words, as a great man named Ronald Roudebush said:

"Those who get greedy, end up needy"

That phrase works for almost EVERYTHING... try it sometime :)

Spoken like a wise student of history, Darkeyes.

We all need to look at the history of our species and our nation. For the record, Darkeyes, as far as we were taught, it was England, specifically that has been a greedy sob through much of history from the middle ages to about the early 20th century.

But I digress.

History has shown that mighty empires rise and fall. Rome got too big for it's britches and fell, partly because of it's overzealous religious bent, after becoming a Christian nation, but also because of other internal factors.
20 years ago, a friend of mine made the comment about how we have become the new Rome. He was right and we, as a nation, have failed to prevent our own fall.
This has been predominantly because of corporate and political greed. Interestingly, those were two of the big factors that lead to Rome's fall. It has also been instrumental to expanding the delusion of entitlement that was started by the welfare movement of the 1960's and 1970's.

There is a basic truth; and many have repeated it, but few have taken it to heart, which is "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

Jul 19, 2008, 1:25 AM
Pay for guns an not education huh? wow..wotta trade off.. that shud return us 2 the days wen mos peeps wer poor an ignorant.. o joy of joys.. wud help the nation get the skills it needs 2 run a 3rd world economy..or not as the case may b... wottan arse!

Yes. Buying guns should be the #1 job of the American government since history proves than human kind is brutal.

Collective defense? YES!

Collective Education? Only the nazi's believed in that.

Jul 19, 2008, 7:02 AM
Collective Education? Only the nazi's believed in that.

That statement is moronic. Every culture since the beginning of human culture has practiced some form of collective education.

Jul 19, 2008, 9:18 AM

Jul 19, 2008, 12:43 PM
That statement is moronic. Every culture since the beginning of human culture has practiced some form of collective education.

That statement is moronic and false.

The Nazi's were Socialists that used collective education to indoctrinate their youth. That is what socialism relies upon, collective indoctrination. This is why the left is hellbent against school vouchers. It threatens their indoctrination camps (public schools)

Annika L
Jul 19, 2008, 8:53 PM
bisexualinsocal believes that this sentence is moronic (or at least false). ;)

Geez, people, are we down to this level of "debate"? :tong:

Jul 20, 2008, 1:04 AM
bisexualinsocal believes that this sentence is moronic (or at least false). ;)

Geez, people, are we down to this level of "debate"? :tong:

I agree Annika, there really isn't anything to debate here. He is making statements that are utterly divorced from reality, or so vague as to be meaningless. The spread of disinformation still needs to be pointed out though, so here goes...

ALL societies use collective education to indoctrinate their children, its whether that indoctrination has any truth content or adaptive value that matters as to whether it is a good or bad practice. There are NO historical examples of societies that don't use collective education. ALL societies are "socialist" in the broadest sense that BSinSoCal uses, otherwise they wouldn't be societies (they would simply be a group of unconnected individuals).

Jul 20, 2008, 1:48 PM
Lately, it's like some people sit around saying "hmm, what thread can I start today that I KNOW is gonna start shit".

I think threads like this are rather pointless. Everyone has their own opinions and that's all there is to it. It's not like the thread is actually going to go anywhere or lead to anything except arguments and disagreements.

well i didnt start this thread by saying hmmm to myself, i saw a quote and posted it.

Jul 21, 2008, 1:29 PM
well i didnt start this thread by saying hmmm to myself, i saw a quote and posted it.

Well I guess it's a good thing that you posted something having to do with a topic of politics, which we all know won't start a debate or anything ;)

Jul 21, 2008, 2:47 PM
I guess that bisexualinsocal doesn't wany anyone to recieve education so we can all be as smart as he is!!! :bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

He just exudes such intelligence and profound thought!!!!!

Jul 21, 2008, 3:44 PM
Well I guess it's a good thing that you posted something having to do with a topic of politics, which we all know won't start a debate or anything ;)

well hmmmm, you got me there, but you have to admit it is more interesting than some of the topics, like cum eating and cut or uncut, etc. etc....

Jul 21, 2008, 10:52 PM
I guess that bisexualinsocal doesn't wany anyone to recieve education so we can all be as smart as he is!!! :bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

He just exudes such intelligence and profound thought!!!!!

He exudes his beliefs.
I am just so happy to believe differently.
Or maybe,
I am happy because I believe differently.

My father's college education was only because of the GI bill for his service in WW2. I am very well educated only because of first class support of public education. This country will not be a great nation by optimizing the ability to kill people that hinder its interests. Great nations require both military and intellectual strength and especially wisdom to avoid becoming what we fear.