View Full Version : Totally Shameless Plug...

Jul 13, 2008, 7:49 PM
Hey Loves, there will be a Huge Biker Rally here in Wa state in a seaside town called Ocean Shores, and it will be held July 25th thru the 27th. There is anywhere over 6,000 to 10,000 bikers that come to this event, and its fabulous! Booths and vendors of all kinds, dang near any kind of foods that you'd like, and so much leather that it would make any Leather Lover drool. (Hush Sis) lol
Starts at 9 am on the 25th and ends Sunday morning on the 27th. My booth is the Veterans booth when you first come on to the Convention center grounds, east side (I think) lol
you get a chance to, please come and see us!!!!
Cat, AngelRose and Shameless..(And a few members of my Lifestyle group as well) :wiggle2:
Your Cat

Jul 13, 2008, 9:46 PM
If there was any chance of being there we would, but the distance doesn't work. Anything for a vet is a duty in my book, because of the honor it bestows.

Jul 13, 2008, 11:01 PM
Sounds like a great chance to get your hide tanned!! LOL

Wish I could make it but I will be there in spirit!!

Have fun


Jul 14, 2008, 9:28 AM
There was a big rally here just a few weeks ago (Republic of Texas bike rally) and it was awesome!
Hope you have a great time!

Jul 14, 2008, 9:39 AM
We had our huge biker rally the weekend of June 13-15th. Flounder had his bike accident the morning of the 13th. He didn't get there and he had been living for that weekend for months. But he did have some visitors from his ABATE group and they sent him a beautiful plant. Anyway, his bike is totalled, he's still very slow and only back to work about 4 hours a day. He's attempting 8 hours a day this week but I don't think he'll make it.

Unfortunately we won't be making yours either. But I hope you all have a great time!

Jul 14, 2008, 1:38 PM
If we lived in the area, we would sooooooo be there.

Unfortunately, we live about 1400 miles from there and gas is a little too expensive for us and not enough vacation time to make the trip.

Take pictures, though. We would love to see them.

The next big bike event here is going to be the annual Christmas Toys in the Sun Run, in early December.

You would figure, with the warm weather down here, that more people would come out for runs, but there just isn't enough people willing to go out on a poker run or anything any more. It sucks, because we have been jonesing for a good run or event to go to.

With my chainmaille jewlery business, I would be happy if there were a few that I could vend at.

Jul 14, 2008, 2:12 PM
LOL Yes Loves, I'll get pictures. Just remember that your cat isnt the prettiest kitty in the box, but IS one of the most playful and mischievious...lmao
Hugs and licks

Jul 14, 2008, 11:17 PM
Too many miles, too little time.

Sounds great though.


Jul 15, 2008, 12:14 AM
Bad news Loves..wont be doing the Bike Rally after all...
Ah well...maybe next year...
and PS..Damn Wolf..drool drool..lol

Jul 16, 2008, 5:58 PM
Bad news Loves..wont be doing the Bike Rally after all...
Ah well...maybe next year...
and PS..Damn Wolf..drool drool..lol

What the hell happened Cat?? I thought you doing that rally was a done deal!!

Sorry to hear that you won't be going ---you so seemed to be looking forward to it-----

Jul 17, 2008, 4:22 PM
Cat...Sorry to hear the trip has been cancelled. It sounded like a really nice adventure. Oh well...just have to make new plans my dear....and I do think you are one of the prettiest kitty kats in the pack.
