View Full Version : Just wanted to say bye

Dec 21, 2005, 6:41 PM
I am closing my account in here...virus and drama to much for me. Anyways i just wanted to tell you all bye and let you know incase someone takes up with my old name. Had fun be good and merry christmas everyone :)

Dec 21, 2005, 7:53 PM
Ok....sure.....if you feel the need to leave over something that no one knows anything about, that's your choice! :(
Would have been nice to know atleast who you and Tom are and what happened since you posted all this.
Oh well. Sorry you have had such a rough time here. Good luck to you!

Dec 21, 2005, 10:39 PM
I'm sorry to see you go and wish you'd reconsider, Jenna, especially when I'm sure Tom is not going to hold something you didn't say against you. I don't know what's going on but you two always work things out and you shouldn't let anyone who is spreading around lies run you out.

Dec 21, 2005, 11:08 PM
hello jenna,
and i feel the same as arana does,
if this is between you and tom then it should stay between you and tom, it should not include ANYONE else
i will miss you (already have) but if this is something you feel you have to do then i will understand
(not meant to be sarcastic) jenna, it was great knowing you, and please take care of yourself, good luck in anything you do!!!

your caring friend m.in.heels&hose

Dec 22, 2005, 2:05 AM

I don't know you, Tom, or any of the details, but I wish you well. It sounds like I must be missing lots of interesting events because I never go into that chatroom.


Dec 22, 2005, 10:59 AM

Although I'm not sure I have met you on-line, I just wanted to join the rest expressing my disappointment that something that happened in the chat-room in this site made you feel uncomfortable and eventually made you want to close your account on this site.

I had read your other thread having had problems with a Tom, but I didn't have any idea what you were speaking about. Not sure who he is, nor what happened, but I think that sometimes it's easy to have misunderstandings when the conversation is not face to face, but I believe also that things can be clarified and going back to good terms with people. If things didn't work out that way, you still have plenty of nice people you can interact with.

I just then want to wish you, all the best, whatever decision you take.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! :santa:

Take care, :bdaygrin:

ray :male:

Dec 22, 2005, 11:04 PM
I am closing my account in here...virus and drama to much for me. Anyways i just wanted to tell you all bye and let you know incase someone takes up with my old name. Had fun be good and merry christmas everyone :)

I'm sorry to see you leave sweetie although I don't know Tom or any details to come to your decision as you have or are planning to make regarding your account here. I have seen you in chat and I truly hope you will reconsider before making a decision because of one person..please don't let one person ruin something that is supposed to be fun. It's not worth it. Anyway, the decision is always you dear........I wish you the best whatever it may be.

Dec 23, 2005, 2:38 AM
Some answers for you guys.. :santa:

Dec 23, 2005, 3:18 AM
Well it's a good thing I never go in that chatroom!> This looks scary.

Thanks, bigregory, for letting us know what the problem was.


Dec 23, 2005, 3:32 AM
Well that was something entirely different than the current issues. You should come to the chat room sometime Johnny because it's not scary at all. The things going on with Jenna and Co., I believe, may be misunderstanding or bad communications and probably should have been handled with the involved parties instead of in this forum since no one but them knows what's going on.

Dec 23, 2005, 3:32 AM
You need to protect yourself to be safe .
an open pc is a bone to be chewed
wear a condom opps, get antivirus stuff
saves a world o hassel for really not that much money.
But just like safe sex once you got it you got it so think ahead.
I know of some free sites around the web i will look them up .
If anyone knows of some free protection sites please add them here maybe we can get a database going to help us all.
If we can help 1 person and not have a forum such as this sad 1 ever posted again that would be awsome!!

Dec 23, 2005, 3:40 AM
Lets get some more and we can get a web link going for them.

Dec 23, 2005, 6:14 PM
Well that was something entirely different than the current issues. You should come to the chat room sometime Johnny because it's not scary at all. The things going on with Jenna and Co., I believe, may be misunderstanding or bad communications and probably should have been handled with the involved parties instead of in this forum since no one but them knows what's going on.

Yeah Johnny..do try the chat room. It is a fun place to go to get to know others here and we have a good time. The atmosphere of the chat room is friendly and although there are the occasional ones that only appear for hook ups, the majority of us are there just to have a good time. Please don't let this thread influence your decision. Like arana, I believe that it would have been less confusing had this matter been handled elsewhere.
