View Full Version : Good Riddances...

Jul 6, 2008, 8:44 PM
Drew-Honey? Isnt there a way to delete past annoying threads posted by the Trools? I mean, they've been banned already, cant we get rid of their worthless posts after their banning? (Bannage??)
Just a thought. :}

curious married m
Jul 6, 2008, 9:27 PM
Not Sure CM, and Drew may have to answer this, but the original posts can be deleted but those who answered or quoted the Troll puts the Troll's words up repeatedly. My advise post if you must but DO NOT QUOTE the TROLL. But also when a Troll starts a tread DO NOT respond to it and it falls down the list and dies in the netherland of forgotton posts. My :2cents:

Jul 6, 2008, 11:28 PM
Ty Darlin. I asked this because a new member read some of the nonsense that the troll(One of many) wrote to me, and to/about others. It made her very uncomfortable, thats why I wondered if the posts could be deleted.
New people seeing these coul;d get the wrong idea, and be afraid to Be a member here due to this persons stupidity.

Jul 7, 2008, 3:35 PM
Not Sure CM, and Drew may have to answer this, but the original posts can be deleted but those who answered or quoted the Troll puts the Troll's words up repeatedly. My advise post if you must but DO NOT QUOTE the TROLL. But also when a Troll starts a tread DO NOT respond to it and it falls down the list and dies in the netherland of forgotton posts. My :2cents:

uhh....... yeah! What he said :wiggle2::bounce:

ohhh ..... I forgot!! I wasn't suposed to quote, was I?? :rolleyes: :wacko: :upside:


Jul 8, 2008, 11:58 AM
my ideas on the subject is if someone posts something objectionable why reply i mean just ignor em and maby they'll go away. one can't get any satisfaction if they get no reply, some people are assholes and just like to rub people the wrong way for attention or to try to screw things up for every one else, so people who vent and reply are just feeding the fire. if they used their heads they would just read it and forget it , by not replying the thread is left empty and the person can see that their post is of no consequence to any one and they are nothing. when people reply to a stupid post wether positive or negitive they are lending creedence to it and giving it attention which it dosent deserve. which makes it viable as a subject because some who have reputable names reply their replys maby thought as to be worthy enough to leave in the post. hence the catch 22 factor. so just dont reply, then the post is easier to remove by drew, without hurting anyones feelings except for the culprit. remember we dont have to respond to every post.