View Full Version : Nudest resorts

Jul 5, 2008, 3:38 PM
Here is one...Has anyone been to a nudest resort, swing club, or nudest/swingers resort? If you have which ones did you like, which ones didn't you like, and why?

Jul 5, 2008, 3:39 PM
you can get the hottest sex ever at nudist resorts!

Jul 5, 2008, 6:41 PM
I have been to all of them (categories...not all of the clubs and resorts). I had a great time at all. The nudist resirts I went to were more like a family camping area and although I know for a fact sex happened (because some were also swingers) it was not done in the open. It was a family area.

If you became physically aroused (got an erection) or tried to engage in any manipulation of the genitalia (your or someone elses) you would be ejected for the park. (When the owner/mananger was not around, a few couples did have a quick lick to see who gave the best head, but that was quick and a flirt, not to completion. Occassionally late at night there might have been some sexual activity at the hot tub...but generally it was not easy to see it occur.

The swing clubs are something else. My wife and I belong to two. One is more clique-ish than the other. One requires you to wear protection for any penetration and provides loads of comdoms. The other does not want the liability of one breaking so they provide none and using protection is up to you.

It is erotic as hell to watch people walk around naked, rather at the nudist resorts or swing clubs.

I can give you specifics on which ones I liked and why if anyone is interested.


Jul 5, 2008, 7:41 PM
Living in the Nudist capital of North America (Land O Lakes, FL; Pasco County; just 25 miles north of Tampa International Airport) I have to say we love going to the resorts. Within 5 miles of me are four resorts and one development. The oldest is Lake Como; very rustic, very laid back. Next up is Paradise Lakes. For the longest time it was the best game in town. Now Caliente has opened up and PL has dropped to 2nd place. But 2nd place is still a great spot to be. PL now caters more towards local guests and established guests. Caliente is the 'Daddy Mac / Mac Daddy' of resorts. European themed architecture, no expense was spared. Great night club. My only complaint is that in the conversation pool, the nearest bar is too damned far away. With Paradise Lakes its about a 20' walk (so you can guess which place I prefer to go). Caliente's membership in AANR is currently suspended on a probationary basis for allowing too much in the line of swinging to go on. Then there is River Boat. Where as Lake Como is rustic in a charming kind of way, River Boat is rustic in that "damn, could there be any more flies around us and holy shit...do you see what that group is doing" kinda of way. Needless to say River Boat hasn't been a member of AANR in a long time (IIRC).

Now keep in mind that nudist does not automatically mean swinger and vice versa. As I said earlier, AANR will yank a resorts membership in a NY minute if they feel that the resort is more sexually orientated.

Jul 5, 2008, 8:49 PM
Just had my first experience, at Caliente last month. Been looking for a place to retire in Pasco county ever since. :)

I would recommend it to anyone to give it a try.

Jul 5, 2008, 8:56 PM
lol I am a core member of three swingers "Resorts" here in Wa state, and dearly love it. We also have a fanTastic nudist resort here. :}

Jul 6, 2008, 7:58 AM
When I lived in Orange county Ca. I visited the nude beach at San Onofre. Mostly it was middle aged couples and singles. They had a saying "Nude is not lewd" and discouraged any thing sexual. However if you walked south past the fence you were on a Military reservation. I did partake in MM sex several times there, joined a "circle jerk" once. Never witnessed MF action but it was always fun being naked with others. I bought myself a metal detector for an excuse to wander around slowly among the naked bodies and observe their assets. I found many coins and pull tabs. Mostly I loved looking at pussies shaved and unshaved. I recall one man showing up with a young girl that he introduced as his 17yo daughter. She was lovely.

Jul 6, 2008, 9:39 AM
Been to Hedonism twice, We used to winter over Oct-Apr at Sunsport Gardens in Palm Beach, Fl, Nice back then, Rustic. Stayed at Sunny Sands (Daytona) Both resorts in the Fl panhandle, Como, One close to the Canadian border in Washington St, I think it was called Kinikitsu. Visited most all in Land a Lakes area. Have been wintering over in Rio Grande Valley, Tx for 3 years. Stay at Sandpipers and visit Natures Resort. All of the ones mentioned with exception of Hedo were AANR sanctioned and had to be discreet, except for middle of the night adventures. Hedo back than was pretty open in the Hottub and Beach area

Jul 6, 2008, 1:59 PM
We have been to each of the resorts that Pasco sited above. We tend to agree except that we would probably prefer Paradise Lakes over the others. Swinging is there but don't expect to just show up some day and be accepted. That isn't going to happen. If you are a single male the odds are that you may well not even be allowed to get past the front gate. That is just a plain and simple fact of life. One single guy being obnoxious can ruin it for all single guys. We tend to like single guys around if they know how to behave. Especially if they are bi.

Jul 6, 2008, 3:30 PM
Living in the Nudist capital of North America (Land O Lakes, FL; Pasco County; just 25 miles north of Tampa International Airport) I have to say we love going to the resorts. Within 5 miles of me are four resorts and one development. The oldest is Lake Como; very rustic, very laid back. Next up is Paradise Lakes. For the longest time it was the best game in town. Now Caliente has opened up and PL has dropped to 2nd place. But 2nd place is still a great spot to be. PL now caters more towards local guests and established guests. Caliente is the 'Daddy Mac / Mac Daddy' of resorts. European themed architecture, no expense was spared. Great night club. My only complaint is that in the conversation pool, the nearest bar is too damned far away. With Paradise Lakes its about a 20' walk (so you can guess which place I prefer to go). Caliente's membership in AANR is currently suspended on a probationary basis for allowing too much in the line of swinging to go on. Then there is River Boat. Where as Lake Como is rustic in a charming kind of way, River Boat is rustic in that "damn, could there be any more flies around us and holy shit...do you see what that group is doing" kinda of way. Needless to say River Boat hasn't been a member of AANR in a long time (IIRC).

Now keep in mind that nudist does not automatically mean swinger and vice versa. As I said earlier, AANR will yank a resorts membership in a NY minute if they feel that the resort is more sexually orientated.

Since we live in the same area, we have heard of these places, but, have yet to get out to one. We would love to attend one someday soon. We love to express ourselves, and being nude is something we both enjoy.

Maybe we will see you there someday! :bigrin:

Jul 6, 2008, 6:43 PM
When I lived in Orange county Ca. I visited the nude beach at San Onofre. Mostly it was middle aged couples and singles. They had a saying "Nude is not lewd" and discouraged any thing sexual. However if you walked south past the fence you were on a Military reservation. I did partake in MM sex several times there, joined a "circle jerk" once. Never witnessed MF action but it was always fun being naked with others. I bought myself a metal detector for an excuse to wander around slowly among the naked bodies and observe their assets. I found many coins and pull tabs. Mostly I loved looking at pussies shaved and unshaved. I recall one man showing up with a young girl that he introduced as his 17yo daughter. She was lovely.

You know, if I were at a nude beach and had seen you doing something like that... I would lodge that metal detector sideways up your ass.

We have enough issues with gawkers as it is let alone folks like yourself doing shit like this! :p

Now, aside from this...

I frequent nudist resorts in the local area along with my wife. They are a great place to kick back and relax. As was noted before, they are a family place... If there is any sexual activity there, it is done behind closed doors much like just about any other place in society.

Jul 6, 2008, 10:06 PM
We have a public nude beach nearby that we have gone to a couple of times...it's a very nice, relaxed vibe. There are people of all ages, shapes and sizes...I find it wonderful there and I always enjoy myself but it is by no means a place where the "hot people" all hang out naked. Although that doesn't seem to stop groups of teenagers from walking past to get a peek. The nude beach seems to be divided up a bit depending on the types of people...there's a family section, a gay section, a swinger section...but everyone coexists very well together. There is NO SEX of any kind allowed, and as far as I've seen everyone obeys that rule. I like the beach a lot, and would go there more often with the wife if we could make it to the beach without the kids once in a while! But as I said it is not a sexual environment - my wife has said she finds it less sexualized than the clothed part of the beach with all the skimpy bathing suits and stuff...everyone is just there being themselves, letting it all hang out. :bigrin:

My wife and I have also visited a couple of swinger's clubs. We haven't been to the big ones in NYC but we have visited a couple off-premise clubs and one on-premise club on the island. We have found the swinger's clubs on Long Island are pretty cliquey, but they are a good place to meet up with other friends in "The Lifestyle". When we have been to the on-premise club it has always been as a social event with an online group we're members of, so I can't speak for how it would be coming in not knowing anyone. We have always had fun, and when we've gone somewhere and ended up not talking to anyone else (we're both kinda shy) we can still have fun "dancing" with each other.

Jul 7, 2008, 8:19 AM
Thanks for the comments Zwitter. No one seemed disturbed or ever commented on my wanderings. Of course I don't think many of them were "eccentric"

Jul 7, 2008, 9:21 AM
Thanks for the comments Zwitter. No one seemed disturbed or ever commented on my wanderings. Of course I don't think many of them were "eccentric"

*Nod* Anytime! I get alittle riled up by actions like that. I spend alot of time on the nudist side of the fence. One of the biggest complaints over there is having significant others/friends unwilling to goto a beach/resort due to their shyness factor. Now after putting all that work into convincing them to go, they show up and find guys like yourself whom does stuff like this or far worse. Let's say it's not exactly the best of situations.

Jul 7, 2008, 6:58 PM
Anteak is a very prefect example of one bad apple spoiling it for all the others. As a nudist couple we would probably take less violent measures.......like calling 911 and reporting him as a stalker. Yes, we would testify against him in court just to prove a point and send a message to others. We have done it before without hesitation.

Jul 7, 2008, 9:52 PM
To the couple in upsate NY that sent me a very nice e-mail...I can not reply. I am sorry to do this here, but you have set your preferences so that I can not reply. I would very much like to get in contact witgh you. Please send me an e-mail again witgh a way to contact.



Jul 8, 2008, 10:08 AM
Now keep in mind that nudist does not automatically mean swinger and vice versa. As I said earlier, AANR will yank a resorts membership in a NY minute if they feel that the resort is more sexually orientated.

I always get a kick that AANR is almost prudish in their attitude regarding things sexual!!!

Jul 8, 2008, 2:44 PM
I always get a kick that AANR is almost prudish in their attitude regarding things sexual!!!
Ditto, but look at from their POV. In order to maintain what ever political muscle they have to walk a fine line. Besides, you learn how to identify those who both swing and are nudists at the resorts in short order.

Jul 8, 2008, 7:33 PM
I have not had too much experiance. I was taken as a guest of a gentleman who is a friend from this site to Eden Lake in Naples, Florida about two and a half years ago. Frankly, given that I am six feet tall, NOT skinny, have a tummy that is big and saggy boobs I was frankly scared to death to go. But a promise is a promise....ok I lost a bet and had to pay up....I was sure I was going to be the ONE woman who stood out like a freak. My mother upon finding out that I was going nearly flipped...but instead went and bought me a cover up, a wide brimmed hat and beach towel.

What I found there was a warm and welcoming place that tolerated NO sexual advances at all. I had brought some gay magazine for my friend and he was not even allowed to read them for they may suggest impropriety. Turns out Yes, I was many things...I was the youngest ( 45 at the time), I was the tallest. I was not the fattest nor the one with the biggest bellie or saggiest boobs. Most of the people there were older, and all but two couples. I loved every moment I was there and will go back when I am back in Naples.

My second experiance was two years ago this Fourth of July. Hubby and I were invited by a great fellow from this site to vist Avalon in Paw Paw, West Virginia. This was a nine and a half hour drive which we did overnight to get there. What a great place...it was a family resort. At first I was somewhat taken back that families were there, but it was handled with such openness and truth. You can rent rooms in the hotel section of the facility, but also can camp or use travel trailers. I admit that I spent most of the time cooking for everyone, but would also go back there also.

My brother is a nudest and has gone to many of the places mentioned above in Florida and New York. He says that the are welcoming but again sexual activity is subtle it seems.


Jul 8, 2008, 10:05 PM
I am a single male.
So, this discussion has been very useful.
I now know where I am totally not welcome.
(Maybe even worse)
I will definitely stay away.
Thank you for the synopsis of Nudist resorts.

seminole bi cpl
Jul 9, 2008, 7:55 AM
Central Florida has the majority of nudist resorts. Lake Come being the oldest, caters more to campers. Paradise Lakes is a great resort that was the orig. upscale resort that now caters mostly to a 30-60 yr. old crowd of long-time nudists. Camp David is a gay nudist resort. Caliente is an up-scale nudist resort that we found caters more to the "yuppie" crowd....lots of swingers also. Cypress Cove in Kissimmee (near orlando) is another upscale "family" nudist resort. Altho we have alot more nudist resorts in Florida, these seem to be the nicest and all are within an hour or so of the tampa bay area. All have some degree of swinging but nothing outwardly visible. Hve Fun...:tongue:

Jul 9, 2008, 9:35 PM
When I joined my couple as a live-in, they belonged to Paradise Lakes. We decided that it was an important pat of their lives and that we should continue to go. So I joined as a single and they joined as a couple.

It is a great resort and we enjoyed it very much. In the early days of our triad ('98-2000) it was much more open and some sexual activity was allowed. At that time there could be some light petting and an occaional hard-on in the conversation pool after 1 AM. I remember one night someone brought a bottle of chocolate syrup to the conversation tub and we took turns pouring it on the women's breasts and licking it off. After a couple of years they tightened up the rules and introduced the "Penis Police" - guys with flash lights to walk around the pools after midnight. We moved from the area (further north) and let our membership drop.

A small world story... One afternoon at Como, we saw a man that my fem partner knew from her business world. He was coming in the gate and we assumed he was there as a guest. She walked up to him (naked) to say hello. He smiled and seemed pleased to see her as he said, "I'm here with the band." Oops!

Another time we arranged to meet one of my fem partner's good female friends at Paradise Lakes in the night club on Friday night. The club is a very erotic environment where the women dress from sexy negliges (sp) to total nudity to dance. I was excited to see this woman at the nudist resort because she was really cute, had a good figure and I wanted to see her nude. :)

Well, I had to work until 9 PM so I got there after they did. We normally just dropped our clothes in the parking lot and went directly in the club naked. It was November and pretty cool even for Florida and I wandered into the club completely nude looking for my friends. When I saw them, the awful truth dawned! The friend was self concious and had not disrobed. So our fem partner did not and her husband didn't and as I walked up and said, "Hi!," I was the only one naked! It was just like Seinfeld.

"Boy! It's really cool outside tonight," I said.

Shortly thereafter, the friend married a really stright guy who frowned on her hangin' out with a 3sum and we drifted apart. But we still laugh about that night.

We haven't been to a nudist resort in a while but we love 'em.

Sep 21, 2008, 5:50 AM